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15 minutes ago, VistaLover said:

However, stay vigilant, more string changes on the way...

Yes, remain vigilant!

Us Roytam-users (one of my work computers uses NM27 exclusively) must constantly remind ourselves that we are beta testers.

We have no such thing as a "stable release".

And the more "distant" we grow from the "Great Schism" the more-and-more probable that "new code" will not play well with "old code".


Notice: and yes, there is still not having sufficient changes from upstream, there will be no UXP based build this week.


New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210417-be83eaa3c-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210417-be83eaa3c-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210417-be83eaa3c-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win64-git-20210417-be83eaa3c-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - CLOSED TREE. Bug 1174077 - send silence instead of nothing to the decoded stream in CORS case. r=roc. (cf576aac9)
 - Bug 1177466 - Clean up places calling MaybeStartPlayback() in MediaDecoderStateMachine. r=cpearce (a2ef0f47b)
 - Remaining of Bug 1168008 - Replace 'Consumer' with 'Request' in MediaPromise (4e77e4f42)
 - bug 1137076 remove declaration of undefined OmxDecoder::ProcessCachedData() r=edwin (90ef83ee9)
 - bug 1137076 mark some methods as private r=edwin (e9f4dd0a1)
 - Bug 1173001 - Fix up some task queue naming to make MediaDecoderReader consistent with MDSM. r=jww (879b186ea) (aa4b6876e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1173641 - Hoist shutdown promise resolution into a helper. r=jww (1a02bd90a)
 - Bug 1173641 - Null out the thread pool when resolving shutdown. r=jww (ab3f723d5)
 - Bug 1173641 - Remove now-unnecessary null-out in MediaDecoderReader::BreakCycles. r=jww (3330778c6)
 - Bug 1173656 - Disallow TrackID reuse in TrackUnionStream. r=roc (7f4da1ea2)
 - Bug 1175768 - Implement SilentReadAt. r=jya (ece3c2ffa)
 - Bug 1178437 - Assert OnTaskQueue for most of the remaining MDSM methods. r=jww (da13ec549)
 - Bug 1178437 - Remove ReadOnWrongThread. r=jww (f9cf8946d)
 - Bug 1178437 - Dispatch SetFragmentEndTime. r=jww (740ce9882)
 - Bug 1178437 - Make mRealTime const and allow it to be accessed on any thread. r=jww (a65c22f1f)
 - Bug 1139964 part 1. Factor out the guts of BackstagePass::Resolve and BackstagePass::Enumerate to allow reuse for other globals that want to opt in to Exposed=System WebIDL annotations. r=smaug (d5eb8c704)
 - Bug 1139964 part 2. Add classinfo helpers for the various message manager stuff to install WebIDL Exposed=System things on those globals. r=smaug (47085f2a6)
 - Bug 1139964 part 3. Add a test. r=bzbarsky (d87e0907b)
 - Bug 1130028 - Custom elements, set registered prototype in compartment of caller of registerElement. r=mrbkap (5bd643614)
 - Bug 1130028 - Send inputmethod-contextchange to systemapp to hide keyboard when frame crash. r=yxl (1e100121f)
