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We will miss IPS Default - the second theme


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It's bad for our community. The other theme worked much better with older browsers we use like Opera 10/11/12. Will it be possible to sign in or to write without KernelEX here in the future? At some point not anymore.:no:

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Testing with New Moon 28.10.2a1 - A Roytam1 browser build, so we'll see after I hit "post"?!


Here is a screen shot of all the blank buttons I see here on Win XP Service Pack 3. untitled.thumb.JPG.c20a9b628f9ce7a26297cee5f945466c.JPG

Edited by XPerceniol
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It's an objective downgrade on desktop, and on mobile I still prefer the old design. I had to switch my browser on mobile just to make this post because the other browser didn't load the text box.

Also, email notifications get cut off, forcing me to visit the site if I want to read everything.

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Regarding that superugly HUGE BLACK botch covering LIKE buttons:

IMAGE: ips box-shadow messes LIKE button
(borrowed from schwups, thanks ;-) Wonder how upload works? So far only tried KM1.6, no chance)

This css FIX helps in KM74 (FF24):
body.ipsApp a.ipsReact_reaction:after{display: none !important;}

OR: only without infamous "box-shadow" with color-gradients:
body.ipsApp a.ipsReact_reaction:after{box-shadow: none !important;}

But no idea what effect this may have in younger browsers, perhaps it wreaks havoc??
Anyone can test? ;-)

culprit is this line in xxxxx_framework.css (at ca 20%):
a.ipsReact_reaction:after{position:absolute;top:50%;width:70px;height:70px;border-radius:50%;content:'';display:block;opacity:1;pointer-events:none;box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 35px rgba( var(--theme-text_color), 0 );}

Edited by siria
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On 1/4/2021 at 6:58 PM, asdf2345 said:

Also, email notifications get cut off, forcing me to visit the site if I want to read everything.

For me, this has been rectified as of Jan 12th 2021, ca. 15:00 GMT :cheerleader:
Thanks to those involved :thumbup...

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MSFN udpate Jan.2021

If anyone's interested, the IPS-CHANGELOG can be read here:
v4.5.2 https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/452-r94/
v4.5.3 https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/453-r96/
v4.5.4 https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/454-r97/

The list of changes in this version history are endless, especially the first one, 4.5.2 - in a quick first look haven't even managed yet to "fly" over everything.

This update 452 is culprit for breaking compatibility with OLD BROWSERS, now partly unusable here.
Few random snippets that caught my eye:

- We will no longer address any issues specific to Internet Explorer 11 and below and will not ensure compatibility with those versions
- Fixed user not being prompted for two-factor authentication when signing in from a new device.
- Fixed a CSRF error when revoking an OAuth access token

Such stuff makes me suspect -not surprisingly- that new members with old browsers may have trouble signing up (but not sure...)
And that long-time members may be very careful before using a different device, or change passwords etc, and especially if their old email adress may meanwhile be broken (but not sure...)

Edited by siria
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1 minute ago, siria said:

If anyone's interested, the IPS-CHANGELOG can be read here:

v4.5.2 https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/452-r94/
v4.5.3 https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/453-r96/
v4.5.4 https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/454-r97/

The list of changes in this version history are endless, especially the first one, 4.5.2 - in a quick first look haven't even managed yet to "fly" over everything.

This update 452 is culprit for breaking compatibility with OLD BROWSERS, now partly unusable here.
Few random snippets that caught my eye:

- We will no longer address any issues specific to Internet Explorer 11 and below and will not ensure compatibility with those versions
- Fixed user not being prompted for two-factor authentication when signing in from a new device.
- Fixed a CSRF error when revoking an OAuth access token

Such stuff makes me suspect -not surprisingly- that new members with old browsers may have trouble signing up (but not sure...)
And that long-time members may be very careful before using a different device, or change passwords etc, and especially if their old email adress may meanwhile be broken (but not sure...)

Well, there are always other forums with other forum software


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MSFN update Jan.2021, very important:
All IMAGES vanished: (and smilies too?)
Users with modern browsers and using JS please be aware those are now completely HIDDEN for all readers without javascript! And there is not even an empty border or broken image icon or ANY hint, readers will not even realize they are missing something! This also affects all old posts, all images now vanished (using data-src instead of src).
At the moment SMILIES are invisible too, but yesterday some worked and some not, so hopefully those are still in work and just need more admin tweaks (?)

PLEASE consider to add a hint yourself, e.g. adding "IMAGE:" before it or whatever, or yet better, include a normal link to the image URL. Something like this might be best:
IMAGE: (a href=URL...)(img + src=URL)(end a)
Lousy selfhelp: My user css to see at least a border as hint:

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3 hours ago, siria said:

MSFN update Jan.2021, very important:
All IMAGES vanished: (and smilies too?)
Users with modern browsers and using JS please be aware those are now completely HIDDEN for all readers without javascript! And there is not even an empty border or broken image icon or ANY hint, readers will not even realize they are missing something! This also affects all old posts, all images now vanished (using data-src instead of src).
At the moment SMILIES are invisible too, but yesterday some worked and some not, so hopefully those are still in work and just need more admin tweaks (?)

PLEASE consider to add a hint yourself, e.g. adding "IMAGE:" before it or whatever, or yet better, include a normal link to the image URL. Something like this might be best:
IMAGE: (a href=URL...)(img + src=URL)(end a)
Lousy selfhelp: My user css to see at least a border as hint:

I have tried with java script turned on with chrome 88 . No difference ! And I'm not gonna install that pesky java "awesome" font .

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2 minutes ago, Dixel said:

I have tried with java script turned on with chrome 88 . No difference ! And I'm not gonna install that pesky java "awesome" font .

Of course MSFN works with Chrome 88 and JS turned on. that is for if you use the website without JS or use a old browser

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3 hours ago, asdf2345 said:

Of course MSFN works with Chrome 88 and JS turned on. that is for if you use the website without JS or use a old browser

You misunderstood me . For me it doesn't . I have NO smiles and most of the popup menus do not work, starting from the 1st of January 2021. Yes , I block the remote fonts too.

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Just now, Dixel said:

You misunderstood me . For me it doesn't . I have NO smiles and most of the popup menus do not work, starting from the 1st of January 2021. Yes , I block the remote fonts too.

Guess you gotta switch to Waterfox then :P

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