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  1. The CO2 levels in the earth's atmosphere have doubled since the industrial era of 1700s to now. At only 0.04% it is considered the main contributor to the greenhouse effect here on earth. 'This ability to absorb and re-emit infrared energy is what makes CO2 an effective heat-trapping greenhouse gas. Not all gas molecules are able to absorb IR radiation. For example, nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), which make up more than 90% of Earth's atmosphere, do not absorb infrared photons. CO2 molecules can vibrate in ways that simpler nitrogen and oxygen molecules cannot, which allows CO2 molecules to capture the IR photons.' https://scied.ucar.edu/learning-zone/how-climate-works/carbon-dioxide-absorbs-and-re-emits-infrared-radiation 'SO2 converts to sulfuric acid aerosols that block incoming solar radiation and contribute to ozone destruction. The blocked solar radiation can cause global cooling.': - Bing Venus is covered by sulfuric acid clouds yet has the hottest average surface temperature of all the planets in our solar system at a calculated 460 deg C. Due to the ~98% H2SO3 clouds, its surface gets about 5% of the solar radiation compared to Earth. It is about the same size as Earth and its atmosphere is 96% CO2. It shows us what the greenhouse effect is capable of and in our closest neighboring planet. Methane has 28 times more warming effect than CO2, NO 265 times and SF6 23500 times. Iodine 129 is quite stable having a half-life of 16 million years. The nuclear industry does not scrub all of the Iodine from the fuel reprocessing and 5 - 10% of Iodine is released into the atmosphere. The level of Iodine in the atmosphere has trebled since the 1950s. Storms can make Iodine reach the stratosphere and deplete Ozone at a rate of over 700 times that of Chlorine. The latest consensus is that clouds are formed from seeding and earth's clouds contribute to greenhouse effect by keeping temperatures elevated at night. Iodine particulates form aerosols which seed clouds. CERN has done the experiment and even tested in the air surrounding the Maido observatory. Iodine’s reactions in the atmosphere are known to play a role in reducing levels of OH for example, which can increase the lifetime of methane and other greenhouse gases. Uranium is not usually found in concentrated clusters yet spread thought the world in a more even concentration. There is more to be found in the oceans. You would think that the leaching and pumping and opencut mines would be more damaging to the environment than a conventional mine as more new mines would have to be open in new areas on the land. UF6 depleted Uranium is stored in steel containers. It is a dangerous compound when exposed to moisture, - it releases hydrofluoric acid. Hydrofluoric acid is considered week because it can only have a concertation of up to 70% in water but it will leach glass. Each 1000MW nuclear power plant generates 27 tones of high-level waste which is about 12.5 cubic meters a year. About 1/3 of that has been reprocessed into a more concentrated form although spent fuel needs to be stored on site till it stops generating heat which is about 40 years. Some countries are spending a lot of money on Nuclear but the world will have a lot of accumulated pollutants if fast neutron breeder reactors use up the U238. Form Energy are making Iron-Air batteries, a safe cheap way to go. AI, if it advances, uses batteries to power their systems. Other fast discharge chemistry batteries can be placed in parallel with iron-air to save space when low internal resistance is necessary, as in AI. They are probably using capacitive input filtered inverters and power supplies. If choke input filters are used the current draw will approach DC.
  2. If 0101=>URLMXP: as an example needs an API after the colon as you say, then what is the idea behind using ordinals in Kstubs? We cannot add an API when the API is unnamed. If adding the API name after the colon is essential then its name must be known and the API or its equivalent must also be a named API in a different module. I was expecting Kstub825 with the new ordinal idea to be able to find the unnamed ordinal number and therefore redirect it to a different module as that same ordinal as Schwups was doing. I realize that Kstub825 still will have its usefulness in DLLs that use forwarding. BTW if I try @jumper your profile does not come up to be selected.
  3. 0101=>URLMXP.DLL: should work as long as URLMXP is loadable and is in a known folder path. They could if the DLL is in a known folder path. Explorer will then search the known folder path that the DLL resides in. To implement a known folder path update AutoExec.bat and add the new full path in the SET PATH=; then run Msconfig after reboot to add the new folder path to the registry. This can be found in registry SessionManager Environment just up a few keys from system KnownDLLs.
