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Everything posted by Dixel

  1. Yeah , let's not discuss , I agree . But other members need to know why I asked you . Not everyone is aware , it seems . Honestly , I can't understand why would you bring the politics here in the first place ? Huh ? I mean , you didn't link to a neutral website about Dutch tullips ! You linked to the enemy station . I was in shock why would you even suggest something like this to a Finnish guy . Being from Europe , you ought to know his motherland Finland is still under Russian occupation , huge Finnish territories are still under occupation . Like Karelia , etc. "Russia occupied Finland several times" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finland–Russia_relations In 1939 Russia bombed Helsinki and occupied Finland again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Helsinki_in_World_War_II Not enough ? I still remember russian tanks near your house too .... OK ! Let's pretend it was a big misunderstanding and move on. I just wanted to say I'm on the same side with this marvellous , friendly , funny and wise Finnish guy , I hope he will forgive you . P.S. I know a lot of Germans . You need to be sure you're not talking to an ex-stasi , DDR military or his/her relatives/family members and the such , who will tell you "some things were better on the other side". To the other readers and our dear moderators , please excuse us for this slight off-topic ! And it is still kinda on-topic , since we talk about internet websites . Why ? Simply because we didn't have RT in the 90's when russians couldn't allow themselves to pay for this super expensive propaganda machine with the western oil/gas money and the internet was definitely better !
  2. I would also suggest to disable HIDDEN extensions inside resources.dll List of Spying/Tracking/Unwanted/Unneeded things/extensions I prefer to disable : 1 - mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai PDF Viewer 2 - fjajfjhkeibgmiggdfehjplbhmfkialk CryptoTokenExtension 3 - gfdkimpbcpahaombhbimeihdjnejgicl Feedback to gurgle (!) 4 - Chrome Web Store Cloud Print (who needs that ?!) 5 - Github Polymer "feedback" (!) https://github.com/Polymer/polymer/issues/ 6 - Google Network Speech (the code varies) (this may be of some use to @ArcticFoxie only due to gurgle voice , but I'm pretty sure it will still work without it) 7 - ahjtciijnoiaklcomgnblndopackapon Identity API Scope Approval UI (some apps use it to link the user to the gurgle acc.) 8 - Replace ALL occurrences (just break the links, it's enough) , like zzps instead of http: https://crbug.com http://crbug.com https://developer
  3. I do have these blocked , chrome often sends requests there . RESERVED for adding more. It's those IPs from that article. - May interfere with the store , I block it anyway. - Didn't notice any "good" blocked sites. Safe to block . - Safe to block . Do not forget : Google continues to send data from EU websites to the US - despite two Court of Justice rulings. Austrian Data Protection Authority could fine Google up to €6 billion. ""Google has to hand over all data under US law. It's grotesque that they argue to have fences and signs - US survillance laws are also applicable behind fences. Standard encryption doesn't help either, as Google is required to hand over encryption keys too. In 2019 alone, they gave the US government data on foreigners more than 201,000 times." – Max Schrems, Honorary Chairman of noyb.eu" https://noyb.eu/en/austrian-dpa-has-option-fine-google-eu6-billion
  4. @ArcticFoxie , @XPerceniolSpeaking of Gurgle IPs, I tend to think 2206 is more "gurgle friendly" , it talks to gurgle more often compared to 1106. I guess it's quite safe to use it for now . But do block those IPs , trind to find them . I still have this list somewhere , can't find right now. Also , I would recommend blocking ALL inbound traffic for 360chrome.exe on all ports with yout firewall. And block outbound for UDP port 5353 and IP – multicast IPv4 address , mDNS multicasts a UDP packet to it. (at least with 1106)
  5. Yeah , right , though I do not think any users from the States / Europe would wanna revert back the chinese settings/engines. We are not modding this for anyone , except us (an extremely limited group of members from the West) in the end.
  6. @XPerceniol , thank you for the kind words ! There was an article (I think called "how to force internet suck less" or smth like that) , it had a ton of gurgle/yackoo IPs which are safe to block {they are useless for us} and will not interfere with casual browsing , but it got deleted ! These were the IPs for tracking , the same IPs that every chrome connects to at the start , including 360chrome , the same IPs that chromium browsers use for key logging.
  7. No , I've never said that "I do not like" , I said it is too bright and colourful for my big monitor. I just prefer dimm lights and colours , esp. if I sit at the monitor for quite some time (prolonged periods). Also , I said you're a good modder. (a compliment , actually ! ) , English is you first language , right ? lol
  8. OK , that was just a suggestion , whatever you desire . I can change it myself later . I prefer to hardmod the .dll because I like to delete the profile data quite often.
  9. Sites to be changed/disabled , just a suggestion , in chrome.dll , https://skin.chrome. (I think it needs to be disabled) The defailt search provider is at offset 2d7478d (version 1106) https://www.so.com/s?ie=utf-8&src=360se7_addr&q=%s at offset 2d72ebb https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%s&ie= So.com may want to replace with https://duckduckgo.com/?q={searchTerms} Though I do not know if Duck is any good, since it's from Israel . 2 leftovers (redundant chinese search engines) http://www.youdao.com/search?q=%s&keyfrom=360se_06 http://s.taobao.com/search?q=%s And I hope you disabled the chinese DNS I was pointing out earlier , sorry if I remind too often.
  10. A wise decision , thanks. I have another suggestion. We have to edit the default search provider . You wrote there are only three of us , well I think you do not need the chinese search provider , right ? Me too , of course . I do not buy chinese goods. Even if the other person does , we are in the majority . Also we do not need russian gurgle ! In their repack they changed it to ".ru". If your version is based on theirs , replace https://www.google.ru/search?src=360chrome&q= with ".ca" (for example) . https://www.google.ca/search?crc=360Chrome&q= Replace or better fill out with with zeros (I guess we do not need to install from the russian store, right?) https://goo.gl/j4MLV (it leads to the russian store link) but who needs russian language ?
