Dixel Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 3 hours ago, XPerceniol said: I like the fact that you are leaning more towards privacy and getting rid of the spying aspect(s) of chromium in general. As I've stated before, I realize we need this browser. I have (practically) everything blocked (web-gl , web-rtc , dom-storage , local cache) in FF as well so I'm used to it for the sake of privacy. Just would rather have it that way. Well , thank you . But it seems some folks can't live without emojis and other things (like first start and web-gl) so it will be very hard to have an agreement where everyone here is satisfied . But I can share my version with you , if you want , just shoot me a message. It is kinda heavily axed , brutally . But it has English errors which I'm too lazy/busy to fix. This would definitely annoy some certain members , so I won't publish it in the open. 1
NotHereToPlayGames Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 I already disable web-gl and wasm out of the gate. Disabling WebRTC requires adding an extension which I don't install prior to public upload. UA-hints is a new one, I'll have to look into that one, thanks. Also not familiar with "no first run" flag, will look into that also, another thanks. 1
NotHereToPlayGames Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 (edited) I use uMatrix to block third-party fonts, including emojis. I don't think it blocks them as well as MyPal / New Moon / FF-based font settings though. Edited July 20, 2021 by ArcticFoxie
Dixel Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 (edited) 3 hours ago, ArcticFoxie said: UA-hints is a new one, I'll have to look into that one, thanks. UA hints works starting from chrome 85 (so v.13 is the first to include it) . What is this ? It is a new API which sends you real User Agent ! So you won't fool gurgle/youtbue and other corporations that are willing to know everything about you . It was implemented to restrict usage of UA spoofing extensions/flags/switches . I'm kinda the first to talk about it here . What am I afraid of ? I think we shouldn't write every thing we disable in the open , they know how to read too , you know ! I have like a ton of countermeasures in my version already . And not wanting them to know what exactly I was able to remove/disable , the most important is how and where exactly. Edited July 20, 2021 by Dixel not needed comma 1
NotHereToPlayGames Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 (edited) I'm all for countermeasures for our own peace of mind regarding our own levels of paranoia. But there is also a point where it reaches the level of a psychiatric disorder. I don't own a phone but that's because I use VoIP over my internet connection. But let's use a phone as an example - going the extents to that of being afraid that Google is reading your MSFN posts? I have to ask, do you own a phone with GPS capabilities? You see where I'm going? I don't really have a desire to sit in a buggy and stare at a horses butt while traveling from A to B and don't really want to milk a cow and churn my own butter while the wife rakes laundry over one of those curragated thingamajiggies down at the creek and the daughter spins cotton into thread for next year's overalls. I hope you post from a coffee shop or public library if your level of paranoia is as extreme as you make it sound. But jokes and sarcasm aside, yes, I get it, countermeasures gallore... To an extent... Edited July 20, 2021 by ArcticFoxie
Dixel Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 3 hours ago, ArcticFoxie said: I'm all for countermeasures for our own peace of mind regarding our own levels of paranoia. But there is also a point where it reaches the level of a psychiatric disorder. I don't own a phone but that's because I use VoIP over my internet connection. But let's use a phone as an example - going the extents to that of being afraid that Google is reading your MSFN posts? I have to ask, do you own a phone with GPS capabilities? You see where I'm going? I don't really have a desire to sit in a buggy and stare at a horses butt while traveling from A to B and don't really want to milk a cow and churn my own butter while the wife rakes laundry over one of those curragated thingamajiggies down at the creek and the daughter spins cotton into thread for next year's overalls. I hope you post from a coffee shop or public library if your level of paranoia is as extreme as you make it sound. But jokes and sarcasm aside, yes, I get it, countermeasures gallore... To an extent... 1 - I do not consider myself paranoic on any level . It's just a big pack of precautions . You're very welcome not to follow them (this is one of the reasons I shan't share my version). 2 - Gugle bot is reading, sending and indexing , yes. 3 - No , of course not . GPS is disabled with a soldering iron . (the newer phones have them , even basic phones with buttons) 4 - I do not know why , I'm still trying to find an explanation , maybe it's the lack of the manners or maybe it's because we are from absolutely different countries , but some of your posts do sound extremely rude , like really-really rude , it's like in the movies , when it's time to go out of the bar to get some fresh air, lol .
