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My Browser Builds (Part 4)

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4 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

Looks like the same message as before:


Timestamp: 10/22/2023 1:54:25 PM
Error: DataCloneError: The object could not be cloned.
Source File: https://static.chasecdn.com/web/library/@webchan/cxo-host-app/1.15.43/33.d848b99ac7fbd9417767.js
Line: 1

then the problem could be https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1556604

maybe we can create log at polyfill to see what they contains?

function stringify(obj, replacer, spaces, cycleReplacer) {
  var output = JSON.stringify(obj, serializer(replacer, cycleReplacer), spaces)
  return output


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Done. But there's so much output in the js console, including many from the console.log added to the structuredClone polyfill, it's really hard to know which one is the problem. And oddly, I can't seem to find the [Circular ~] part anywhere in the output.

Perhaps try cloning this simple self-referencing array and see if it triggers a failure. I'm pretty sure @UCyborg's version looped on cloning an array:

var arr = [];
arr[0] = arr;


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18 minutes ago, Mathwiz said:

Done. But there's so much output in the js console, including many from the console.log added to the structuredClone polyfill, it's really hard to know which one is the problem. And oddly, I can't seem to find the [Circular ~] part anywhere in the output.

Perhaps try cloning this simple self-referencing array and see if it triggers a failure. I'm pretty sure @UCyborg's version looped on cloning an array:

var arr = [];
arr[0] = arr;


I wonder if some Object types are not handled by that polyfill, just chase doesn't really care about them.

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On 10/19/2023 at 1:09 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Another common "attempt" to break older browsers can be fixed with:

 // ==UserScript==
// @name Inject randomUUID() Polyfill [92]
// @version 0.0.1
// @match *://*/*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

if (!('randomUUID' in crypto))
  crypto.randomUUID = function randomUUID() {
    return (
      c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)


"Upstream" just implemented this natively in UXP:


Thanks @basilisk-dev :wub: ...

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On 10/22/2023 at 8:35 PM, Mathwiz said:

But isn't that the M$ app store? Yeah, it'd be nice if it worked, but not much use for it on XP or Vista (or even Win 7, for that matter).

It might be another sign of things to come. Remember how structuredClone appeared on MS Edge download page? Later, it shows up on another website you're visiting and it turns out the implementation that has landed in UXP in the meantime isn't even good enough for it.

OT: I don't use much stuff from MS Store. Not sure what my bank is cooking up, they have a new Android app (needs Android 6 instead of 5 like old one, so I'm still 1 version ahead), they might cancel the old one in the future, comments on Google Play say it's worse (for banking tasks) and if/when they bump up requirements or if I won't be able to activate if/when they cancel the old one (running custom OS, which can be problematic for picky apps), I might switch to Windows app to be able to access their web interface.

I tried it in the past, but stuck to mobile app, because I have no idea how to backup Windows' app data in case of reinstall/migration to another PC and it's more likely for me to tear my Windows apart and start over compared to my phone. I can backup the data in its folder, but it's tied to the original Windows user account somehow. Even making new account and going out of the way to change SID to the old one doesn't help. Maybe that Protect folder or wherever the heck Windows keeps crypto stuff is involved...haven't tried, I think I only ever read something about it later, maybe even on this forum regarding how Chromium ties certain data in the user profile to Windows user account. The idea of having a dedicated virtual machine also crossed my mind, but didn't feel like bothering with that.

I much preferred the old way when you had your personal certificate in the browser and that was it, but no, we're forced to use these stupid apps.

The other thing I experimented with that is obtainable through MS Store were the new Media Foundation codecs. Chromium can be set to use them with MediaFoundation for Clear flag (chrome://flags/#enable-media-foundation-clear or edge://flags/#edge-mf-clear-playback-win10 in case of MS Edge), they can be more performant than the ones it normally uses, though there are glitches, eg. forget leaving YouTube playing in the background. Not much is written about the flag, but on my low-end laptop from 2014, Windows 10 + Chromium with that flag is the only way to have smooth 1080p @ 60 FPS video in a browser. I must have experimented with combinations of Pale Moon, Firefox, Windows 8.1, Linux in the past, but didn't find as good performance with mixing those. Though for H.264 codec, which I stick with on the laptop, no additional codec has to be installed, unlike for VP9 or AV1.

