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About ender`

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    Windows 11

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  1. My two problems with modern Alt-Tab are 1. there's a noticeable delay before it appears (especially on my low-end ARM tablet) and 2. the window previews don't add any value to me, because in high contrast mode windows look mostly the same, and the program icons are too small to be distinguishable For me the most important thing about Alt+Tab window is that it appears instantly, and that the program icons are recognisable (this is a problem with classic Alt-Tab window – modern apps all have the generic window icon, though I luckily don't use enough of those to be a problem). I don't care if the window has modern flat look, just as long as there's not too much clutter.
  2. Tihiy: not sure if this is something you can fix, but I noticed that the classic Alt+Tab dialog box (shown if you hold down Alt, tap the other Alt key, and then press Tab, or if you set HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer→AltTabSettings to 1) doesn't work any more on 24H2 (Windows 11 Pro 26100.268, Windows Server 2025 26100.560) – the dialog box doesn't appear at all, and Windows instead behaves as if Alt+Esc was pressed. Is this something that could be fixed by StartAllBack?
  3. Those $5 keys are as much cheating as using digital licenses…
  4. I've got a small problem with StartAllBack on my Volterra – when I connect with Remote Desktop, moving my mouse over the items in the right column of Start Menu often results in corruption of the background colour: I'm not sure if this is something you can fix (I wouldn't be surprised if the problem is somewhere in Qualcomm's graphic driver), though the problem only affects the default visual style (at least I can't reproduce the problem with Plain8 and Windows 7).
  5. Ouch, that's a problem for me – the new taskbar's awful (random button widths when not grouping icons, no small icons, no quicklaunch toolbars…)
  6. Another problem I noticed: when connected with Remote Desktop, the Start Menu → Power button default action setting doesn't work (it always resets to Log off, even if I choose Disconnect or Lock, the only other two options offered in power button's menu).
  7. More wrong-coloured tooltips in 3.7.5:
  8. I'm not sure if this started with 3.7.5, but I noticed that tooltips are now white-on-grey instead of following my (high contrast) theme: (the pinned icon tooltips also appear above the taskbar, even if there's a quicklaunch toolbar in between)
  9. It does work, I tested it before posting (I've had a shortcut to a .txt file pinned in my Start Menu since Windows 7, but with the method I wrote, it works with StartAllBack on Windows 11). 1. Create shortcut: 2. drag shortcut to Start Button: 3. shortcut is now pinned in Start Menu:
  10. But that's not what I said – creating a shortcut to notepad c:\path\to\file.txt is different from creating a shortcut to c:\path\to\file.txt, since the former forces the file to always open with Notepad, while the latter will use whichever program is associated with .txt files (and if the association changes after the shortcut was created, the file will then open with the newly associated program without having to edit the shortcut at all).
  11. Create a shortcut to that text file somewhere, then drag it to the Start button.
  12. Bug: trying to pin an Android app (running through WSA) to Start Menu results in some random (always the same) app getting pinned:
  13. I've got 3 Nvidia Settings icons in the notification area popup for some reason; all 3 have a tooltip, but only one of them responds to clicks.
  14. The window metrics settings in Registry are still respected, even if the UI to set them has been gone for a long time now (look in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics, you need to log off and log back on if you change anything). Unfortunately, programs that draw their own titlebars often ignore these settings, and it seems that with recent updates Office 365 joined this bandwagon.
  15. Good, because naturally this time when I got home, the problem did not manifest. OTOH, a different problem appeared: the QuickLaunch toolbar icons stayed small:
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