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Last Versions of Software for Windows 98SE

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Hmm, I've just checked again now and it seems the TC plug-in tries to unpack the msi altogether and fails. It shows all files in a single folder but extraction would fail on any of them. It would correctly extract all the files in the msi though, once it's pulled out from the installer. Seems that letting the installer unpack the msi in the %temp% folder is the only valid method known so far. Sorry for misleading. :(

ivanbuto, have you actually started Profiling on the installer or did you just load it in DW? At profile time it would show any other adjacent missing dependencies that may not pertain to the installer but to related system libraries.

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Virus and Spyware Scanners:

LAST - FREE - SuperAntiSpyware Free- please check before scanning "Close browsers before scanning" и "Terminate memory threats before quarantining" in Configuration and Preferences-->Preferences-->Scanning Control

LAST - FREE - DrWeb CureIt

Both work like a charm! Highly recommended! :thumbup

Edited by tonich
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Directory Watcher - keeps track of changes to files in any number of specified directories. The list of changed files updates each time the program is run, and can be saved as a text file. I find it handy during installs, to see quickly which dll's they be messin' with :) , how much did the registry grow by, and what new files got added.

LAST - FREE - Directory Watcher 1.2 --- http://homepages.pathfinder.gr/nsiolios/dirw10.zip

And the download page: http://homepages.pathfinder.gr/nsiolios/dirw.html

Edited by chromatic47
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I didn't see Python as a programming language - I've gotten quite a bit of functionality using Python console programs under ME. The 2.5.x series is the last that will support 98/ME.

Also, although SpiderOak's backup service says it requires 2000/XP, it runs on Python and runs fine on my ME system. The GUI takes up a lot of processor power and RAM, especially when doing the first huge backup, but after that it's okay. I don't have a W98 system to check either on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

K-Lite Codec Pack is not compatible (unfortunately) with 98se past version 2.88, despite the guide's declaration. I also have not been able to get GIMP versions past 2.2 on 98se. I did some fiddling but Kernelex was of no help. My test was the latest version, 2.6.x. GIMP is still great, but 2.2 is the limit for 98se. VLC is not compatible with 98se past 0.8.x AFAIK.

And may I suggest X-setup Pro, a TweakUI-like but far more sophisticated tool; version 9.1, the latest version, is supposed to work with 98se if the box is properly configured and upgraded. WMP10 is of course hackable into 98se, as is Firefox 3 and OpenOffice.org 3, perhaps that should be mentioned. For web design, Kompozer is a great package, that works even on 95, and thus on 98se as well. GXexplorer is a handy explorer shell for 95 and later.

CONTEXT Programmers editor is a nice editor, as is emacs, which is compatible with 95 and later, and is of course a unix holdover. The VIM editor is also very nice, and offers a 32-bit DOS version (good for DOS mode editing sessions!) and a GUI Win32 version, both compatible with 98se, and the DOS version runs well in a DOS window. Abiword is a nice lightweight word processor. The last Win98se compatible version is 2.5.x.

http://www.vim.org/download.php#pc - vim

http://kompozer.net/download.php - Kompozer

http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/windows/- emacs, download the "bin" 22.3 version

http://www.x-setup.net/downloads/home.asp?lang=EN - X-setup Pro note: is shareware! The FAQ has help on Win98se usage.

http://sourceforge.net/projects/gxexplorer - GX explorer

http://www.abisource.com/download/development.phtml - Abiword

Edited by ryaxnb
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Hi ryaxnb,

concerning GIMP, did you try Deep Paint (1.0 works for WIN 98 SE and is freeware): http://www.freewareportal.de/Bildbearbeitung/DeepPaint.html

Concerning WMP 6.4 and K- codec pack I am especially regretting that it does not play real player movies and that the last WIN 98 version for real alternative is outdated (10.5 is much to heavy on ressources). Any other idea ?


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concerning GIMP, did you try Deep Paint (1.0 works for WIN 98 SE and is freeware): http://www.freewareportal.de/Bildbearbeitung/DeepPaint.html

Something worth a try is also the "Project Dogwaffle":


that has a FREEWARE version:




(though latest version does not run on 98, the older 3.3 should work allright):



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Hi ryaxnb,

concerning GIMP, did you try Deep Paint (1.0 works for WIN 98 SE and is freeware): http://www.freewareportal.de/Bildbearbeitung/DeepPaint.html

Concerning WMP 6.4 and K- codec pack I am especially regretting that it does not play real player movies and that the last WIN 98 version for real alternative is outdated (10.5 is much to heavy on ressources). Any other idea ?


I never had too much trouble installing RealPlayer itself if you're very careful to play with the association settings and other installation settings. Version 8 isn't a bad choice.

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I have tried the new Java installer, version 6u10.

Whereas before (versions 6u6 and 6u7) one could overcome the installer problems and use the .msi file to install Java, now it seems impossible.

Upon running jre-6u10-windows-i586-p.exe, a directory is created under R%\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_10, with two files:



The .cab file contains all or most of the actual files to be extracted and installed (under "core.zip"). However, the .msi file pops with Error 1721. Thus, it seems the only way to install would now be to manually extract files?

Would it be so hard for Sun to make the installation process Win98-friendly, seeing as Java 6u10 itself should still work on Windows 98?

Edited by ivanbuto
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