NotHereToPlayGames Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Dixel said: ...maybe it's because we are from absolutely different countries... I have wondered the same regarding your posts, so "who knows". Oh well, to each there own. But, and I am paraphrasing, I don't recall ever saying "are you an id1ot, why would anyone enable that feature, do you even know what it is" and you directed that paraphrase to me twice (at least it seemed), so yeah, you rub me the wrong way at times! But moving on... I did place you on "ignore" for a while, but I'll go ahead and give you another try as you were "positive" with a few 360Chrome suggestions a few posts ago, so "onward and upward". I was searching an hour or so ago trying to gauge Netherlands privacy concerns relative to the privacy concerns (ie, the very reason we remove telemetry and monitor "connections" in 360Chrome) of us on this side of the pond. The US definitely lags behind based on several global news sources, it looks like your country protects you more than you give them credit for, who knows. The EU has privacy czars and the GDPR and CCPA and I even saw Netherlands is in the midsts of a lawsuit against Facebook that the courts handed Facebook a loss as far as their attempts to drop the case. So you disabled a phone's GPS with a soldering iron but you don't see yourself as paranoic on any level, just merely precautionary? Again, oh well, to each there own. Constant usage of the word "gugle" strikes me as a bit odd, but you are from a country trying to knock Facebook down a few pegs - I wholly and fully support any endeavor of that nature. I can remember our government breaking up "Ma Bell" into five (?) "Baby Bells" when I was growing up - but we (the US) has enabled Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon to grow to gigantuous sizes. I also remember the day when everybody would call Microsoft "M$" like your use of "gugle". Nothing really happened with Microsoft aside from "browser choice" or whatever they called it and Windows operating systems no longer putting a big blue "E" with a halo on the desktop. I wholly and fully support any knockdown of Google, Facebook, et cetera. But I still think we can call them "Google". But to each there own (which, I admit, is often times easier said than done). Edited July 21, 2021 by ArcticFoxie
XPerceniol Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 for some reason, you guys crack me up =P Well, my shrink has already renovated their entire property (I'm sure) from me alone, and I'm still nuts :) Well... they will have to come find me: The Ugly Animal Preservation Society named the blobfish as its mascot after a global online vote in 2013. The gelatinous fish lives at depths of up to 1,200 meters off the coast of Australia where it feeds on crabs and lobsters. It's under threat as it often gets caught up in fishing nets... but you wouldn't want to eat it. Will catch up with you guys tomorrow. I need to wind down and get ready for sleep - beauty like this doesn't happen by accident; as you can (clearly) see. 1
Humming Owl Posted July 21, 2021 Author Posted July 21, 2021 3 hours ago, ArcticFoxie said: For starters, I had to edit Preferences to open an empty page on startup - never been a big fan of the browser opening ANYTHING on startup. Launched for First Run, closed, launched a 2nd time, closed, launched a 3rd time, copied logs below. TcpLogView -- Event Time Event Type Local Address Remote Address Remote Host Name Local Port Remote Port Process ID Process Name Process Path Process User Remote IP Country 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM Open ord38s29-in-f3.1e100.net 1064 443 1480 360chrome.exe C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\360ChromePortable v11\Chrome\Application\360chrome.exe WINXPPRO\Administrator 7/20/2021 4:39:25 PM Close ord38s29-in-f3.1e100.net 1064 443 1480 360chrome.exe C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\360ChromePortable v11\Chrome\Application\360chrome.exe WINXPPRO\Administrator NetworkTrafficView -- Ethernet Type IP Protocol Source Address Destination Address Source Port Destination Port Service Name Status Packets Count Total Packets Size Total Data Size Data Speed Maximum Data Speed Average Packet Size Maximum Packet Size First Packet Time Last Packet Time Duration Latency Process