  4. Any file version from about 7.0.17763 [10.0.17763 product version) to latest one will work and have the same dependencies. KernelEx is used for the redirection of missing APIs. Instructions from URL shortcut given in my last post. You have the same ExKernel.dll as I have, see MSFN topic "KernelEx for Windows XP". It works for VLC as a test with a process usage of 201 instances in my system when using VLC2.05. KEX 4.5.2 can be used if desired if KernelEx.dll is upgraded a bit and ILFree=>SHELL32:SHFreeNameMappings and NTDLL redirects:- NtAllocateVirtualMemory=>KERNEL32:VirtualAllocEx NtFsControlFile=>KERNEL32:DeviceIoControl NtQueryInformationFile=>PSAPI:GetModuleInformation NtQueryInformationThread=>USER32:GetGUIThreadInfo RtlEnterCriticalSection=>KERNEL32:EnterCriticalSection RtlInitializeCriticalSection=>KERNEL32:InitializeCriticalSection RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount=>KERNEL32:InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount RtlLeaveCriticalSection=>KERNEL32:LeaveCriticalSection RtlRaiseException=>KERNEL32:RaiseException RtlSetLastWin32Error=>KERNEL32:SetLastError RtlTryEnterCriticalSection=>KERNEL32:TryEnterCriticalSection
  5. To make modern MSVCRT work in WinME as promised. HeapQueryInformation=>KERNEL32:HeapSize InitializeCriticalSectionEx=>EXKERNEL: SetFileInformationByHandle=>KERNEL32:SetHandleInformation SetThreadStackGuarantee=>EXKERNEL: Add these entries into registry system KnownDlls. API-MS-WIN-CORE-CONSOLE-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-CONSOLE-L1-2-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-DATETIME-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-DEBUG-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-ERRORHANDLING-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-FIBERS-L1-1-0 = EXKERNEL.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-FILE-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-HANDLE-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-HEAP-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-LOCALIZATION-L1-2-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-LIBRARYLOADER-L1-2-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-MEMORY-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-NAMEDPIPE-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-PROCESSENVIRONMENT-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-PROCESSTHREADS-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-PROFILE-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-STRING-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-SYNCH-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-SYNCH-L1-2-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-SYSINFO-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL API-MS-WIN-CORE-UTIL-L1-1-0 = KERNEL32.DLL KERNELBASE = KERNEL32.DLL EXKERNEL needs to be used for the Fls APIs. (Fls APIs from KEX will not work). https://msfn.org/board/topic/157173-kext-diy-kernelex-extensions/?do=findComment&comment=1226480
  6. Might try copying source file to "C" temp location and try, this will eliminate a hard drive error and sometimes this is necessary when installing. Is zip extractor having the trouble? If so, try other zips if not already then extract using a different method or OS.
  7. You could add dummy ports in Win.INI then the next port to install will be named the next in the list. Remove redundant ports in Win.INI. Example of port config under [Ports] is COM2:=9600,n,8,1,x
  8. Of course, redirecting to MSVCR80 is fine but MSVCR80/MOZCRT19 are not stand alone substitutes for MSVCRT. The MSVCRT substitutes that work for VLC are MSVCR70, MSVCR80 vs 8.0.40607.38 or earlier and MSVCRT vs 7.0.3790.3959 (2K3's version once redirection of NtClose is done). If using a different version, then placing any of these in VLC's folder will be required and make sure that system KnownDlls in the registry has not got MSVCRT=MSVCRT.DLL or the MSVCRT in the system folder will always load. I have the latest MSVCRT working as well and it too works with VLC. It is not a stand alone substitute though as it needs KernelEx. More discussion about it in kext-diy-kernelex-extensions soon.
  9. It would be 2K3 server's MSVCRT. KernelEx's vs of NtClose API does not work so 16bit _lclose or DeleteObject needs to be used instead. It is possible but for an unaltered MSVCRT I recommended using v8.0.40607.38. To make v8.0.40607.52 serviceable you need to direct _getdrives to CRTDLL and make explicit calls to Fls functions go to Tls functions pertained inside the DLL. Threading has changed somewhat over time and the next known version of MSVCR80 after 8.0.40607.52 does not work with Fls changed to Tls. If a particular DLL has load trouble with 8.0.40607.52 you need to turn KernelEx off on that DLL. It is also better to change Fls to Tls of 8.0.40607.38 also. 8.0.40607.38 has no known errors and is the one I use because it has __CxxFrameHandler3 which is handy to have instead of redirecting with Kstubs. Edit: I forgot about having reference back to MSVCRT for explicit error correction. Because MSVCR80 has this it cannot be left feeding back on itself. This has been discussed in another topic https://msfn.org/board/topic/152471-kernelex-apps-compatibility-list-new/?do=findComment&comment=1194308. This is only applicable with 8.0.40607.52 so best to have explicit calls within the DLL directed to CRTDLL. The error correction will not progress as CRTDLL has not got the APIs. Even 2K3 MSVCRT has not got all the APIs necessary for the error correction to progress fully.
  10. https://msfn.org/board/topic/97786-geforce-67-and-8-agppci-e-driver-edition-for-win98me-by-zak/?do=findComment&comment=1211457 https://web.archive.org/web/20210803233722/https://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.ZIP https://web.archive.org/web/20210803233722/http://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.EXE
  11. I selected Yes button twice with Kstub824 and Kstub825. I would have expected both to be logging the same but 825 did not log ShelXP as the picture shows. The Comctl32 logs in 825 were already there.
  12. More errors that occur with Kstub825. This is what happens when a Kstub824.ini error occurs and in this case is a spelling mistake of ShellXP. This is what happens with Kstub825 and this non descriptive form of error occurs with any Kstub.ini error. Also the log does not work with Kstub825 on Kstub.ini errors.
  13. There should be a scaling option somewhere in the Nvidia settings? The scaling setting is universal to all resolutions so you would adjust it when in 1080p. It is most likely that the monitor works better at 60Hz so select that refresh rate before adjusting resolution to 1440p.
  14. The solution is:- [ADVAPI32] CryptAcquireContextW=>CRYPT32:CryptAcquireContextU
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