  11. No such connection or any other Ruso-Chino hostile connections at launch with 2206. It only tries to connect to gurgle , like every chrome, (which is hostile in my opinion too , but has nothing to do with your mods) . BTW , it loads much faster than 2250. It is almost as fast as the first two best betas 1006 and 1106 . I had to replace your wonderful skin though . It's very bright for me , esp. on my 24-inch monitor. I took the skin outta the 12th version. I'll try to test 2206 with videos for several hours and get back to you.
  12. Would you please tell what is your mobo ? I'm thinking of upgrading one of my systems and hope to find a working motherboard . It seems win32 won't be fixing Haswell bug with 64-bit version so I decided to try AMD (though I always try to avoid AMD at all costs) . Some banned member wrote that he was able to run Vista with B450 chipset (!) Can't confirm any of this ...
  13. I was under the impression you're from Bundesrepublik Deutschland (West Germany) ... I hope this is a joke , right ? There's an official warning that RT is fully the mouthpiece of the Russian government and it is state owned. https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-propaganda-disinformation-rt/ https://www.mediaite.com/online/rt-is-literally-russian-propaganda-why-does-anybody-take-it-seriously/
  14. His CPU should work absolutely fine with Vista ! But the graphics card , no , it's just not possible . I'm sorry to be the bearer of the bad news.
  15. Let's define "beta". What do they mean by "beta" , lol ? It can't be beta , 'cause they just took the release version of chromium and redirected/manually removed APIs that don't exist in XP , then they just stuffed it with Chino-Russian telemetry. The higher the version , the wider the range of IP's and junk for us to remove , one's gotta run and grab the first released "beta". Should be clear as day , no ? EDIT: That's what I did and I don't have any of the problems described here , but maybe it has something to do with the OS itself , 'cause I'm on Vista and you're on XP.
  16. I don't have any crashes with youtbue. I only use "betas". When visiting youtube I have uBlock , De-luminate , HTTPS Everywhere, Easy WebRTC Block turned on. And a ton of flags disabled. Hardware is quite old . The PC for the internet usage is from 2009-2010 (Quad). Plus GTX Titan from early 2013.
  17. Don't think that every word should be capitalised . Doesn't look good , distracts when reading, absolutely unnecessary and I remember some of the members mocked that poor guy who used the capitalisation . I even think this somewhat "modern" tendency has it's own hidden agenda, like drawing away our attention from important things to something we don't need , just to waste our time and dumb us down.
  18. @ArcticFoxie Hi , first off : I want to make clear again , I'm not trying to devalue your work ! I'm not trying to say you inserted a nasty malware/key-logger, lol ! I think you just sometimes misunderstand me , it happens . I still hope we can work together on 360. Now to the subject , I'm glad you (and other users) finally realised that betas and older bersions are far more stable . I've just tried your 2250 version . Well , what can I say : it connects to this IP right away , every launch . No , I can't attach screenshots because it happens so quick , also I'm still limited by the forum. My hosts is much bigger than yours and contains all 360 entries I could find. The IP is from Switzerland ! Weird , right ? Switzerland - Media Lite SA
  19. I quit bying Nvidia in early 2014 (when they removed CSAA for no reason). And I was a loyal customer for 20 years and bought only the top of the line. Folks need to learn how to use their purchasing power.
  20. Tripredacus and the others , thank you all for the replies and your opinions , it was very nice of you ! I'll get back here and talk about this as soon as possible , I'm having pretty busy days , all of a sudden , sorry . Aslo, I wasn't able to upload any pictures , I wanted to ask @Tripredacus , maybe you know why am I limited to 1.82Kb (yes , 1.82kb) images only ? Seems like ages have passed since I was able to upload anything . I do not even remember , but it was long ago, thank you !
  21. @Gansangriff , not sure if it's on-topic , but since you've started , I agree... I'm a simple guy , so my plans for the retirement are rather simple too. 1 - I'm gonna find a quiet place to live , but not far from a medical facility , just in case , nowadays it won't be easy , I guess. 2 - I'll buy an Opel Olympia Deluxe (4-door) sedan 1938 , I actually owned this very Opel in the 90's (which I got from my grandfather) , but it had 2 doors only and I always wanted the 4-door variant. https://cdn.nettiauto.com/live/2020/01/23/8184165c7df0d21c-large.jpg If I won't be able to find the Olympia one , I'll switch to Opel Kadett K38. For those who are wondering , it is a simplified Olympia from the same year . https://www.vccsturm.cz/sites/www.vccsturm.cz/files/renovace/o/p/opel_kadett_k38_spezial_0.jpg https://uploads.carandclassic.co.uk/uploads/cars/opel/13726308.jpg 3 - And this one is my dream car , if I will have enough money for permits and restoration , which won't be easy to obtain, as one may guess. A nice multi-purpose car . Convenient for big families and off-road driving. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/53/28/86/532886aed64161085baab132cbb266f6.jpg http://www.casmodels.org/uploads/5/5/1/1/5511257/1151113.jpg P.S. All cars will be repainted to FELDGRAU.
  22. @ArcticFoxie , @XPerceniol and other members from USA , mind giving your opinion on this and ,perhaps, tell us : is this also true for your region , {but I'm not asking you to tell us where you live exactly, just the state , if it's ok} , thanks in advance. Would be interested to hear EU citizens too ( @Gansangriff , @Mr.Scienceman2000 and the others ), esp. from the West , since I've heard it about Ireland (EU member) too. https://twitter.com/APhilosophae/status/1402434266970140676
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