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Everything posted by fizban2

  1. there error usually will happen when the scanner is trying to right something out to a folder it no longer has access to, make sure the user that you are using has modifiy permissions on the folder where the ISIS app lives. have you tried it as a full admin yet? does it work there? also you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the application to see if that helps
  2. Steve is right, from the sounds of it, DX10 has ties to the graphics system that is part of vista, since this is not backwards compatible with XP you will not see any of the DX10 features in XP. i am sure there will be a refresh of DX 9, but if you look, both Nvidia and ATI's next gen cards are both still DX9 based, so there won't be any DX 10 cards out till next year at the earliest i would bet
  3. Question 1# yes it is still there, i can still see it on my connect page and can still download it. Question 2# What is the error that you are getting when you trying to run the BDD?
  4. evidently he didn't wish to read the post or couldn't find it in the BDD, in either case, Martin has already taken care of it
  5. when you refer to crap, can you give some example? i know everyone says there is to much crap but i still don't see examples of it, POW has some good examples (by the way the green bar across the top is the indexing agent checking the folder and reindexing it ) that is why it takes for ever one those folders with huge AVis or movie files.
  6. did you try manually installing the drivers, expand them into a folder, go into device manager and install them from there
  7. like XP there will most likely be an upgrade version of Vista, no plans have been made public yet though
  8. everyone loves the beta.... :-D
  9. Ron you are correct, My DVD was 1.2 gig, well under the 2.2 limit if you try a ISO bigger then 2.2 you can't even get PE to boot properly.
  10. you try it with XP sp2 compat mode yet?
  11. many vista apps will not work on XP, the Dlls and dependices have changed or been rewritten, if you find what dependeces are needed for an app you can copy those across to XP and try it, no gauruntee that it will work though
  12. what video card are you trying to install the drivers for? many have had to "manually" install the drivers (ie going into device manager and updating the drivers for their video card by right clicking on the card)
  13. Technically MS says that you should be able to use the factory install.wim comes on the DVD to install vista, i have tried with several earlier builds and that did not work, i just finished dloading 5456 and am going to try it with that one, in earlier builds of vista there were alot of error checking done on the isntall and you couldn't just use the install.wim,
  14. you can use BCDedit from the command prompt (run as elevated) there you can change your boot order and config
  15. the only difference between x86 and 64 bit is the architecture, program wise they are the same
  16. Jumz, chris is correct, the reason i use diskpart is because i have several ways that computers can be partitioned, and a different script for each, desktops get wiped and load, servers get HDs spilt based on how big they are, same with workstations, it all matters how complex the environment is that you are working in. Oh only if i could just hard code it in...
  17. @gangsterhenk, make sure you format the HD before you drop you Windows image on it, also NTLDR errors should not happen with vista as it no longers uses NTLDR, @Jumz as of right now you can dump a NON-hardware specific vista image with WIM, i am build a WIM that will work with XP now, but you will have work on a few things, getting all the drivers you need into the image, getting all the files you needed for single and multicore systems (different HAL layers), also getting any applicaitons that you need/want in the image install on your reference system, with this you can build a single image that can boot from a WIM that will work on any machine in your ogranization
  18. It is only available to TAP partners and Users who are part of the vista Beta, everyone who got the public beta will have to wait for RC1 to get a new version of vista.
  19. can you navigate to the regedit.exe and run it from there(%systemdrive%\windows\system32)?
  20. hmmm im not sure but if someone can confirm.. i read somewere mobility cards arent compatible at this stage with glass!! but im sure i've also seen drivers around most mobolilty card are not working because of the lack of memory or other missing requirements Windows Aero requires: DirectX 9 class graphics processor that: Supports a WDDM Driver. Supports Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware. Supports 32 bits per pixel. Adequate graphics memory. 64 MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor less than 1,310,720 pixels 128 MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions from 1,310,720 to 2,304,000 pixels 256 MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions higher than 2,304,000 pixels Meets graphics memory bandwidth requirements, as assessed by Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor running on Windows XP ignore the last line as the upgrade advisor still doesn't work right on my D600 with the mobility 9000, here are the stats biggest thing is that it does not support DX 9 so that kills it right there, also it supports UP to 128 mb of ram for graphics, most are 64 or 32 mb though. Don't be suprised if most onboard graphics card won't run aero, like Mr Snrub said, there is no more Reg keys to turn on Aero, it only will turn on when it finds the above requirements are met. expect that old chipsets (ie the 915) the 945 chipset might support aero but anything above the should be able to support it, can't spell
  21. If you remove the installTo line it will prompt for a location to install to, but then you have to leave the <WillShowUI>onError</WillShowUI> if you are machines are not ever the same then what you could do is just have the HD that vista is to use plugged in on that machine, at that time you could use <InstallToAvailablePartition>true</InstallToAvailablePartition> to install to the available Partition on the HD, if you don't like that idea you can just take out the <isntallTo> tag and it will prompt to the install location screen during install
  22. do you just have a single NIC? or is the machine also a gateway to the net? if it is just internetwork traffic you really don't need a firewall in place, IPsec would be more secure anyway
  23. ok of curiosity, are the mandatory roaming profiles. (check the NTUSER.dat and see if it has been renamed to NTUSER.MAN) this would not allow the user to update the profile.
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