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StartAllBack for Windows 11


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On 11/18/2023 at 7:37 AM, Tihiy said:

Not all icons have bitmap representation anymore, like network icon. I've entertained idea of notification icon styles, but that comes jarring unless restyling every one ever. StartAllBack does not support 'classic unstyled' look.

I am interested in Startallback supporting programs such as 7tsp that replace all the icons in the system. For example if I set Windows 7 skin in startallback, and I run 7tsp to replace all the icons in the system with the Windows 7 icons. Startisback supported this fine, but since Startallback replaces the icons in the tray, it does not use the icons that 7tsp replace in the files. The Windows 7 theme is forced to use Windows 11 icons, which does not fit at all. A simple way to stop icon replacement would fix this. The icons are replaced perfectly fine with startalback disabled and the windows 10 taskbar enabled using explorerpatcher, so it's possible, but that doesn't have a Windows 7 theme.

Edited by Ten2O
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3 hours ago, ender` said:

Bug: trying to pin an Android app (running through WSA) to Start Menu results in some random (always the same) app getting pinned:





Try going to shell:start menu or shell:common start menu and dragging the shortcut onto the start button. I found this bug when pinning PWAs and that workaround helped me.

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