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Everything posted by fizban2

  1. Sohit, 2 way you should be able to get all the drivers you need, either through Windows updates, or be going to Intels webpage and looking up your motherboard and downloading the newest drivers there for it. those are really your only options atm. Intel is behind a bit on drivers as they are in the proccess of rolling out a new family of CPUs in the coming weeks. you might have to give them some time
  2. -I- you are quite right, lets see what we can do to fix it
  3. You need at least 256 Mb ram that can be allocated for Vista and the PE, any less and it iwll not work, essence you need more ram, or turn of the dedicated ram
  4. Microsoft is a company just like any other, if they don't make new products then they will go under simple as that, i am sure you can stick with XP for awhile but remeber, EOL happens for everything (end of life) If there is something that you don't like, submit a feed back report about it, but don't just say it sucks, tell them what you don't like, why, and give an example how to make it better. Also they haven't stopped making XP better, XP Sp3 is coming out soonish, even while building a new OS they have been updating the one that is out there. I can't speak for the military, but i would highly bet that they have already evaluated Vista to see if it meets their criteria for security and stability. i can say this, after moving to Vista though they will be able to stop hot gluing their USB ports on their computers closed http://www.microsoft.com/technet/itsolutio...it/winsrvr.mspx Windows Server configurations for both in house servers and Web servers all server 2003 R2, IIS 6.0, Your right, vista will be a huge jump for most people in terms of compatibility and change. This is MS's fault for not releasing an OS in 4 or 5 years, this should never happen as it allows people to fall into a habit with the software they use, they get very comfortable with it and don't think there is anything better or don't want to be hassled learning something new. The IT world is run through inovation, getting into a rut means that sooner or later you lose... but before you rant make sure you have valid points for it...
  5. they recomnned at least a 800 MHZ cpu, not FSB of 800 mhz
  6. vista shoudl run fine for you, but it will be a little slow with only the 512 ram, double it to a gig and you won't have any issues
  7. i don't believe there is a way to do this with 2000, fucntionality isn't there.
  8. so you only see your new image or you only see the image from the RIS server?
  9. out of curiosity, to everyone that has posted on here as to having issues with Vista and what you don't like, have you all put in bugs and feedback requests to MS about the things you don't like?
  10. MSDN (Microsoft developer Network) you pay to get test copies of software and tools and such to work and with and test with, lots of good stuff just really expensive, 5456 is a MSDN only build or beta tester build, don't expect another public build (RC1) till later august is my bet. oh and warez is illegal software,
  11. if you don't like the programs menu just use the built in search feature there, it is quite good, also @thunderbolt, what do you have in your rig? i am running a 2.4 ghz P4 2 gigs ram on a 40 gig drive for Vista and i have almost no preformance issues, just curious what you are running, please keep in mind to that this is BETA and it can only get faster, 5456 is much faster vs Beta 2 that was released to the public there will be another CTP build hopefully by the end of this week or next week also, with speed improvements
  12. SBS2003 will have everything you need for Sharepoint Services to run, even a nice wizard to help you set it up:) as for the VPN, what do you mean replace the VPN with sharepoint services, VPN is for connecting remote clients were as sharepoint services is more of a intranet collaboration tool
  13. in 5456 many if th pop-ups or UAC actions have been changed, and hopefully they will change it a little more. the Theory behind UAC (helping the user understand what is going on with their computer ie being installed, neing deleted etc) is a good one, just most people don't care about stuff like that and just want to get want they need done on the computer and as quickly as possible, security is sacrfice by many in exchange for speed. I agree the feature is annoying, but since i have been using 5456, it has not been that bad (and yes i can delete things of my desktop now without needing to say yes to deleting them :-D)
  14. the boot manager for vista should have loaded when you installed vista, you can check by running the command prompt from an elevated status (right click runas admin) and do BCEdit, check out MS webpage for more info on the commands
  15. i know this will sound stupid but rewrite you command line for OSCDIMG, i had the same error cause i copied in parts of the command line (paths etc) and i got the same error, by typing everything in by hand it worked. don't know why but it did, give it a shot
  16. the vista drivers are incomplete and will only get you stereo sound, the XP will get you 5.1 the vista drivers should listed in programs to remove, you could also uninstall the sound card from device manager
  17. what is the error that you get when it hits that line?
  18. ahhh sorry thunderbolt, added the wrong qoute on my message
  19. you are most likely going to have to wait for Nortel to release a new version of the client that will work with the new TCP/IP stack, you acn try contacting them and see if they have a beta of the software that they are testing and you could possibly test
  20. is it like a white line? or could you give a better description? digital cameras also work
  21. if you right-click on the installer file that you download from Creative you there will be a properties option, under properties there will be a compatablilty tab, under here you can turn on compatablility for XP SP2
  22. the winload error can happen when the burn did not happen correctly or something in the Windows PE changed, did you modifiy the boot.wim? also reburn the disk, at the slowest speed your burner has, if possible try another burner also
  23. until creative releases actual drivers for beta 2 then you will have try and use the windows XP ones, downloard the newest XP drivers off of creatives site, run them in app compat mode for XP SP2 and run as the local administrator
  24. what VPN client are you using? the Networking stack in vista was totally rewritten so where your VPN is trying to hook into the stack may no longer be there. any more info on what VPN solution you are using?
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