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KernelEx 4.5.2

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First: I don't have real problems with RC2 either.

Does anybody know about the last GIMP version that works with KEX?!? I tried 2.6.0 with KEX-compabilities (in this case "XP-mode"), since I somewhere read that it should work. At least it starts, thats more version 2.4.x does. But when it is loading it stucks nearly before being finished. The GIMP dialog translated says: "Searching for workfiles: Documents".

And a win-message appears:

GIMP-2 verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite

in Modul <Unbekannt> bei 0000:00000009.


EAX=00e96840 CS=0177 EIP=00000009 EFLGS=00210202

EBX=01a02dd0 SS=017f ESP=00c3f298 EBP=00c3f2b8

ECX=00000000 DS=017f ESI=6d5a7e30 FS=5ec7

EDX=01c56820 ES=017f EDI=00000000 GS=0000

Bytes bei CS:EIP:

00 66 0c 65 04 70 00 65 04 70 00 54 ff 00 f0 79


0000017f 6d5b18f3 01c56820 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00c3f338 63a5d894 01a02dd0 00e96830 bff7e8b0 6d5c04ab 00c3f2fc 81d858ec

Any ideas what to do?

And there is another program that doesn't seem to work correctly. There was a thread about it, but I can't find it anymore.. It's "Apophysis 2" (www.apophysis.org), a fractal-art-generator. It should even work natively on win98! The guy of that thread had the same problem as I do: After the program is loaded the "rendering-window" just shows an hourglass. Although I can even switch the backgroundcolor and -transparency, the hourglass remains there and nothing is rendered. And it seems that I can't even render pictures to th hdd. Preview just works fine.

Furthermore there is a java-version of this program that simply works!

Maybe someone with the same problems is around here..?!

Any help is appreciated.



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Hey, FlippX

On the previous page TmEE mentioned that he used GIMP 2.2 with a "previous version". Probably it's RC1 or beta2. And about the other application that you think might be native to Win98, have you tried to disable KernelEx for that particular application?

When everything is settled, I guess, it's possible to think about a Win95 port of KernelEx. I don't think it's much of a difference to 98. Or is it, Tihiy?

Edited by JC95
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Thx, but in my case Gimp2.2 and the new KEX just work fine together. (Maybe use the right GDI+-version, if it doesn't work)

Gimp 2.4 even runs (win2000-mode), but if I click the "text-tool" the program crashes without leaving any message. Why is that?! Am I missing some (new Xp-) fonts?!

About Apophysis: In short, I have tried every compability-mode. No success..

I downloaded older versions and noticed that version 2.04 works correctly. The guys seem to have changed the renderer after that version.. and some gui-things as well. Anyways, it should work...

Can someone try this plz?!? There even is no need to install it!!! ---> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/apophysis/) If you don't see an hourglass, but a randomly rendered picture, it works...for you..

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Does anybody know about the last GIMP version that works with KEX?!? I tried 2.6.0 with KEX-compabilities (in this case "XP-mode"), since I somewhere read that it should work. At least it starts, thats more version 2.4.x does. But when it is loading it stucks nearly before being finished. The GIMP dialog translated says: "Searching for workfiles: Documents".

And a win-message appears:

GIMP-2 verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite

in Modul <Unbekannt> bei 0000:00000009.


EAX=00e96840 CS=0177 EIP=00000009 EFLGS=00210202

EBX=01a02dd0 SS=017f ESP=00c3f298 EBP=00c3f2b8

ECX=00000000 DS=017f ESI=6d5a7e30 FS=5ec7

EDX=01c56820 ES=017f EDI=00000000 GS=0000

Bytes bei CS:EIP:

00 66 0c 65 04 70 00 65 04 70 00 54 ff 00 f0 79


0000017f 6d5b18f3 01c56820 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00c3f338 63a5d894 01a02dd0 00e96830 bff7e8b0 6d5c04ab 00c3f2fc 81d858ec

Any ideas what to do?

Windows 2000 compatibility mode for gimp.exe, not XP, and this holds true for all GTK applications.

I use Gimp 2.6.8 without problems (with libgio-2.0-0.dll from Gimp 2.6.7 since the one from 2.6.8 doesn't work). Actually I use Gimp painter 2.6.8 from Sourceforge Japan since it has GEGL working properly unlike the "official" Gimp (an issue that has nothing to see with KernelEx but with Gimp itsef.) and loads skins properly unlike later versions.

Edited by loblo
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Yeah! Thanks for this trick. Now the newest version of the Gimp runs smoothly. Even the text-tool works after I downloaded the "dejavusans.ttf"-font (I don't know why Gimp doesn't contain it if it needs it..).

But how did you know that one has to replace exactly the "libgio-2.0-0.dll" with the old one from Gimp 2.6.7 ??

...but thats not the only thing...

I've found another program that refuses to work even it is said to work on win98...

It is "Context Free Art" ...an art-program... It looks interesting, but I can't try it..

( http://www.contextfreeart.org/mediawiki/index.php/Download_page )

There is a stand-alone-version, so you don't have to install anything. Can someone plz try this?!?

The error occurs in both versions, the stand-alone and the installer.

This happens in if KEX is disabled:

CONTEXTFREE verursachte einen Ausnahmefehler e0434f4dH in Modul MSCORWKS.DLL bei 0177:79f55b05.


EAX=00000000 CS=0177 EIP=79f55b05 EFLGS=00000246

EBX=00519064 SS=017f ESP=0073f0a8 EBP=0073f0f0

ECX=00519064 DS=017f ESI=0073f0c8 FS=5427

EDX=0000012d ES=017f EDI=e0434f4d GS=0000

Bytes bei CS:EIP:

c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff 6a 00 6a 00 e8 c1 e3 03 00


6ebdf567 0113c978 00519064 00000000 00633000 0113bf38 00000001 00519064 80131534 0073ed40 00000001 00000001 0073f0a8 0073ed40 0073f1a8 79f55eb6

This in "default-mode":

CONTEXTFREE verursachte einen Ausnahmefehler e0434f4dH in Modul MSCORWKS.DLL bei 0177:79f55b05.


