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D.Draker last won the day on December 18

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About D.Draker

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    Vista Business x64

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  1. Almost forgot, the fonts are weird.
  2. Fellas, need your assistance, can't choose either "CPU support" or any other from that row. https://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en/eol/introduction.php?S_ID=832
  3. You, maybe, all others will bend to it. A couple years from now, when all browsers will quit working on 10, you will, too. Especially if we assume you already wanted to.
  4. Important to add, both our email accounts were somehow connected to social media! Mine was linked with a famous (at that time) dating site POF. Her account was used to register on Insta and Facebook, also LinkedIn. Yeah, she was that chatty. I also have another account, never used to register anywhere, zero spam,
  5. I remembered, some 5-6 years ago, my ex-GF got an angry email threatening to make her naked photos public, it never happened, that's why I forgot. Now digging up my memory, the header contained a mass mailing IP from France. If I ever got such mail, I could care less, I'd say, go on, publish my pics, I'm proud of 'em. But girls.... it's a totally different story. To say the least, she was stressed, imagine those fragile early 20ish females. She never stored her pics on that PC, so yeah I agree, could be just phishing, to look at the reaction.
  6. This one is actually pleasant, and you can't compare it to the written-off, dangerous oil tankers.
  7. And cheer up, you're here with us.
  8. I was once bombarded by the Russian dating scam emails, from some place called Yfa, Ufa, not sure I remember correctly now. It happened after I left the on-line dating scene, somewhere in 2010 or so. So I found the sender with the help of my boys I served in the military, the one that gathered intel. Then wrote to the sender with the demand to stop. It all stopped.
  9. Oh, and probably it's fine to copy-paste it here. It will contain the sender IP, provider, etc.
  10. In such cases, I always check the email header first. Google: how to check email headers.
  11. Same old story for the usual participants in the bad deeds! France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, GB and US don't deliberately use out-of-service tankers. So please don't mix everyone in one bag of garbage.
  12. Wasted an hour googling, seems the project is no more, though no official announcement, Anyways, it's time to move on from this old Chrome based on 118. I no longer recommend this browser due to the age.
  13. Dixel's starter didn't do any prefetch, it optimised by disabling google sound recording (yes, using your in-built microphone without telling you), and other numerous processes we don't need, thus freeing RAM andad CPU cycles. It still allowed all the usual writes to the registry.
  14. I'm lost, has the development stopped? We're already at Chrome 134 or so, and the latest is 118.
  15. The benefits would only be noticeable forthe old DX11 games, since the Kernel doesn't include the ability to run DX12 titles, and that is the biggest downside. Theoretically, it's possible on the proper hardware, but the development had stopped.
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