After system start or reboot. Windows Mode is set to Dark, Apps Mode is Light. Happens with any style on both my PC's, after reappling style in SAB's settings or restarting explorer the scrollbar is back to normal.
A bug with scrollbar in Start Menu and custom theme still happens on 3.8.6. Also faced a new bug when after time cannot access folders or system tray from taskbar.
bandicam 2024-08-27 00-31-06-707.mp4
1. After system start, the scrollbar is black in start menu, after re-applying the style in SAB's settings it goes back to normal.
2. GIMP 2.8.14 should show image preview in taskbar, but it is only GIMP's icon.
With custom theme and light desktop background or another app on the foreground the preview's background is more lighter than it should be. Also jumplists have no transparency at all.
The hover background of elements in the default style of taskbar and start menu use a texture in the form of gray rectangle with rounded corners and dark border, so in dark theme the dark borders looks like blured. Can you invert border colors for dark theme to more bright, like Windows does in its interface?