What they're cooking with Win11, no comment...what would happen if no 3rd party devs were working on restoring good functionality, would anyone even notice?

Edited by UCyborg
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Hello @roytam1, I wish to report some troubles using your MaiNews software.  When using your MailNews software from the "mailnews.win32-20231021-d0fd16ed-uxp-dd9eca1b39-xpmod.7z" package, application performance becomes very unstable and very unresponsive.  System performance otherwise does decrease by not as much.  I reverted back to the "mailnews.win32-20230819-d0fd16ed-uxp-864fc133a3-xpmod.7z" build and performance is good again.

A second issue I noticed when trying the last few builds of MailNews, is that loading the mail messages is noticeably slower than older versions like from the "mailnews.win32-20230819-d0fd16ed-uxp-864fc133a3-xpmod.7z" build.  All my MailNews loaded accounts are of IMAP type and using Gmail.

I would also like to report a third problem with the MailNews application that has been present for a long time:
The "Attachments" Preferences tab does not fully display the chrome://messenger/content/preferences/applications.xul contents; the top part of the content is cut off and "Incoming" and "Outgoing" tabs are hidden.  To toggle the tabs despite lack of being able to click them (amongst other valid methods), in the Content Type list, select the Action of the last list item (you might need to click multiple times for the selection to happen), then type Ctrl+Tab.

Thank you for the MailNews application and your development generally.  It has been rather useful.

So far my favorite Web Browser that you provide is the bNavigator application.  There has been the issue, however, where the browser would become laggy after visiting select websites.  Upon closing the troublesome websites, but keeping the browser application instance, the performance troubles would continue until closing the browser instance and opening it again.

I use Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3.

Edited by Ascii2
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Hello there Roy and company. I just wanted to mention that using Serpent I am having a few small problems. When I log into facebook, after a while it tends to lock up. It always did and I solved it by restarting. It's logical up to a point as facebook has too many images, videos and such. A very heavy platform. But now sometimes it just closes by itself.

I opted to stop using uMatrix and a few other extensions that were not so necessary and Serpent works much lighter and faster. I stayed with uBlock Origin only.

Oh well, nothing radical. Always grateful for your work.

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11 minutes ago, chermany4ever said:

Hello there Roy and company. I just wanted to mention that using Serpent I am having a few small problems. When I log into facebook, after a while it tends to lock up. It always did and I solved it by restarting. It's logical up to a point as facebook has too many images, videos and such. A very heavy platform. But now sometimes it just closes by itself.

I opted to stop using uMatrix and a few other extensions that were not so necessary and Serpent works much lighter and faster. I stayed with uBlock Origin only.

Which Serpent version? There are two versions of Serpent: UXP (version 52.0), and moebius (version 55.0). In which Serpent version this exactly happens?

Edited by mina7601
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Notice: NM28 users that is using custom language packs have to update your language pack with changed strings, or you will get a blank preference dialog.

changes details: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commit/591a887bf3b30ed366fa6738e02acdc5ce491d98#diff-4b8bab15a795abe78067a97a684a5bbcbf8fda5ef5a76423d7cb52f72590afba

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On 10/27/2023 at 3:42 AM, roytam1 said:

Notice: NM28 users that is using custom language packs have to update your language pack with changed strings, or you will get a blank preference dialog.

changes details: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commit/591a887bf3b30ed366fa6738e02acdc5ce491d98#diff-4b8bab15a795abe78067a97a684a5bbcbf8fda5ef5a76423d7cb52f72590afba


Here is the updated Dutch one. :)

(ping @gerwin)

Edited by nicolaasjan
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Is there any chance that future versions of the Serpent52 will be OK with https://flightradar24.com/ ?
Right now the site only displays a white screen with a top bar.

In the error console there are only:
<TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.>
<TypeError: error loading dynamically imported module>
<TypeError: invalid arguments.>

Edited by Mehmed
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8 hours ago, roytam1 said:

Notice: NM28 users that is using custom language packs have to update your language pack with changed strings, or you will get a blank preference dialog.

changes details: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commit/591a887bf3b30ed366fa6738e02acdc5ce491d98#diff-4b8bab15a795abe78067a97a684a5bbcbf8fda5ef5a76423d7cb52f72590afba

Thanks for the hint, @roytam1! I'll update my German language pack as soon as possible. I already fixed another problem in the options dialogue months ago.

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