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ProxHTTPSProxy and HTTPSProxy in Windows XP for future use


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Hey come on "guys (since we know all of you are :D)"! I didn't do it to start a gender argument here, I just thought of it because his name's being used for females here (believe or not).
Maybe gender info can be put under the avatar like some forums did. And when someone chose not to specify it, we can just call them "they".

12 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Hello @SC7601! That's correct! I would be very pleased if I got feedback from users who can test my program package in a real installation (no VM) of Windows XP on a period-correct hardware. BTW, my Windows XP computer is equipped with a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz Northwood single core CPU and only 1.5 GB SD-RAM. No SSD, no SATA but IDE hard disks, and the graphic card is NVIDIA 6200 AGP 4x. You see, we both are running Windows XP on a Pentium 4. You do not need to use old Chrome browsers. In the MSFN forum, we have a lot of browsers compatible with Windows XP and quite recent to surf the web nowadays. Here is the link to the post of my program package:

And here is the link to the forum with topics referring to browsers in Windows XP:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me! :yes:

Greetings from Germany, AstroSkipper ecrire-ordi.gif

Isn't that for allowing TLS 1.3 on system-wide? AFAIK 360Chrome and Firefox (at least Mypal 68) supports it, so I thought of using a browser which is incapable of it. In the end Chrome 49 came up on my mind, but if you know the one that is "compatible with most sites but doesn't support TLS 1.3", let me know.

By the way, my XP-system has an Intel Pentium 4 3.06 GHz "Prescott", 1.5 GB of DDR2 RAM and an ATI Radeon 9200SE.

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1 hour ago, SC7601 said:

I just thought of it because his name's being used for females here (believe or not).

Same here in Germany. Mina is the first name of a female. But in Egypt, it is vice versa!

1 hour ago, SC7601 said:

Isn't that for allowing TLS 1.3 on system-wide?

Right! Or, you can also use the TLS 1.3 proxy locally.

1 hour ago, SC7601 said:

but if you know the one that is "compatible with most sites but doesn't support TLS 1.3", let me know.

The TLS 1.3 proxy and thus also my program package makes it possible to establish connections to servers or generally to the Internet via the TLS 1.3 protocol (and all other TLS protocols which was already done with previous releases) in Windows XP even independently of browsers, which was not possible before. You can test my program package with the old Firefox ESR 52.9.0. Here is a link, you still have to choose your language: 
https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/52.9.0esr/win32/ link.gif
And, in any case, with the Internet Explorer 8, too. Some email programs and others also need such a proxy nowadays. All information about these proxies can be found in my article "ProxHTTPSProxy and HTTPSProxy in Windows XP for future use" in the first post of this thread. This article will be updated when time is available. :) My program package ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 is fully documented inside its archive. :hello:

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2 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

You can test my program package with the old Firefox ESR 52.9.0.

... Just a small "tidbit", if you will... :P While FxESR 52.9.x doesn't support the final Draft 28 (later known as RFC 8446) of TLS v1.3, it has support for a previous draft (26?), that can be enabled via setting:


While the majority of TLSv1.3-enabled sites won't accept that "non-final" draft, a few will; case in point being: 


which will report for FxESR 52.9.1 that:

Protocol Support
Your user agent has good protocol support.
Your user agent supports TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3, which are recommended protocol version at the moment.


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15 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I'd be half tempted to "put money on it" that this is the type of forum that garners ZERO females.  Not to stereotype or anything.


I wonder why?? Aren't girls interested in learning computer as we are?

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1 hour ago, XPerceniol said:

Aren't girls interested in learning computer as we are?

The computer has to work and do its job. If not, you have to solve it! But please, do not talk about it! It's boring. :P Ever experienced this? :rolleyes:

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15 hours ago, XPerceniol said:


I wonder why?? Aren't girls interested in learning computer as we are?

5 years back my wife didn't know basic things as VLOOKUP in Excel...  I learned her a lot and now she works as Data Analytics, her daily cup of coffee is now SQL and various data reporting tools. But it was hard journey :D 

We can now discuss many things at home as I work as Reporting and Development Analytics :D


But true is, many girls don't understand these computer logics..

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Update notification! update.gif

The Root Certificates have been updated and are now from 23-08-2022. Here is a screenshot:


My self-created, offline Root Certificate Updaters will be updated as soon as possible. :)

Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

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I really appreciate all the work that has gone into keeping Windows XP a viable operating system.

Thank you AstroSkipper for putting all the information together to get the updates system working again and presenting ProxHTTPSProxy in a complete form (PopMenu).

I've been given a small ASUS Eee PC 901 laptop to sort out (Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 4GB SSD, 8GB SSD). With the information from these forums I have been able to carry out a clean installation of Windows XP Home with all available updates (not POS as the storage is very limited). By copying tasklist32.exe from an XP Pro system to C:\Windows\System32 I was also able to get PopMenu working under XP Home and have installed ArcticFoxie's version of 360 Chrome which seems to work pretty well considering the hardware it is running on! With this combination it is possible to browse the web without constant security errors, even sites that use 'elliptic curve' SSL.

It would be really great if there could be an option for auto starting the proxy in a later release of PopMenu. I have been able to simulate this by making a 'minimised' shortcut to ProxHTTPSProxy.exe in the Startup folder on the Start menu.

Thanks again for all your hard work.


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I know this program triggers false positives on AV programs, but I'm particularly concerned about the message I got after installing and trying to run the proxy: "Min2Tray.exe is trying to record keystrokes by installing a keyboard hook." What part of the program is triggering that?

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4 hours ago, cnfcomps said:

I really appreciate all the work that has gone into keeping Windows XP a viable operating system.

Thank you AstroSkipper for putting all the information together to get the updates system working again and presenting ProxHTTPSProxy in a complete form (PopMenu).

Hello @cnfcomps! Thanks for your nice reply! BTW, it was not only a collecting of information about restoring MU system in Windows XP but own work and solutions, too, which were very time-consuming.

4 hours ago, cnfcomps said:

It would be really great if there could be an option for auto starting the proxy in a later release of PopMenu. I have been able to simulate this by making a 'minimised' shortcut to ProxHTTPSProxy.exe in the Startup folder on the Start menu.

An Autostart option will be a feature in one of the next releases if I can see a real interest in my already published program package. An author lives from the feedback of the users, and the feedback on my project ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 is rather modest. Only few comments and reactions on my program package itself!

4 hours ago, cnfcomps said:

Thanks again for all your hard work.

You're welcome! :)

Cheers, AstroSkipper ecrire-ordi.gif

PS: If you like my project or my program package, please, support it by liking or up-voting!

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3 hours ago, beansmuggler said:

I know this program triggers false positives on AV programs, but I'm particularly concerned about the message I got after installing and trying to run the proxy: "Min2Tray.exe is trying to record keystrokes by installing a keyboard hook." What part of the program is triggering that?

Hello @beansmuggler! That's Min2Tray, an open source program to minimize program windows to the systray. The installed hook is needed for keyboard shortcuts. Add it to your exclusion list or whitelist! :yes: Read my documentation! :) Min2Tray is very well known and totally harmless. Google it! ssuper5sur5.gif trust_me.gif
And, it is definitely not this: espion.gif

Cheers, AstroSkipper ecrire-ordi.gif

PS: If you like my project or my program package, please, support it by liking or up-voting!

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