 - Bug 1156629 - OpenGL core context deprecated default VAO. r=jgilbert (5ecabb650)
 -  Bug 1110120 - Remove use of UniquePtr for XFB and UB tracking.; r=smaug (92ebc132a)
 - Bug 1167504 - Part 11: Clean up buffer binding constraints. r=jgilbert (4f3005203)
 - Bug 1167504 - Part 13: Unbind buffers from cached state on buffer deletion. r=jgilbert (bb9e3f53d)
 - Bug 1180523 - Part 1: Store the audio mute/volume information on the outer window; r=baku (3b686c6b9)
 - line endings dos->unix (d7491a87c)
 - Bug 1153258 - directly instantiate nsStandardURL in nsChromeProtocolHandler.cpp; r=bsmedberg (01150c663)
 - Bug 1175344 - Include nsContentUtils.h explicitly to avoid compile error on unified building. r=ehsan (10a3d42ac)
 - Bug 959752 - Make the network predictor work under e10s. r=mcmanus (3b46a6b65)
 - Bug 1159747 - delete h2 static compression table in such a way to avoid crashes after network changes. r=mcmanus (ed34f8d80)
 - Bug 1173016 - Cache the basic waveform PeriodicWaves. r=karlt (d64c962f0)
 - part of Bug 1165816 - Cancel remote application reputation requests after a certain timeout. r=gcp (4cdc98d99)
 - Bug 1082837 - Call content policies on cached image redirects in imgLoader::ValidateSecurityInfo. Content policies check the last hop (final uri) of the cached image. For Mixed Content Blocker, we do an additional check to see if any of the intermediary hops went through an insecure redirect. r=smaug, feedback=seth (ffaf3debe)
 - Bug 1082837 - Use nsresult for static ShouldLoad and use NS_IMETHODIMP for nsIContentPolicy::ShouldLoad(). CLOSED TREE (acde35e25) (3d36fa43e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1169044 - Patch 1 - Refactor setting referrer and referrer policy between fetch and XHR. r=khuey (3912ebaef)
 - Bug 1150771 - Let ArrayBuffer through object Xrays. r=gabor (bed760277)
 - Bug 1151385 - Fail early for cross-origin sandboxPrototype. r=gabor (3b65b1561)
 - Bug 1131707 - Transparently forward the construct bit for function forwarders. r=gabor (1f5792775)
 - Bug 1170311 - Stop asserting non-null argument to nsIPrincipal::{subsumes,equals}{,ConsideringDomain}. r=gabor (7e36d6683)
 - Bug 1171175 - Improve BasePrincipal::IsCodebasePrincipal. r=baku (0d278e8f4)
 - Bug 1174731 - patch 1 - Make searchParams attribute readonly, r=smaug (11f5d6dcf)
 - Bug 1174731 - patch 2 - Make searchParams attribute readonly, r=annevk (4aa7ea1e4)
 - Bug 1170097 - Part 1: Move OriginAttributeDictionary. r=bholley (63a1139dd)
 - Bug 1084525 - Part 1: Create initial PromisesActor skeleton r=fitzgen (2ef0ad37d)
 - Bug 1131643 - Implement a Location object;r=jlong (710fb9b79)
 - Bug 1129834 - Store BreakpointActors by original location;r=jlong (67d16d37a)
 - Bug 1129837 - Remove generatedLocation from BreakpointActor;r=jlongster (018a60746)
 - Bug 1082837 - test cases for image redirects loaded from the imagelib cache. r=smaug, ckerschb (49d216725)
