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Everything posted by D.Draker

  1. This whole thing is over-rated . One would need to start a flashing utility and remove write protections first. Besides , not lots of free sapce for "mallware" in that chip. http://www.datasheetcafe.com/gd25q20-datasheet-pdf/
  2. Duh !? That's why I wrote he needs to insert the new certs he downloads directly from MS. Did you read what I wrote ? Well , try again (reading out loud with a thick British accent might help). This method proved to be fully working by many MSFN members.
  3. For manual Root Certificate Update "rootsupd.exe" download http://i430vx.net/files/wsusstuff/NT5x/rootsupd.exe, unzip to a folder (eg with WinRAR), in "rootsupd.inf" entry in the string VERSION should "40,0,2195,0" loud and in VER "040" , In the next step, "http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/authroots.sst" "http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/delroots.sst" "http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/roots.sst" "http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/updroots.sst" download and paste the unzipped folder and replace older files. Then with e.g. (Create Self-Extracting Archive) WinRAR all files in the folder to an archive option SFX with the following comment: TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1 Setup=Rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection rootsupd.inf,DefaultInstall pack and you have a current root certificate update! https://msfn.org/board/topic/178377-on-decommissioning-of-update-servers-for-2000-xp-and-vista-as-of-july-2019/?do=findComment&comment=1212034For revoked Certificate Update "rvkroots.exe" Microsoft download (http://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=41542), unzip to a folder (e.g. with WinRAR). In "rvkroots.inf" the entry in the string VERSION should be changed to "5,0,2195,0" and the VER entry changed to "005". The next step is download the "http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/disallowedcert.sst" and paste the unzipped folder and replace older file. Then with e.g. (Create Self-Extracting Archive) WinRAR all files in the folder to an archive option SFX with the following comment: TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1 Setup=Rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection rvkroots.inf,DefaultInstall pack and you have a current update for blocking unsafe Certificates! https://msfn.org/board/topic/178377-on-decommissioning-of-update-servers-for-2000-xp-and-vista-as-of-july-2019/?do=findComment&comment=1212104
  4. First of all , thank you for the detailed explanations ! Second , what's the point of that file if the game downgrades itself to 11_0 anyways and runs on Windows 7 natively ?! From what I see during the last 10-15 years , there's no need to upgrade , no point in newer OS too. We all could be perfectly fine with Vista running these "modern" games on Vista's DirectX11 and 11 years old videocards ... why did I even buy DX_12.1 Titan ?!
  5. In Dependency walker they will just show in red , they can't just magically disappear from an executable and then reappear on a "supported system". Did a further research. The intros you're were talking about are handled by MFPLAT.DLL (shown in red on my screen because of a missing dep. on Vista) . The funniest thing , if I were to use this game , I'd just skip all intros anyways . But if someone wants them , it could be fixed by using the win32's MFPLAT fix . So ! This game should run perfectly fine on Vista x64 with or even without the fix. Not sure about XP (due to the lack of DX9Ex).
  6. Yes, I did a lookup and found the official requirements : GTX770 (NON DX12 card). How's that even possible for a DX12 game to run on that thing ? Then I took a screenshot and found DX9Ex , exactly the same are used in DOA5 , so no , I don't think they are just for intros. There's a FULL set of D3D9Ex instructions to run the game , including textures etc. Also note , the game requests Direct3Dcreate9Ex, just like it should, when it runs purely on D3D9Ex (I read the docs and you can look up for them yourself too). There is no indication , even remotely , for it to fully support true DX12 (or even 10/11). Yes, what I meant is a real DX12 , like in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (TM). It runs on real DX12 cards , starting with the Maxell gen. (980ti , Titan X 12GB and the such) . And of course it has DX12 APIs. So , why it doesn't run on GTX770 .LOL. )))))) There's lots of posts from people trying to run it on older cards without any success. Yet they found a way to run the game on older OS , BUT only with a REAL DX12 card. All that videos above , are soft wrappers , that's what comes to mind. Don't you think ? DirectX 12 card (feature level 12_1) https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-gtx-titan-x.c2632
  7. Not much to "document" , lol. I think I'll leave this conversation (not because of you , no ! You're an interesting person and polite, I wish you to get rid of the infection as soon as possible !). It's because I see lots of hostility from some other members that just like to write without actual proof provided . Until I see an actual API call to DX12 inside the game executable , I won't beleive it . And as of now , there's none .
  8. No , excuse me ! There is a big issue. It seems you like to support anyone who is opposed to me. Like in this case , some random user with no proof and you just supported him again . Why ? So now you're just outta here without even saying sorry . Why did you even start replying to this conversation ? Are you a gamer ? Do you have proof for this game being truly DX12 compatible ? Do you own a DX12 videocard ?
