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KernelEx 2022 (Kex22) Test Versions (

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  On 1/26/2018 at 3:56 AM, jumper said:

@MiKl: I use SM2.0.4 but not the email client. Please narrow the problem down to Kexbases.17 or Kexbasen.17. .18 is packaged and awaiting final review. Kexbasen.16 exported 11 new print dialog functions--access them via Kexstubs.


Hi Jumper, the email-problem seem to be caused in Kexbases.17 ! When using v16 it works again.

I will look into the printing issue but unfortunately I believe I do not understand excatly what you mean.

Posted (edited)

> the email-problem seem to be caused in Kexbases.17 ! When using v16 it works again.
Good. Now try comparing api logs (DebugWindow.exe). In Filter Settings, include "(bfa" to limit output to kexbases apis.

> I will look into the printing issue
In Kstub823.ini:
Check Kstub823.log or include filter "PrintDlg" to see which api to focus on.

Edited by jumper
  On 1/26/2018 at 8:40 PM, jumper said:

> the email-problem seem to be caused in Kexbases.17 ! When using v16 it works again.
Good. Now try comparing api logs (DebugWindow.exe). In Filter Settings, include "(bfa" to limit output to kexbases apis.


Even with this filter in place debugwindow.exe lists hundreds if not thousands results.
Do you have maybe an idea what I could specifically look for - maybe 'createfile' or 'writefile' ??


Allo !

It seems that one XMPLAY plugin to allow RAR compressed files use is broken since at least Release 4 on my machine with Win ME + RP9.7.2 + the new service pack, same configuration works properly with vanilla KEX 4.5.2.

I tested 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 and 17 and with all of them the program dies with "corrupt data!" message after which it enters into endless invalid page fault error box throwing state, unkillable by any means so you got to do a hard reset to the machine in order for it to be shut down. Vanilla 4.5.2 has the program working fine without any sort of problems. I removed Kstub822 for testing purposes and it made no difference. All versions were tested by restoring Kex to 4.5.2 prior to updating the relevant files of each release. Disabling KEX extensions on the program would allow the plugin to work but since there are other plugins that do require KEX that isn't an option, also enabling ANY compatibility mode will cause the program to exhibit the problem.

I ended up looking for any possible updated version of the plugin and there is one which does work without problems, but that still won't address that there seems to be some sort of problem in the updated KEX that might affect other programs. Here's an archive that contains the problem combination for debugging/analysis : http://www.tmeeco.eu/Fileden/XMPLAYcrash.RAR

Nearly all other programs used on that machine seem to work without any surprises. (The one that doesn't won't work with Kex4.5.2 either so no discussion about it will happen here as per rules of this topic).

Thänk you for all this great work ~


XmPlay and all the official plugins (which includes the Rar plugin) don't need KernelEx at all AFAIK, they still run on vanilla 98SE/ME.


I use bunch of Winamp plugins with XMplay due to lack of native plugins for those particular formats and there are some that require help from KernelEx.

I also tried some older versions of XMplay and versions 3.4.1 to 3.5.1 crashed with an invalid page fault on startup unless extensions are disabled. With vanilla 4.5.2 they run fine.  Versions starting with 3.6 work fine up to the very latest one, I haven't tired any of the older versions to see how far back the particular problem goes.


@MiKl: use Kexports+fc on Kexbases.dll to isolate the API changes. SetFilePointer is a likely candidate.

@TmEE: So don't use the new ME service pack. It clearly hasn't been fully tested and is using files that aren't compatible with KernelEx. You can also try disabling Kex extensions on _all_ files installed by the pack. And you should also uninstall Kex and reinstall with mode default: Disabled. Manually enable Kex on only those files that need it.


The problem is not coming from the service pack. I just made a new installation and added nothing but KernelEx 4.5.2 to it. Old versions of XMplay worked fine then, including the crash test I set up, no invalid page fault error or that "corrupt data" message.

Then I upgraded vanilla KernelEx 4.5.2 to the release 17 and the old XMplay versions stop working and the crash test starts crashing so the problem is definitely introduced by updated KernelEx.


I didn't report this in this thread but, the newest extensions broke portable qtweb 3.85 for me in 98se.  I could only use vanilla kernel ex. 

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)
  On 12/25/2014 at 11:21 PM, jumper said:

My toolchain isn't 100% complete, so I have no plans for releasing a full, updated KernelEx package. Is anyone interested in doing this? :angel



KernelEx 4.5.2015.9.exe

KernelEx 4.5.2015.10.exe

KernelEx 4.5.2015.11.exe

KernelEx 4.5.2016.16.exe

KernelEx 4.5.2016.17.exe


Edited by ABCDEFG
Posted (edited)
  On 6/14/2018 at 3:27 PM, ABCDEFG said:

Assuming these all have their own separate updates which possibly override and leave older files behind, could you compile this file into an exe? It compiles all updates from 9 to 17. https://uploadfiles.io/8mfrc

Edited by ~♥Aiko♥Chan♥~

Ouch! I thought it should be self-explanatory... These files, each of them are full installers.
If you want any of them to install you must uninstall the previous version first(if you already have one installed).
The reason i made available a previous versions is because i saw people on this topic are saying that some programs
do not work for them when latest KEx version is installed.

  On 6/15/2018 at 5:37 AM, ~♥Aiko♥Chan♥~ said:

could you compile this file into an exe? It compiles all updates from 9 to 17. https://uploadfiles.io/8mfrc


These files are already part of this full installer -> KernelEx 4.5.2016.17.exe


Thanks for the full packages ABCDEFG!
Wonder if this may fix the broken "key3.db" creation in browsers after a KernelEx update, if systems are updated in 1 step instead of 2. Could be, since a fellow K-Meleon user didn't have that key3-prob, who installed both KernelEx parts into a fresh VirtualMachine without a Windows restart in between, only a DOS restart. No idea, will try some time later when getting around.


TmEE Posted February 4:
> Then I upgraded vanilla KernelEx 4.5.2 to the release 17 and the old XMplay versions stop working and the crash test starts crashing so the problem is definitely introduced by updated KernelEx.

App crashing and CRASH TEST crashing after KernelEx update? Sounds familiar...
After recently updating my old base KernelEx with 2016.16 additions my main browser of many years suddenly crashed at startup. So I immediately removed v16 again and updated to KernelEx-17. But the crashing remained. And I needed a KernelEx update for another new app. After lots of trial+error struggles finally found the culprit:
Looks like this file is contained in quite some other apps too, perhaps especially crash reporter tools.
After setting this DLL to KernelEx DISABLED, my browser started again! The dll version dates from 2011-10-02.
Funnily this file wasn't even part of the regular browser package, only of its optional crashreporter extension/plugin. Otherwise wouldn't have found it at all


Since the MSFN CRASH destroyed 4 months (mid Feb - 1 Jun 2018), it would be great if a mod or someone can copy over the lost postings again? From here:
and page 33.

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