 - Bug 1073352, part 2 - Enable some devtools tests. r=ejpbruel (0de7cfdc0)
 - Bug 1131646 - Clean up the breakpoint code;r=jlongster (7fa9c6a76)
 - Bug 1136146 - Merge the latest version of the source-map library with fx-team;r=fitzgen (983f2c2e9)
 - Bug 1042976 follow up - Remove getInnerId from script actors; r=Mossop (43f935298)
 - Bug 837630 - Stop hiding __proto__ from O.getOwnPropertyNames. r=Waldo,peterv,past (0f321614d)
 - Bug 1138975 - Refactor breakpoint sliding for non-source mapped sources;r=jlong (9fd4be4e4)
 - Fix breaking on the "load" event in the debugger (bug 1054159). r=ochameau (6b6b40e78)
 - Bug 983469 - Pause on breakpoint condition exception. r=fitzgen (fb6dfab57)
 - Bug 1135435 - Add UI for breakpoint condition throws. r=fitzgen (b2f49cb03)
 - Bug 1137384 - Rename ThreadSources as TabSources and move it up into the TabActor. r=ejpbruel (fdf1db5d9) (2a40ef290)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1146827 - Ensure lazy loading DebuggerServer dependencies that aren't useful on device. r=jryans (4cbba9836)
 - Bug 1141507 - Some preliminary refactors;r=jlong (c78495f7d)
 - Bug 1141507 - Refactor breakpoint sliding for source mapped sources;r=jlong (c0c93dbf2)
 - Bug 1134174 - Reenable devtools memory footprint assertion with lower thresholds. r=janx (0d6fda081)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a line breakpoint;r=jlong (9985aae7d)
 -  Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line in a gcd script;r=jlong (2524db8b6)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with no offsets;r=jlong (cc1385153)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with no offsets in a gcd script;r=jlong (fff2531a8)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with no offsets at the end of a script;r=jlong (8a4d52a86)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with multiple offsets;r=jlong (488f20b99)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with multiple statements;r=jlong (3bf166dc3)
 - Bug 1129784 - Implement column sliding for source mapped sources;r=jlong (dc39dd7a4)
 - Bug 1129784 - Implement column sliding for non-sourcemapped sources;r=jlong (620fb059e)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a column;r=jlong (9e8ba1469)
 - Bug 1124258 - Avoid using `getChildScripts` in `onNewScript` in the debugger. r=ejpbruel (223d5bee4)
 -  Bug 1118332 - only load the HTML source from cache in the debugger r=fitzgen (8544dbb2c)
 - Bug 1132764 - Part 0: Warn when allocations log overflows. r=vp (e7e9b3690)
 - Bug 1132764 - Part 1: MemoryActor.prototype.startRecordingAllocations should be (c692a13b4)
 - Bug 1132764 - Part 2: Test allocations log length over RDP; r=vp (7f71e06c1)
 - Bug 1136945 - Convert GC events from memory actor to be emitted as pseudo-markers from the TimelineActor. Pull out the core of the MemoryActor into a bridge, so it does not have to be used over RDP. r=vp,fitzgen (d6ff0d20f) (be83eaa3c)


