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Hello, I need your help. W7 x64 Current version is Powershell 2.0 NET 4.5 OK .NET 4.8 OK It stuck on initializing Windows6.1-KB2819745-x64-MultiPkg.msu Thank you.
As many of you know, Theme Resource Changer is a utility that allows to change Windows Explorer icons (e.g. Navigation buttons), without replacing .dll files. Now it seems that sometimes this program fails to work (I still have default icons even after patched Windows with all apps I can find: Universal Theme Patcher, UltraUXThemePatcher, UxStyle_Core_Jul13_x64). Did anyone find a solution?
Nuhi suggested that any further discussion of the new tool should take place here on the vLite forums, for now, so here goes. I have a suggestion for the name of the new tool. nLite was such a success, I think the new tool should retain the nLite name in some form. My suggestion is nLiteX, pronounced En Light Ex. It keeps the familiarity with nLite, avoids the problem of adding 7, 8, or numbers beyond that to the name. It also implies a new, expanded nLite with new capabilities, and ensures that the tool won't need to be renamed for future versions of Windows.