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  1. You could add dummy ports in Win.INI then the next port to install will be named the next in the list. Remove redundant ports in Win.INI. Example of port config under [Ports] is COM2:=9600,n,8,1,x
  2. Of course, redirecting to MSVCR80 is fine but MSVCR80/MOZCRT19 are not stand alone substitutes for MSVCRT. The MSVCRT substitutes that work for VLC are MSVCR70, MSVCR80 vs 8.0.40607.38 or earlier and MSVCRT vs 7.0.3790.3959 (2K3's version once redirection of NtClose is done). If using a different version, then placing any of these in VLC's folder will be required and make sure that system KnownDlls in the registry has not got MSVCRT=MSVCRT.DLL or the MSVCRT in the system folder will always load. I have the latest MSVCRT working as well and it too works with VLC. It is not a stand alone substitute though as it needs KernelEx. More discussion about it in kext-diy-kernelex-extensions soon.
  3. It would be 2K3 server's MSVCRT. KernelEx's vs of NtClose API does not work so 16bit _lclose or DeleteObject needs to be used instead. It is possible but for an unaltered MSVCRT I recommended using v8.0.40607.38. To make v8.0.40607.52 serviceable you need to direct _getdrives to CRTDLL and make explicit calls to Fls functions go to Tls functions pertained inside the DLL. Threading has changed somewhat over time and the next known version of MSVCR80 after 8.0.40607.52 does not work with Fls changed to Tls. If a particular DLL has load trouble with 8.0.40607.52 you need to turn KernelEx off on that DLL. It is also better to change Fls to Tls of 8.0.40607.38 also. 8.0.40607.38 has no known errors and is the one I use because it has __CxxFrameHandler3 which is handy to have instead of redirecting with Kstubs. Edit: I forgot about having reference back to MSVCRT for explicit error correction. Because MSVCR80 has this it cannot be left feeding back on itself. This has been discussed in another topic https://msfn.org/board/topic/152471-kernelex-apps-compatibility-list-new/?do=findComment&comment=1194308. This is only applicable with 8.0.40607.52 so best to have explicit calls within the DLL directed to CRTDLL. The error correction will not progress as CRTDLL has not got the APIs. Even 2K3 MSVCRT has not got all the APIs necessary for the error correction to progress fully.
  4. https://msfn.org/board/topic/97786-geforce-67-and-8-agppci-e-driver-edition-for-win98me-by-zak/?do=findComment&comment=1211457 https://web.archive.org/web/20210803233722/https://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.ZIP https://web.archive.org/web/20210803233722/http://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.EXE
  5. I selected Yes button twice with Kstub824 and Kstub825. I would have expected both to be logging the same but 825 did not log ShelXP as the picture shows. The Comctl32 logs in 825 were already there.
  6. More errors that occur with Kstub825. This is what happens when a Kstub824.ini error occurs and in this case is a spelling mistake of ShellXP. This is what happens with Kstub825 and this non descriptive form of error occurs with any Kstub.ini error. Also the log does not work with Kstub825 on Kstub.ini errors.
  7. There should be a scaling option somewhere in the Nvidia settings? The scaling setting is universal to all resolutions so you would adjust it when in 1080p. It is most likely that the monitor works better at 60Hz so select that refresh rate before adjusting resolution to 1440p.
  8. The solution is:- [ADVAPI32] CryptAcquireContextW=>CRYPT32:CryptAcquireContextU
  9. I do not use it because it does not do any theming. BWC's 5.1.2599.10 version works and does theming on KMP 4.06 which is my main player.
  10. Go into NVidia control panel and select 'adjust desktop size and position' then try scaling on display or GPU. The scaling mode is usually by aspect ratio and sizing is adjustable if the monitor overscans but in your case it is underscaning.
  11. Loading a single module does not make it necessarily usable. The ROS API sets load as an individual module load test because they implicitly load some compatible ME modules but will not work in a practical way because they will explicitly load some incompatible modules, similar here being with other API sets. ME's Ntdll statically links to the fixed API addresses of Kernel32, NT OS versions are incompatible. Gdi32 will load but it needs to link through to the hardware in which Gdi32 of ME's version is already taking this role. ME's Gdi32 has in-use APIs that are also included in the NT modules that would be doubled up. This would not be any good as ME's Gdi32 version will be loaded in almost all programs.
  12. This happens with Kstub825 and what I did was to use 824 and only use 825 where the ordinal definitions were required. I previously had mentioned this but it is good that now that there are 2 testers backing this up.
  13. Uxtheme should be used in Codesuff Starter, KMPlayer and Opera to name some and it will stay in memory while the programs are running. If not remaining in memory then that module is not being used.
  14. You can use BWC's UXTHEME in KernelEx folder vs 5.1.2599.10 from Windows2000-KB935839-v30 (or similar extended kernel version).
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