New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 2f3df1855..be83eaa3c:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - CLOSED TREE. Bug 1174077 - send silence instead of nothing to the decoded stream in CORS case. r=roc. (cf576aac9)
 - Bug 1177466 - Clean up places calling MaybeStartPlayback() in MediaDecoderStateMachine. r=cpearce (a2ef0f47b)
 - Remaining of Bug 1168008 - Replace 'Consumer' with 'Request' in MediaPromise (4e77e4f42)
 - bug 1137076 remove declaration of undefined OmxDecoder::ProcessCachedData() r=edwin (90ef83ee9)
 - bug 1137076 mark some methods as private r=edwin (e9f4dd0a1)
 - Bug 1173001 - Fix up some task queue naming to make MediaDecoderReader consistent with MDSM. r=jww (879b186ea) (aa4b6876e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1173641 - Hoist shutdown promise resolution into a helper. r=jww (1a02bd90a)
 - Bug 1173641 - Null out the thread pool when resolving shutdown. r=jww (ab3f723d5)
 - Bug 1173641 - Remove now-unnecessary null-out in MediaDecoderReader::BreakCycles. r=jww (3330778c6)
 - Bug 1173656 - Disallow TrackID reuse in TrackUnionStream. r=roc (7f4da1ea2)
 - Bug 1175768 - Implement SilentReadAt. r=jya (ece3c2ffa)
 - Bug 1178437 - Assert OnTaskQueue for most of the remaining MDSM methods. r=jww (da13ec549)
 - Bug 1178437 - Remove ReadOnWrongThread. r=jww (f9cf8946d)
 - Bug 1178437 - Dispatch SetFragmentEndTime. r=jww (740ce9882)
 - Bug 1178437 - Make mRealTime const and allow it to be accessed on any thread. r=jww (a65c22f1f)
 - Bug 1139964 part 1. Factor out the guts of BackstagePass::Resolve and BackstagePass::Enumerate to allow reuse for other globals that want to opt in to Exposed=System WebIDL annotations. r=smaug (d5eb8c704)
 - Bug 1139964 part 2. Add classinfo helpers for the various message manager stuff to install WebIDL Exposed=System things on those globals. r=smaug (47085f2a6)
 - Bug 1139964 part 3. Add a test. r=bzbarsky (d87e0907b)
 - Bug 1130028 - Custom elements, set registered prototype in compartment of caller of registerElement. r=mrbkap (5bd643614)
 - Bug 1130028 - Send inputmethod-contextchange to systemapp to hide keyboard when frame crash. r=yxl (1e100121f)
 - Bug 1156629 - OpenGL core context deprecated default VAO. r=jgilbert (5ecabb650)
 -  Bug 1110120 - Remove use of UniquePtr for XFB and UB tracking.; r=smaug (92ebc132a)
 - Bug 1167504 - Part 11: Clean up buffer binding constraints. r=jgilbert (4f3005203)
 - Bug 1167504 - Part 13: Unbind buffers from cached state on buffer deletion. r=jgilbert (bb9e3f53d)
 - Bug 1180523 - Part 1: Store the audio mute/volume information on the outer window; r=baku (3b686c6b9)
 - line endings dos->unix (d7491a87c)
 - Bug 1153258 - directly instantiate nsStandardURL in nsChromeProtocolHandler.cpp; r=bsmedberg (01150c663)
 - Bug 1175344 - Include nsContentUtils.h explicitly to avoid compile error on unified building. r=ehsan (10a3d42ac)
 - Bug 959752 - Make the network predictor work under e10s. r=mcmanus (3b46a6b65)
 - Bug 1159747 - delete h2 static compression table in such a way to avoid crashes after network changes. r=mcmanus (ed34f8d80)
 - Bug 1173016 - Cache the basic waveform PeriodicWaves. r=karlt (d64c962f0)
 - part of Bug 1165816 - Cancel remote application reputation requests after a certain timeout. r=gcp (4cdc98d99)
 - Bug 1082837 - Call content policies on cached image redirects in imgLoader::ValidateSecurityInfo. Content policies check the last hop (final uri) of the cached image. For Mixed Content Blocker, we do an additional check to see if any of the intermediary hops went through an insecure redirect. r=smaug, feedback=seth (ffaf3debe)
 - Bug 1082837 - Use nsresult for static ShouldLoad and use NS_IMETHODIMP for nsIContentPolicy::ShouldLoad(). CLOSED TREE (acde35e25) (3d36fa43e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1169044 - Patch 1 - Refactor setting referrer and referrer policy between fetch and XHR. r=khuey (3912ebaef)
 - Bug 1150771 - Let ArrayBuffer through object Xrays. r=gabor (bed760277)
