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Windows 10 18363.752


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I have the distinct impression Microsoft breaks things in the UI on purpose just to keep control.  They don't want us making it look better.  They're trying to herd us into accepting less of their software.  There is no other explanation for Windows being made actively worse and worse.

Thanks for your work in bringing back a little elegance to the Win 10 UI, Big Muscle.


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20 hours ago, NoelC said:

I have the distinct impression Microsoft breaks things in the UI on purpose just to keep control.  They don't want us making it look better.  They're trying to herd us into accepting less of their software.  There is no other explanation for Windows being made actively worse and worse.

Thanks for your work in bringing back a little elegance to the Win 10 UI, Big Muscle.


I agree. Without OldNewExplorere, StartIsBack and Winaero Tweaker Windows 10 is so ugly.

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'Patch Tuesday' has now arrived and the new W10 Cumulative Update Build 18363.778 was pushed through the regular Window update channel.  As you all have reported above, Aerohost.exe now fails to load on all of my systems.  Looking forward to the new patched version @bigmuscle 

[2020-04-14 19:10:48][0x4824:0x50FC] Machine ID: AQEHETLMVYAPEL5HNXZNLUCFPAIL3BLGNKL37ALQDLEJE7PY
[2020-04-14 19:10:48][0x4824:0x50FC] Checking key 65bae9719994fa94cfea1ff0a10d10fdf2b063a3d11551b3b5555d0167f3cea086ccc2f50fd94e9c150b352d48316317 for ID AQEHETLMVYAPEL5HNXZNLUCFPAIL3BLGNKL37ALQDLEJE7PY...
[2020-04-14 19:10:48][0x4824:0x50FC] Donation.key: invalid signature.
[2020-04-14 19:10:48][0x4824:0x50FC] Checking key 65bae9719994fa94cfea1ff0a10d10fdf2b063a3d11551b3b5555d0167f3cea086ccc2f50fd94e9c150b352d48316317 for ID AQEHETLMMG4GKL7YNXZNLUCFE27LWE4FNKL37ALQ2LIAEDDI...
[2020-04-14 19:10:48][0x4824:0x50FC] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed
[2020-04-14 19:10:48][0x4824:0x50FC] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed
[2020-04-14 19:10:48][0x4824:0x50FC] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed
[2020-04-14 19:10:48][0x4824:0x50FC] Aero Glass for Win8.1+ x64 correctly loaded (C:\System\Apps\AeroGlass\DWMGlass.dll).
[2020-04-14 19:10:48][0x2AA8:0x4720] C:\System\Apps\AeroGlass\DWMGlass.dll has been injected into dwm.exe.
[2020-04-14 19:10:49][0x4824:0xF28] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\System\Apps\AeroGlass\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
[2020-04-14 19:10:49][0x4824:0xF28] Loading settings (flags = 0x3) from HKEY 0x0000000000001150 for session #1
[2020-04-14 19:10:49][0x4824:0xF28] dwmcore.dll version 10.0.18362.752
[2020-04-14 19:10:49][0x4824:0xF28] udwm.dll version 10.0.18362.752
[2020-04-14 19:10:50][0x4824:0xF28] Symbols loaded from external files: 0x2000
[2020-04-14 19:10:51][0x2AA8:0x4720] dwm.exe process crashed several times. DLL injection has been stopped.

-JT :cool:

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On 4/17/2020 at 5:37 AM, evgnb said:

Aero Glass 1.5.14 works fine with Update Build 18363.778

Thank you!

I think you are telling us lies with a fake screenshot. There is no version 1.5.14. BigMuscle would had mentioned about it

Edited by daveo76
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