  9. First , I don't owe you anything , so I don't have to prove anything . I'm writing this only out of respect to the whole MSFN and to you too (BTW). Second , you gotta be fair , no ? Why do you choose sides ? The difference between us (Jaguarek63 and me) is that he just says , and I supply with hard proof. All of that can be easily verified. Like this image I showed . The game runs on DX9ex . And then again , I don't argue with him . I already wrote, I trust him and don't understand the hostility . If in his world this game runs fine on a budget card with DX12 , that's fine by me . I'm really glad for him! I'lL just ignore what the specs show and pretend like everything is cool . OK ?
  10. Oh really ?! Where ? It's DX9ex . Old tech., similar to DOA 5. My PC also meets the reqs . My specs are shown on the profile.
  11. Yet you didn't hide Windows 3.1 ! Must be a truly fascinating experience (updating and using Win 3.1) xD
  12. He is a legend !!! My favourite actor , along with Sean Connery !
  13. I'm sorry , I don't purchase 150GB (!) games that require "Broadband Internet connection" . Besides , did you read the specs ? How can it use DX12 if it requires GTX770 (a TEN years old card based on GTX680). GTX770 does NOT have DX12 . https://store.steampowered.com/app/1174180/red_dead_redemption_2/ GT770 specs , no DX12 , as you can see. "...the feature level is only 11_0, which can be problematic with newer DirectX 12 titles. " https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-gtx-770.c1856 It's not "true" DX12 , it's some soft wrapper . That would explain why this game runs on a 11 years old DX11 card. "In Red Dead Redemption 2, there is no visual difference between selecting Vulkan or DirectX 12" "Based on the earliest benchmarks are reports from players, Vulkan offers slightly higher average frame rates" https://www.shacknews.com/article/114834/should-you-choose-vulkan-or-directx-12-in-red-dead-redemption-2
  14. I'm not sure why you asked about XP. My question was about Win 7. Anyways , since you asked , why not bring XP and Vista back to the main page ? Don't you think ? Absolutely unpopular Windows 8 is in the main OS page , but XP and Vista not . Yet all I see here lately , mostly XP topics/questions and Vista Kernel/Updates/Browsers.
  15. cyberpunk ?! You mean the one where the devepolers had to pay $1.85 million due to the numerous bugs to their investors ? Well , not a good example , indeed. https://screenrant.com/cyberpunk-2077-lawsuit-settlement-payout-cd-projekt-red/ I see how it's being "utilized" )))))
  16. Well , I asked you . I have no reason not to trust you . Yet what you say is NOT implemented yet . I mean , there is nothing for us , ordinary customers . (no update packages , no such "games" , nothing). Just articles , empty promises and rumours. Don't you remember the twenty-years-long story about DX10/11 being ported to XP ? LOL !
  17. As of lately , seems this is the top one . https://msfn.org/board/topic/178377-on-decommissioning-of-update-servers-for-2000-xp-and-vista-as-of-july-2019/
  18. In 2013 ? Maybe . But now it's : Win8.1: 2.94 % Win11: 2.43 % WinXP: 0.49 % ... https://gs.statcounter.com/os-version-market-share/windows/desktop/worldwide/
  19. You wrote "support from microsoft" , implying it's official , now you're saying could be "implemented by any game developer". So there's nothing then , just like I thought. In terms of DirectX level , Vista = Windows 7 (Both DirectX 11).
  20. I see , thanks . And what about Windows 8 then ? Two and a half users , yet in the Top charts. Windows 8 market share is at 0.18% (way below Vista) .
  21. Still doesn't answer my question . Judging by this logic (amount of users and PCs), Win 8 , 11 and perhaps 10 too should be moved to the "others" section . Yet they are on TOP.
  22. Some days ago , there was no ability to view MSFN if you're not logged in ! I think it was a test . Everything goes this insane route . Twitter , Instagram , Facebook aren't letting you read if you're not logged in . Just tried them all . Of course there are some ways to prevent Twitter nag screens , but they not always work. And with Instagram and Facebook , no such ways.
  23. Whenever you hear people mention a "cashless society" just remember how the Canadian government froze $9 million in digital payments to the truckers.
  24. Hello , I'm just curious , why Windows 7 still in the current OS list ? While Vista in the "older" ! Windows 7 support ended on January 14, 2020 (more than two years ago!) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-7-support-ended-on-january-14-2020-b75d4580-2cc7-895a-2c9c-1466d9a53962 In the meantime, Windows Server 2008 (based on Vista) still gets extended rollup packs and they work for ordinary Vista too ! (that's of course if you have a licence) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/february-8-2022-kb5010384-monthly-rollup-44eacd6e-d5bb-43d3-9ac1-0757e588c3a6 Seems to be unfair , don't you think ? I'm pretty sure the ESU licence could be bought for Server R2 too , but that places the two OS in the exact same spot ! Be it "older" or "current" . EDIT: I think it's the question for the supervisors. I'm curious what @Tripredacus thinks about it .
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