 - Bug 1151385 - Fail early for cross-origin sandboxPrototype. r=gabor (3b65b1561)
 - Bug 1131707 - Transparently forward the construct bit for function forwarders. r=gabor (1f5792775)
 - Bug 1170311 - Stop asserting non-null argument to nsIPrincipal::{subsumes,equals}{,ConsideringDomain}. r=gabor (7e36d6683)
 - Bug 1171175 - Improve BasePrincipal::IsCodebasePrincipal. r=baku (0d278e8f4)
 - Bug 1174731 - patch 1 - Make searchParams attribute readonly, r=smaug (11f5d6dcf)
 - Bug 1174731 - patch 2 - Make searchParams attribute readonly, r=annevk (4aa7ea1e4)
 - Bug 1170097 - Part 1: Move OriginAttributeDictionary. r=bholley (63a1139dd)
 - Bug 1084525 - Part 1: Create initial PromisesActor skeleton r=fitzgen (2ef0ad37d)
 - Bug 1131643 - Implement a Location object;r=jlong (710fb9b79)
 - Bug 1129834 - Store BreakpointActors by original location;r=jlong (67d16d37a)
 - Bug 1129837 - Remove generatedLocation from BreakpointActor;r=jlongster (018a60746)
 - Bug 1082837 - test cases for image redirects loaded from the imagelib cache. r=smaug, ckerschb (49d216725)
 - Bug 1073352, part 2 - Enable some devtools tests. r=ejpbruel (0de7cfdc0)
 - Bug 1131646 - Clean up the breakpoint code;r=jlongster (7fa9c6a76)
 - Bug 1136146 - Merge the latest version of the source-map library with fx-team;r=fitzgen (983f2c2e9)
 - Bug 1042976 follow up - Remove getInnerId from script actors; r=Mossop (43f935298)
 - Bug 837630 - Stop hiding __proto__ from O.getOwnPropertyNames. r=Waldo,peterv,past (0f321614d)
 - Bug 1138975 - Refactor breakpoint sliding for non-source mapped sources;r=jlong (9fd4be4e4)
 - Fix breaking on the "load" event in the debugger (bug 1054159). r=ochameau (6b6b40e78)
 - Bug 983469 - Pause on breakpoint condition exception. r=fitzgen (fb6dfab57)
 - Bug 1135435 - Add UI for breakpoint condition throws. r=fitzgen (b2f49cb03)
 - Bug 1137384 - Rename ThreadSources as TabSources and move it up into the TabActor. r=ejpbruel (fdf1db5d9) (2a40ef290)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1146827 - Ensure lazy loading DebuggerServer dependencies that aren't useful on device. r=jryans (4cbba9836)
 - Bug 1141507 - Some preliminary refactors;r=jlong (c78495f7d)
 - Bug 1141507 - Refactor breakpoint sliding for source mapped sources;r=jlong (c0c93dbf2)
 - Bug 1134174 - Reenable devtools memory footprint assertion with lower thresholds. r=janx (0d6fda081)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a line breakpoint;r=jlong (9985aae7d)
 -  Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line in a gcd script;r=jlong (2524db8b6)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with no offsets;r=jlong (cc1385153)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with no offsets in a gcd script;r=jlong (fff2531a8)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with no offsets at the end of a script;r=jlong (8a4d52a86)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with multiple offsets;r=jlong (488f20b99)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a line with multiple statements;r=jlong (3bf166dc3)
 - Bug 1129784 - Implement column sliding for source mapped sources;r=jlong (dc39dd7a4)
 - Bug 1129784 - Implement column sliding for non-sourcemapped sources;r=jlong (620fb059e)
 - Bug 1147972 - Test setting a breakpoint on a column;r=jlong (9e8ba1469)
 - Bug 1124258 - Avoid using `getChildScripts` in `onNewScript` in the debugger. r=ejpbruel (223d5bee4)
 -  Bug 1118332 - only load the HTML source from cache in the debugger r=fitzgen (8544dbb2c)
 - Bug 1132764 - Part 0: Warn when allocations log overflows. r=vp (e7e9b3690)
 - Bug 1132764 - Part 1: MemoryActor.prototype.startRecordingAllocations should be (c692a13b4)
 - Bug 1132764 - Part 2: Test allocations log length over RDP; r=vp (7f71e06c1)
 - Bug 1136945 - Convert GC events from memory actor to be emitted as pseudo-markers from the TimelineActor. Pull out the core of the MemoryActor into a bridge, so it does not have to be used over RDP. r=vp,fitzgen (d6ff0d20f) (be83eaa3c)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

