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The upcoming new tool for Win 7/8/+ : My suggested name: nLiteX


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All went well, beta 1 is basically complete, some minor polishing left, and working on the marketing side from tomorrow - aka the website.
Release is on track by the middle of the next week, even if I just temporarily put it on nLite HP - that is if some issue arises while making the new site, I must not delay it any more.

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OK, now I'm really getting excited as well. :w00t:

Looking forward to testing the bajeebus out of this, I like fiddling around with this stuff anyway, and have some spare systems around to test, all on w7/8.1/(xp/linux) multiboot as well, so lots of opportunities for testing!

Didn't want to count the days until now, but when you say "middle of next week", I'm thinking "<10 days left"!!

Thanks nuhi!

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All went well, beta 1 is basically complete, some minor polishing left, and working on the marketing side from tomorrow - aka the website.

Release is on track by the middle of the next week, even if I just temporarily put it on nLite HP - that is if some issue arises while making the new site, I must not delay it any more.

Please don't we cant wait no more.......Thank you for all your hard work and time you are using (To put into service or apply for a purpose; employ)  :thumbup

Edited by darky35
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I am about to release now, just waiting on a DNS resolve then will post on nliteos.com and here about the new website.

The latest tomorrow morning, that's in 9 hours from this post.


Edit: it's up, writing news first

Edited by nuhi
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