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Two links to Font Awesome 4.7.0:

https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/assets/font-awesome-4.7.0.zip - just the release material, includes installable TTF/OTF font files

https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/releases/tag/v4.7.0 - downloadable snapshot of the entire Font Awesome repository on GitHub

Forum looks fine with those installed and remote fonts disabled.

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ICON fonts / Awesome font:
There's already detailed information here about that prob and solutions, just quite shattered across various topics. Too shattered... Most detailed info in this topic:
incl. a simple download link for FontAwesome.ttf from MSFN domain directly.

Additional tip for users with old systems/browsers:
Do you often see broken letters inside postings all across the web, in forums, blogs and comments? Usually just emoticons / emoji, but also for lots of other symbols? For example, do you see little images here?
😻 💕 😴 🌠 🍀
If yes, great, you can stop reading.
But if you only see broken letters, little rectangles with numbers inside, or "?" or whatever, you also need to get a unicode font like SYMBOLA. More info incl. download links from wayback archive (now the only chance to get the old TrueType version) can also be found in the topic linked above.
Important to know: those are just normal "letters", like A B C, not bound to a specific font. So such little images will look extremely different for different readers, depending on which unicode FONTS they have installed.
There exist a bunch of such fonts, but can only cover a fraction of all letters, the rest is still broken. The prob is, there exist hundreds of thousands possible letters, far too many, and font authors must focus on just some sections, like e.g. emojis. Symbola is just one of those fonts, and it looks extremely basic and black-white only, not pretty. Some other fonts can look far nicer. But Symbola covers a lot more signs as most other fonts, and it runs on old systems too :)

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12 hours ago, siria said:

For example, do you see little images here?
😻 💕 😴 🌠 🍀
If yes, great, you can stop reading.
But if you only see broken letters, little rectangles with numbers inside, or "?" or whatever, you also need to get a unicode font like SYMBOLA

Sadly, it didn't help me, installed both symbolas from your link, but still seeing weird rectangles. I'm on a new chrome.

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