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On 12/4/2023 at 10:15 AM, Tihiy said:

HKCU\Control Panel\NotifyIconSettings

Ah yes, thanks. In coming from 3.6.last to 3.7.1, I noticed that my clipboard program was listed 6 times in the Tray Icons menu, but I found them there in the reg to delete. I suspect this is because they had distinct "InitialTooltip" (given that the clipboard program puts what you're copying to the clipboard in the tooltip),  but that's just a guess. 

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6 hours ago, rseiler said:

Ah yes, thanks. In coming from 3.6.last to 3.7.1, I noticed that my clipboard program was listed 6 times in the Tray Icons menu, but I found them there in the reg to delete. I suspect this is because they had distinct "InitialTooltip" (given that the clipboard program puts what you're copying to the clipboard in the tooltip),  but that's just a guess. 

That's a bug if they have same UID. What app is that?

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10 hours ago, Tihiy said:

They don't.

The two I initially looked at do, but beyond that what does it mean relative to the feature that we're talking about that the same app can have different IDs at different times? I know for sure that it's the same app because of the 2008 thing.

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StartAllBack 3.7.2


- Fixed some apps systray icons misbehaving

- Fixed virtualized apps sys tray icons missing in configurator

- Vertical systray icons fixes

- Fixed Notepad++ tabs with dark magic


Edited by Tihiy
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