ID Process Filename TCP Ack TCP Push TCP Reset TCP Syn TCP Fin TCP SACK SACK Permitted Maximum Segment Size TCP Window Size TCP Window Scale TTL Source Country Destination Country IPv4 UDP 1063 1900 4 820 708 205.0 205 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM 7/20/2021 4:39:09 PM 00:00:02.347 1480 360chrome.exe 0 0 0 0 0 1 IPv4 ICMP 12 672 432 56.0 56 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM 7/20/2021 4:39:53 PM 00:00:46.355 0 0 0 0 0 255 IPv4 UDP 50913 53 domain 1 61 33 61.0 61 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM 00:00:00.000 1480 360chrome.exe 0 0 0 0 0 128 IPv4 UDP 53 50913 domain 1 77 49 77.0 77 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM 00:00:00.000 1480 360chrome.exe 0 0 0 0 0 64 IPv4 UDP 55622 53 domain 1 74 46 74.0 74 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM 00:00:00.000 248 TcpLogView.exe 0 0 0 0 0 128 IPv4 UDP 53 55622 domain 1 112 84 112.0 112 7/20/2021 4:39:08 PM 7/20/2021 4:39:08 PM 00:00:00.000 248 TcpLogView.exe 0 0 0 0 0 64 IPv4 UDP 1065 1900 4 820 708 0.2 KiB/Sec 205.0 205 7/20/2021 4:39:35 PM 7/20/2021 4:39:39 PM 00:00:03.155 1400 360chrome.exe 0 0 0 0 0 1 IPv4 UDP 1066 1900 4 820 708 0.2 KiB/Sec 205.0 205 7/20/2021 4:39:50 PM 7/20/2021 4:39:53 PM 00:00:03.499 540 360chrome.exe 0 0 0 0 0 1 DNSQuerySniffer -- Host Name Port Number Query ID Request Type Request Time Response Time Duration Response Code Records Count A CNAME AAAA NS MX SOA PTR SRV TEXT Source Address Destination Address IP Country www.gstatic.com 50913 3263 A 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM.709 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM.733 23 ms Ok 1 55622 8502 PTR 7/20/2021 4:39:07 PM.968 7/20/2021 4:39:08 PM.007 39 ms Ok 1 ord38s29-in-f3.1e100.net Not familiar with Wireshark and don't see a way to copy and paste and don't really have the time to learn it at the moment. Pastes above aren't formatted very well, but taking screencaps, uploading to Dropbox, then embedding a shared link on the forum just takes too d@mn long at the moment. I tested the browser from a clean Win7 machine with TcpLogView and LiveTcpUdpWatch and got no chinese connections (I could not test with WireShark because it did not recognize my modem). The only connections I got were the ones from always. @Gansangriff since you had this event, try to reproduce it, so that we can all look for a solution. 3 hours ago, XPerceniol said: As I've stated before, I realize we need this browser I think it is a very nice browser . Chromium-based browsers were almost forgotten for WinXP (at least from what I could see). Firefox based ones got all the attention. I'm not sure why exactly (maybe how easy it is to deal with Firefox's source code relative to Chromium's) but it seems a bit strange to me that it wasn't that much considered and/or possible (at least from this part of the world) to make Chromium compatible for WinXP. With this I am not taking away merit from Firefox based browsers, those who have maintained them have done a great job that I am not even aware of, but, I like Chromium, in my opinion it is more efficient.
Humming Owl Posted July 21, 2021 Author Posted July 21, 2021 3 hours ago, Dixel said: And not wanting them to know what exactly I was able to remove/disable , the most important is how and where exactly. Since I started testing this browser last year (RuRepack) what has always bothered me is that nothing came out about the modifications that the Russians made to it as in a blog. I want anyone to be able to know what was done to this browser and why it was manipulated the way it was done. I believe that trust and a good working environment can be formed for the advancement of this browser if at least that freedom of information can be realized. It is like an ideal because I would also like people who do not want to use my modified version of the browser to be able to experiment directly with the original version. I understand your point and I'm not trying to get information out of you or force you to do anything, I just wanted to mention this. I appreciate the information given from you and look forward to continuing to work with you. With respect to the differences between you and @ArcticFoxie I hope it gets better overtime. Not trying to question anything but I respect both of you and I want the best for you as well.
