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Everything posted by fizban2

  1. depending on their internet provider and the type of line they are leasing (DSL, Cable, T1) will determine if their modem will contain a router that will utilize NAT, on most higher end modems the routing function is left to a actual router the can deliver NAT and firewall functionality. if they are trully looking for a hig availability solution for this software, the cluster should be only used for this software, in the case of the MSDE i am not sure how clustering would work with this (i would assume it would be near the same as SQL but i do not know if all the functionality for this is available. That would be something to check into. a Firewall is a must, weither it be built into the router or standalone system, some type of firewall is needed. if they rruly want this HA system then they might be willing to spring for 2 servers (these don't have to be killer machines, they can be sized according to the number of users using the system and the system requirements and project growth of the system) that can be used specifically for this purpose. It is an investment on their part but they do get the peace of mind that their software will always be available for their users.
  2. you can have additional DCs as part of the SBS domain, but you cannot add a SBS server to an existing domain
  3. you can just promote the servers to DCs and the replication will take care of the AD information, the FSMO roles will need to be migrated to the new servers before the old ones are decommisioned, a good question would be is do you like your AD design and setup? this would be a excellent time to review the AD design and layout and see if anything is amiss or could be done to make AD more streamlined since the migration steps from 2000 to 2003 are not that bad.
  4. a 3rd agreement, is possible add in a ISA server or another firewall product that will public access to the internet, DC with a public IP is just asking for trouble. there is no need to cluster the 2 DCs as if one DC fails the other is already running, the fail over will be instantanious. plus by having both server active as DCs you get the benefit of having 2 servers to balance the load rather then one server sitting as a reserve that may never be used, things to cluster, Exchange, SQL, Oracle, Services like that that don't really have any Built in redundency to them.
  5. are you trying to extract the XP build off of a CD? that fucntionality is not available yet, you will need to copy the source files to your computer then import them into the BDD, there were several issues working with the BDD and Xp Sp2, none have been fixed since an updated version has yet to come out. to fix the error you are receiving go into the distro folder and delete the OS folder containing the Windows XP Sp2 information (xml files) that were create for that build, you will be able to open the BDD again and create a new build or capture
  6. waiting for kentsfield. i figure if i need a new mobo, ram, and video card, i can wait for the quad core chips
  7. if this is a testing environment, it would almost be better off not being available to the rest of the network, is there a reason that these machines need access to the rest of the network?
  8. i can try and ring up a few numbers for you, unfortunately the setup i am working with is not nearly as nice, just a small test lab i have built, i will see what i can get for you
  9. biohead is right, Vista DVD is a great recovery tool, and testing tool also
  10. now it won't even boot, has vista been installed? or is it the DVD that won't boot?
  11. 5492 and 5504 were both internal builds, i am not even sure TAP partners gots those builds or not
  12. a WMI script or ADSI would be quickest, you would have to have some logic to dictate what each dept each person was given, but it is that or hand enter them
  13. it is an old link, the versions they test are 5321, 5270 and 5384, there has been time for the exploits listed there to be worked on. the rewriting of the network stack had to happen at some time IPv6 is a very real reality for some companies and for the internet in the near future, all i have to say is **** it is fast, especially going through a gigabit switch to a longhorn server, file transfers just fly
  14. 50 sub-domains? why the reason for so many domains?
  15. you are right, again this is goor reason why MS releases betas and is taking the initative and talking with different black hats and such, this way they can uncover more holes and flaws before they are used for malacious intents.
  16. How do you want to configure the root hints? they should be setup automatically on a DNS install. is this a AD intergrated zone or no? if this is just an internal DNS server, the only roothint you would need is for DNSserver1, if you configure roots hints on an internal DNS server for just that server, it will believe it is a root DNS server and never go out to any other DNS servers for requests, if it doesn't have the record there then it doesn't exist in its mind. As for the recursion, it will start at the first server that is authortative for the zone that the query is being done on. so internally it will look and your DNSserver1 first.
  17. i hope windows does not have to send the game developers a patch to make their games work right, with the respect to vista, it has changed alot of things that games developers will need to work out, i would also expect that many games will never work on vista without alot of retooling by the game devs, but still in that respect, Vista has been out for a long time now, game devs i would think would be able to get ahold of vista to test games on, it is up to them to make their games work on vista not MS, the tools are out there for them, they just have to use them
  18. as in my post above, the only build that will work with the BDD is 5384, because of the beta state and the way each build changes, the BDD will only work with the build that was released at the time BDD was (5384) newer build will not work until a new version of the BDD comes out
  19. if on the DVD it is sources, then yes, it will need to be sources on the Unattended file also.
  20. it will be fixed in the next release of the BDD, just remeber when you work with beta software that wierd things are the norm.
  21. looks like you forgot to install the WAIK after installing the BDD, go into the BDD folder made on the C:\programfiles\BDD2007 (i think) there will be a WAIk folder you have to install the WAIK from then it will work, *warning* the BDD is very version specific with vista, 5472 probably will not work as any build after 5384 has not worked properly with it
  22. fizban2


    start => all programs => accersories => windows sidebar or just use the search feature for "sidebar"
  23. microsoft has turned off the beta download of Beta 2, i think the ordering is also done, you will have to wait and see if RC1 will be available or if you have a msdn account or technet account you could get it also
  24. if you looking to deal with illegal file downloads you may be better off at not allowing apps like bit torrent and such to be installed, also blocking the ports they go through, also blocking webpages that host those files, that may proved easier to do or at least have a more universal approach to effectively block all such activities on all machines.
  25. Mandatory profiles would be a good way to go, once you set one up, each time the user logs on it will reset the profile to the original settings. as for the 50 Mb limit, is there a real specific reason to have this?
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