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On decommissioning of update servers for 2000, XP, (and Vista?) as of July 2019


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2 hours ago, Great_Life said:

PS:This post may help the people who have a fresh installed Windows XP&2K3(Also for myself!):D

Glad it finally worked for you! :) But in terms of Windows XP, my guide "General and specific solutions for problems regarding AU/WU/MU in Windows XP" is completely sufficient. And by the way, I personally have a complete, offline update archive with all updates for Windows XP. For the German edition, of course! I don't like relying on Microsoft's update servers, where everything concerning abandoned Windows operating systems could be deleted at any time. :yes:

Edited by AstroSkipper
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  • 3 weeks later...

On 1/13/2023 at 3:08 AM, lolwin said:

Stupid question, but is it actually out of sync?

I mean in the bottom right corner, if you check the date and time, is it the correct day, month, year and time?

You can even set XP to sync the time with: time.google.com which, by the way, is a Stratum 1 source connected to a real Stratum 0 Atomic Clock. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everybody! I am trying restore Windows Update on Windows 2000.I have installed all the needed updates and imported "W2k WU registry entries.reg".

I can access the website now.But when I scan updates,it returns me 0x80244019.What should I do?

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8 hours ago, LonghornXP said:

Did someone had copy of Proxhttpsproxy 1.3a?

In my article "ProxHTTPSProxy and HTTPSProxy in Windows XP for future use", you will find a download link of Proxhttpsproxy 1.3a in the section 11.1. Archived Downloads {obsolete}:hello:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've found a method to create a proxy server which will restore WU & MU websites as well as AU on every system (including the website for Vista and 7) (but for some reasons AU won't work on XP RTM, SP1 and SP2 if MU is enabled).
You have to use ProxHTTPSProxy v1.3a and another proxy to edit web requests (I used Requestly).

You have to configure ProxHTTPSProxy (in config.ini) to use the other proxy (add a section [PROXY]) for www.update.microsoft.com, fe2.update.microsoft.com and web.archive.org
SSL should also be bypassed for web.archive.org

In the other proxy you have to create the following redirects:
https://www.update.microsoft.com/v6/ClientWebService/client.asmx -> https://fe2.update.microsoft.com/v6/ClientWebService/client.asmx
https://www.update.microsoft.com/v6/UpdateRegulationService/updateregulation.asmx -> https://fe2.update.microsoft.com/v6/UpdateRegulationService/updateregulation.asmx
https://fe2.update.microsoft.com/v11/3/legacy/windowsupdate/selfupdate/wuident.cab -> https://web.archive.org/web/20070110011725/update.microsoft.com/v6/windowsupdate/selfupdate/wuident.cab  (this only for GET requests)
Then modify response headers for any address containing /wuident.cab:
ADD Content-Length: "7427"
ADD Last-Modified: "Fri, 20 Oct 2006 02:00:03 GMT"

On the clients install Windows Update Agent 7.4.7600.226 (not the latest version, not needed on Windows 7), add ProxHTTPSProxy's IP address into Proxy settings and import its CA (Trusted Root\Local Computer).
If you want to run AU you should run proxycfg -u (NT5) or netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie (NT6).
Website addresses are:
http://fe2.update.microsoft.com/windowsupdate/v6/default.aspx?g_sconsumersite=1 (you have to register wuweb.dll manually on Vista and newer)
http://fe2.update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx?g_sconsumersite=1 (you have to register muweb.dll manually)

Thanks to anyone in this thread who has given me parts of this method.

Edited by ItCoder
Corrected an URL
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Someone created an all in one proxy, with https and the redirection in the same program. Nothing is needed except the Windows Update Agent.

It works on Windows 2000 and XP.

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23 minutes ago, LonghornXP said:

Why the KB4486463 is never disappear in WU?

y'all don't need care about kb2686509


it installs

and the update appeares again!

so what happened wih the site? is it buggy? or what?

I also wrote about this before, and I got this response:


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On 2/14/2023 at 3:16 PM, WULover said:

Someone created an all in one proxy, with https and the redirection in the same program. Nothing is needed except the Windows Update Agent.

It works on Windows 2000 and XP.

Can you send me the link to it?

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I've put online my proxy server: to use it add as "Secure" proxy, import the CA.crt and install Windows Update Agent (remember to run "proxycfg -u" or "netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie" to make AU work as well).

Here is the link to the installers (run it on a fresh installation and it should work): https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsVjtW11rJfA3FQANrgg_QXRMgfx?e=7q2PhN

Warning: installers for windows 2000 and XP partially works. You'll get some errors and have to manually import CA and set IE proxy (while AU proxy is automatically set).

Edited by ItCoder
Added installers link
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