EAX=00000000 CS=0177 EIP=79f55b05 EFLGS=00000246

EBX=0051917c SS=017f ESP=0073f0a8 EBP=0073f0f0

ECX=0051917c DS=017f ESI=0073f0c8 FS=53ff

EDX=0000012d ES=017f EDI=e0434f4d GS=0000

Bytes bei CS:EIP:

c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff 6a 00 6a 00 e8 c1 e3 03 00


0b1e3e36 0105c91c 0051917c 00000000 00633000 0105bedc 00000001 0051917c 80131534 0073ed40 00000001 00000001 0073f0a8 0073ed40 0073f1a8 79f55eb6

And the last in "win2000-mode":

CONTEXTFREE verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite

in Modul KERNEL32.DLL bei 0177:bff87ede.


EAX=c0030948 CS=0177 EIP=bff87ede EFLGS=00010216

EBX=00000000 SS=017f ESP=0063ffe4 EBP=00640050

ECX=00640288 DS=017f ESI=81d82214 FS=5d77

EDX=bff76855 ES=017f EDI=0064026c GS=0000

Bytes bei CS:EIP:

53 56 57 8b 30 83 7d 10 01 8b 4e 38 89 4d f8 75

Stapelwerte: <--"empty"

I have installed the ".net"-stuff and ,since I thought it could help, many vc_redists.. beside this I took some unofficial updates from mdgx page. But it didn'help.

Does this make sense for someone?!?

Since I now have two "win98"-programs not working as they actually should ("Apophysis" and "Context Free Art") I wonder if some "modded dll"-thing may cause this. Maybe RP or KEX itself, the nv8269, or something from mdgx, I don't know, that's just an idea.

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Flippx, since Context Free is supposed to work on Windows 98 without any KernelEx, I think you should report this bug to its devellopers. :yes:

and btw, you can download the previous version (2.1), which does not crash, from the wayback machine:



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Given recent crash reports with RC 2 and RC 3 I have decided to pull down those releases until these issues are resolved.

Please downgrade to RC 1. Sorry for inconvenience.

Here is a hunch: I run w98SE and KernelEX RC3 worked fine for some days; some noncritical errors popped up later and I de-installed and reinstalled several times. Now, I used Norton 2000 and had more than 600 dll errors (I had done some java, ooffice, flashplayer installs and deinstalls too).

Can it be that by deinstalling, kernelex or the others take some (shared?) dll's out that are needed? The registry seemed to get messed up (had some corruption too). Can this have caused the invalid page faults in explorer (or whenever you right click)?

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First of all, thanks for the old version, loblo. It seems to work..

But I just recognized a little bug in the GIMP (v2.4.0 to v2.6.10). I simply have no checkboxes!!! That's rather unhandy if you want to ..check something.

Can someone plz confirm this or the opposite?!?

..Any I thought the program would just flawlessly work...


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First of all, thanks for the old version, loblo. It seems to work..

But I just recognized a little bug in the GIMP (v2.4.0 to v2.6.10). I simply have no checkboxes!!! That's rather unhandy if you want to ..check something.

Can someone plz confirm this or the opposite?!?

..Any I thought the program would just flawlessly work...


Yeah if you use the windows style there will be no checkboxes, you must use another skin and it will be fine. :thumbup

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Yeah if you use the windows style there will be no checkboxes, you must use another skin and it will be fine. :thumbup

Thanks, this helped. Although the install and theme-configuration was a little "buggy".

It even workts with the new Gimp-version.

1) Install gimp 2.6.10

2) Replace gimps "libgio-2.0-0.dll" with the one from "inkscape 0.47" <--zip (or use the one from gimp 2.6.7)

3) Download & install a theme-pack ( http://gimper.net/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=626&sid=b49d176ef45bf5fd66d0dbb3578044ac )

-It might not install in the right place but in c:\"progs"\gimp2.0 <- just move those folders to your gimp-folder.

4)Set the "Gimpthemes-v1.0.exe" and the "gimp-2.6.exe" to win2000-mode

5)Start "Gimpthemes-v1.0.exe" and wait... ...longer...

6)There should be a "theme-browser"-thing now. Select a theme and don't mind if the program hangs!! Leave it like it is..

7)Just start the gimp and enjoy your new theme ...and checkboxes!!

-Maybe quit the gimp: this should release the "theme-browser" finally so you can click "okay" there.

Greets Flipp

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You got it. :thumbup

Another tip in case you install the G'Mic plugin (recommended): Create a (NULL) directory (with the brackets) in the gimp bin folder otherwise G'Mic won't be able to update its filter database online properly and you'll miss out quite a few cool filters. :hello:

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I'll try that soon.

I have found another small bug.. when selecting the "brush-tool" -> "brushdynamics" there is a table, but the "headlines" are missing. There should be a diagonal text, instead it is empty space..

Is this "normal" ?!?

Btw. have you ever tried to use the "sparkle-filter" on a blank (white) sheet?! -And does it crash (or at least become so slow, that windows wants to end it)?! So for me: "Don't use this if one has too much white applied."

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Yes you are right for both but I think that the second issue is normal and also occurs on operating systems supported by Gimp since that filter seeks for brighter parts of the image on which to apply the sparkles, feeding it an image with only 100% brightness obviously confuses it. (Not a nice filter anyway IMO btw)

Edited by loblo
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