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Posted (edited)



Not sure why you're recommending that MDGx dude... as far as I can tell he hasn't posted in the forums for over 3 years, And as for his site, it seems mostly related to Windows XP/98 and older versions of Windows. Not much there at all about Windows 7 or 8, as far as I can tell. His site was definitely useful when those OSes were relevant... I've known of him since before he called himself MDGx... he used to call himself axcel216 or something like that, long ago.


Anyway, I've always wished he would come out with a batch file to delete all the unnecessary clutter from Windows 7, the way he did for 98/Me. Long ago I used to utilize his tips, tricks, and tools to combine the best elements of Win98 SE/Windows Me, and then clean the whole thing up with his deletion batch files...


...ahh those were the days, when you could get an entire OS to less than 200MB fully installed and operational... and the system would be screamingly fast & stable. Only 14 or so processes running after boot... it was paradise!


Since that time Windows has become so bloated and slow... XP (my absolute favorite OS) was the last OS to fit on a 650MB CD by default.  Imagine using a slimmed and optimized Win98/Me combo (or XP) on modern hardware {if it could do everything Windows 7 can do, and play DirectX 11 games)... I'd be in heaven with such a setup. If I could run my favorite 64-bit apps (Adobe stuff, mainly) and DX11 on a a slimmed 64-bit XP, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But I've spent $500+ on a DX11 graphics card, so I want to be able to play my games with the latest DirectX. Sadly, DX11 can't be made to work with XP (as far as I know). I know I could play DX11 games in DX9 mode, but that would render my DX11 card investment sort of pointless.


That's why I can't wait for nuhi's new tool... I've been slimming and stripping down OSes since the Windows 98 days. There have been a few tools for Windows 7+ but they're mostly clunky and quirky... We have NEEDED an elegant nLite-style tool for these OSes for YEARS, and we're finally getting one, very soon.


I can't wait to be able to strip Win7/8/+ down to bare bones and get rid of all that bloat...


Edit: I'm also DYING to find out about the new super-special amazing secret feature nuhi has referred to several times... nuhi, do we get to know what that special feature is, yet?

Edited by Ultimist


i "know" MDGX from same time as you , you remembered me the  axcel216 name he used ;'] good old time .

his website is updated last in july .

the main problem guys like him are having , [beside hard core users] , is that windows has badly evolved from open to closed os .

it started with win me and first patch to regain dos access , by now the bios is also in the "party" for some secure os...

i think M$ did the big mistake to create an os that is looking like the one from the apple more than win9x where some little team could make good software even memory managers like qemm or umbpci .


as M$ is always on its line : like with directx and its os....so the market is going into linux where "no one makes the rules" and every body can make his own os ;']


i use win7 x64 , linux mint x64 and steamos . when it comes to play css or l4d2 , linux mint or steamos , is far better and faster than windows , because it is lighter and also because "hidden security" does not exist [ hidden security is the os looking some files or registry key all time to "prevent deletion or edition" [ mostly keys related to serial numbers and kind of version of os...of M$...["8 ] ]


if you are quake 3 or 4-doom3 or valve games player , you should give a try to linux , that plays very well and gfx card are at their best 

with windows , the best i get , is when i use a vhd and load it in ram with grub4dos , so i can not wait to use next release from nuhi even more than yesterday because now i know there is a "super-special amazing secret feature" 


if you are quake 3 or 4-doom3 or valve games player , you should give a try to linux , that plays very well and gfx card are at their best 

with windows , the best i get , is when i use a vhd and load it in ram with grub4dos , so i can not wait to use next release from nuhi even more than yesterday because now i know there is a "super-special amazing secret feature" 





how much its better using ram then ssd ?



how much its better using ram then ssd ?


Last time I measured it, roughly, 37.42% better. :yes:

Expressed in cubic kilometer/foot-candle that would be more or less a  2*(2*pi1/2)2 increase. :whistle:




it is not really faster than a hard-drive windows when all is loaded , but it is faster to load apps and nothing can be faster except having os in cache level 2 or 1 of cpu ;'] , it is also more stable because all is in ram so there are no trouble with hard-drive having to spin up and then read....that can make time-out and crash

long ago i made some css and l4d servers with linux looking like vhd that i loaded in ram : http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-1334971.html

i stopped because valve updated too much times , recently i tested l4d2 linux with new campaigns that caused crashes at same places ...but valve has still not made update...

with css , having the server at home , the server was nearly having played a whole round before online players came , of course at that time no one was having ssd ..


anyone had eared "Nuhi La Cigalle" singing his summer top ?

[ i try to make a joke with nuhi and steven seagal ; seagal sounding like french cigalle ; nuhi being the  grasshopper like in the story of de la fontaine : the grasshopper and the ant ...["8   ]

full story : http://www.bonjourlafrance.com/french_literature/jean_de_la_fontaine_fables/grasshopper_ant_cigale_fourmi.htm

may be if use "medical ganja" you will see seagal like a ant , kicking nuhi'$ butt  ;']


I think everyone's just waiting with bated breath for the imminent first release.... I know I am... Wish it was here already as I need to reinstall 8.1 Pro x64 anyway...

Posted (edited)

No problem whatever.

According to the widely accepted definition of Latin Mediterranean Time, two weeks in Real World Time (or RWT) need to be doubled and the next larger unit of measure is to be adopted:



Besides Mediterranean Time (MT) we have to introduce MTM (Mediterranean Time Maybe :w00t: sometimes also called JAGT acronym for "just a guess" ) that simply takes Mediterranean Time and multiplies it by a variable coefficient k, where 1<k<4, on average, and approximately, 2.   

Doing some math from the dates announced here:


August 24 2014+1 week (MT)+2 weeks (MTM)=August 24+1 week (MT)+2*2 weeks (MT)=August 24+2 months (RWT)+2*4 months (RWT)=

August 24 2014 +10 months (RWT)

There are different interpretations on whether the year is made of 360 commercial days or of 365 ones, and as well it is debatable if it is to be used the actual month number of days or use a conventional 30 days month, however, to be on the safe side, in order to be able to easily express the number of days in hex as 0x20 and in binary as 100000 , in computing matters it is common to use a power of two, 32 days per month, so, taken into account that in the period there should be not a leap year, the calculation resolves to:

August 24+320 days (RWT) = July 10 2015


Thus, here is the new countdown:



Just imagine Nuhi's satisfaction in managing to release the tool BEFORE that deadline! ;):thumbup:



Edited by jaclaz

despite the countdown seems right , i do not think you used the right theorem , MTM is for Bachelorette and Bachelor while with NUhi , with its idea of making money from the day one while he did not with xplite or vlite .....

you should use the MWC equation : Married... with Children


here are the best results .....

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