Humming Owl Posted July 21, 2021 Author Posted July 21, 2021 1 hour ago, XPerceniol said: The Ugly Animal Preservation Society named the blobfish as its mascot after a global online vote in 2013. The gelatinous fish lives at depths of up to 1,200 meters off the coast of Australia where it feeds on crabs and lobsters. It's under threat as it often gets caught up in fishing nets... but you wouldn't want to eat it. It's soooo ugly! but... why not eat it, maybe tastes like chicken
NotHereToPlayGames Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 8 hours ago, Humming Owl said: Firefox based ones got all the attention. This personally irritates me! I posted a First Run connections log for Basilisk several posts up. I counted eleven First Run connections in Basilisk yet they have gone completely unnoticed for "decades" yet one solitary gstatic connection in 360Chrome has the World in a Frenzy? Explain that, please! I'm showing Basilisk to make repeated connections with Cloudfare - why no frenzy? I'm showng Basilisk to make several connections with googleusercontent - why no frenzy? I'm showing Basilisk to make several connections with deploy.static.akamaitechnologies - why no frenzy? I'm showing Basilisk to make several connections with MCI Communications Services in Ashburn, VA - why no frenzy? I'm showing Basilisk to make several connections with Microsoft Corporation at One Microsoft Way in Richmond, WA - why no frenzy? What am I missing here? A blind trust for anything Firefox? Again, I wholly and fully support taking measures to make our own browsing experience free of telemetry! I've got nothing to "hide" and there is a balance between returning to driving a horse-drawn buggy and just allowing telemetry to go unchecked. But I have to admit, I really don't think that it is too much to ask for the folks that have such a great concern for 360Chrome making one solitary gstatic connection to have an equal concern for what their Firefox browsers have been logging for DECADES but has gone "unchecked" or "blindly trusted". 3
dmiranda Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 26 minutes ago, ArcticFoxie said: I counted eleven First Run connections in Basilisk yet they have gone completely unnoticed for "decades" yet one solitary gstatic connection in 360Chrome has the World in a Frenzy? Explain that, please! Most people don't care. But they have been noticed, and can be modified without much fuss from source, unlike chrome derivatives. The problem with the particular gstatic connection you mention is its history: it was once used to set up a unique identifier. Maybe that is not the case anymore. But that is why it irks people. 1
NotHereToPlayGames Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 52 minutes ago, dmiranda said: Most people don't care. Agreed! I boycott Facebook but people that are ADDICTED to it "don't care" that Facebook knows more about them then their own MOTHER knows about them. I'm aware of the history and Firefox is doing something similar, don't know the how's and the where's but I assure you that it is being done "somewhere" - and not just by "user agent". Because, and I personally don't understand it, but it's because "they" (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera - they ALL do it!) think that "market share statistics" are somehow "important" or somehow actually "mean something". It's a meaningless statistic - there's the ol' adage ---- There are three types of lies -- lies, d@mn lies, and statistics. WTFC about a web brower's "market share"? Does it "really" mean anything? I have EIGHT comptuers and every one of them has 360Chrome v13 build 2206 and MyPay v27.9.4 on them, some have Basilisk, some have NM 27, some have NM 28. Am I being "bean-counted" EIGHT times for 360Chrome and MyPal? Even if 360Chrome gets used 90% of the time and MyPal only gets used 10% of the time? Like I say, "they" do it because "they" have the false impression that "market share" not only "means something", but that it is so vastly important that they should spend millions trying to gauge it and collect first-run data, user-agent data, et cetera, and place "The Great Supercomputer Deep Thought" (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) in a dark corner for 7.5 million years as it runs numbers on that data and find that Ultimate Answer -- 42... But I digress... 2
dmiranda Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 "But I digress... " Not really. You are talking about the iceberg below the tip. The current state of firefox really p***es me off. It's like Netscape in the 1990s. For a while, with a FOSS mentality, it managed to challenge IE. Then it tacked in the opposite direction, to disappear in a year or two. Firefox, since 52.9, is following the same c(o)urse, now under the GG rubric.
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