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The upcoming new tool for Win 7/8/+ : My suggested name: nLiteX


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How does the impending release of Windows 8.1 Update 2 fit into all that, the rumor is early August...


No. If at all, early Aug MS may actually release Windows 8.1 Update 1 SR1, but that's still far from certain.

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nuhi, a question.


Will you keep the UI as it is or change it to be more modern? Personally, I love the classic look that nLite has.


You cannot use Modern interface to do what this tool does, plus in order for it to be compatible with win7 it has to be a common app

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You cannot use Modern interface to do what this tool does



In theory Nuhi could compile the entire thing as a DLL and p/invoke a front-end using Metro.  Not saying he should, just that it's possible.   Who else wants a full-screen version that runs in the background at a swipe.

Edited by MrJinje
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ricktendo, those are some valid arguments. To me wLite sounds bad when spoken outloud and the domain is not available.

xLite is taken to the bone.


jaclaz, lol on the icon (Monsters Inc?).


petrus, kinda too literal. I would not lock name to a version, when possible.

Update 2? I do not know more about the rumors than you guys do.


Bornung, esd conversion can be done with DISM, so for now you can simply run a script after. I would like to automate that, currently it's not.

By ready you mean final version? It depends on the beta feedback, beta should be out in 2-3 weeks tops.


MrJinje, not sure if coaster thing was intended to be an insult, or just a bold joke. Either way, be sure to report if anything gets broken.


Tripredacus, lol.


GF6, UI is different. Now after the fact I could describe it as a combination of vLite and Windows Explorer.



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GF6, UI is different. Now after the fact I could describe it as a combination of vLite and Windows Explorer.


OK.  I hope you are not forced to change the UI completely through either the pre-beta release phase or during the beta feedback stage.  The UI in nLite works for me.

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nuhi, I do also like nLiteNEXT

I think that was originally Ricktendo's suggestion.


It avoids being tied to a particular Windows version, rolls off the tongue nicely, and implies the future as well.


2 to 3 weeks tops, eh, until we see a beta version? I can't wait, whatever you decide to call it!

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latin from europe or south-america , if i am right they are called latinOS ;']

i do not ask for your tool , but if you could announce some of your results with pics , that would help to wait .


beside that , i think you should make a beta out because much young people are still in holidays ; we all know that they love to do tests and sometimes are able to get interesting bugs 

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