On 4/14/2021 at 10:17 AM, roytam1 said:

this seems to be fixed by upstream commit, hopefully it will be fixed in next build

Roy, unfortunately crashing subsists...

Complete report is appended.




There is a problem in Newmoon 27 and Arcticfox without an add-on with a new profile, the scroll arrows below do not work on any website that uses them...

This works on Firefox 45.9.32, Newmoon 28, Serpent 52 and Iceape-uxp. 

Can we find a solution to correct this problem?





3 hours ago, IXOYE said:


There is a problem in Newmoon 27 and Arcticfox without an add-on with a new profile, the scroll arrows below do not work on any website that uses them...

This works on Firefox 45.9.32, Newmoon 28, Serpent 52 and Iceape-uxp. 

Can we find a solution to correct this problem?





it requires a javascript function that is currently not available in NM27:

21:18:29.104 TypeError: document.querySelectorAll(...).forEach is not a function 1 atinternet.d3353e3e3aa7f17bafb9.bundle.js:1:50757



I am trying the latest version of Basikil but I have noticed that there is no way to use Google Meet. The page loads but immediately becomes blank and only then do the microphone and video camera icons appear, so perhaps they activate too late and Meet does not detect them.

How could this be solved?

Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, 32bitforever said:

I am trying the latest version of Basikil but I have noticed that there is no way to use Google Meet.

Does Google Meet work in OLDER versions of Basilisk?

ie, did a recent update "break" Google Meet or did Google Meet NEVER work in Basilisk to begin with?


I will add, I'm unfamiliar with Google Meet but I do use Google Voice DAILY.

I don't own a cell phone OR a land line, I do any-and-all phone calls and texts for FREE using Google Voice (it's actually a stress-free lifestyle cutting the FALSE perception that we "need a phone").

Plus, I get to roll on the floor in laughter when dad gets stressed out when a solicitor calls his phone, he has to resort to "What part of do-not-call list do you not understand?" on a good 80% of the calls to his phone!

Solicitors and robo-dialers CAN'T call Google Voice!


But, back to your question - unless a recent update "broke" something, my hunch is that Google Meet will NEVER work in Basilisk (old or new).

I say that because not "all" of Google Voice will work in *ANY* of Roytam releases.

It's been one of the driving factors for me to convert over and use a CHROME-BASED browser as my DEFAULT.

Like it or not, fight it if it makes you sleep better at night, but the "internet" is evolving towards Chrome-only.

Edited by ArcticFoxie

@32bitforever : I don't have a Google account myself, nor will I create one now just for the sake of experimenting with Google Meet in latest Serpent 52 ... :P

There may be several reasons why it doesn't work for you, e.g.

1. User-agent-sniffing; GM servers might not like the UA sent by your copy of Serpent 52
2. GM webpage / APIs might need browser technologies (e.g. Web Components, ShadowDOM, etc.) that are not yet complete/implemented in St52 and are particular to Chromium forks ... :angry:
3. GM APIs might not like the (older) implementation of WebRTC present in latest Serpent 52 ; while "upstream" claim it is still specs-compliant, Google have a habit of rejecting everything else that isn't tailored to their own "vision" (:realmad:) of Web 2021... :angry:

Tools -> Web Developer -> Web Console/Browser Console/Error Console

may give some clues as to your predicament...

If you have access (through a sibling/relative/friend) to official Basilisk builds (require Win7 SP1 64-bit at minimum), you can try there, too; if still no go, little, if any, chance of fixing GM in our fork... :(
And even if the issue persists in official Basilisk, again, very little chance "upstream" would even bother trying to fix it, as they harbour a known aversion towards Google-owned technologies, including WebRTC itself (which they haven't included in Pale Moon, BTW...). ;)


ArcticFoxie said:

"the "internet" is evolving towards Chrome-only"

Is that going to be the new thought-terminating cliche here now?

You know, like... it is what it is.

3 hours ago, Montana Slim said:

You know, like... it is what it is.

I hate "it is what it is", my last boss (a "yes man") would say "it is what it is" a dozen times per week, if not more.

But it didn't "terminate thought", I learned to reply with "We evolve or we cease to exist" and I'd say that goes for here also.

It's not about Google Meet or Google Voice, albeit that was the conversation-starter.

Look at recent issues as simple as an arrow icon that doesn't work because some javascript function is too "new".

I'm no "fanboy" of this browser versus that browser, I owe no loyalty to this browser versus that browser.

I'm just a Simple Man and just want a browser that "works" for the sites that I visit.

Don't we all?  My "default" browser has changed at least six times in the last year alone.

I'm not asking for sliced bread - just give me the loaf and I'll find my own knife.

Posted (edited)

I'm on the latest NM28 and I'm having trouble with google drive.

When I select "share" or "get links" I get a white box with a "working" icon then I get a tinted overlay thats empty, no share box with links.

It worked fine last time I used it a few months back and I tried a clean profile and various user agents with no luck.


Anyone else?







Edited by kartel

My NM28 is dated Sept 2018 and hasn't been used for several months (I use the 'eguivalent to' official 28.2.2 as far as my NM28).

Not sure how long ago Google Drive changed because I used to be able to use it even in a NM28 that "old".

Have you tried various useragent overrides?

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