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Everything posted by Sergiaws

  1. I finally found it. I'm trying to get the chromium working and Waterfox working. Chrome gave me an error in the execution, and Waterfox.exe tells that it's not a Win32 valid application. I know that you can easily edit it, but I need an alternative to the CFF explorer.
  2. I tried to run the latest version of Deemix Server on Windows Vista and it give me this error: deemix-server.exe - No se encuentra el punto de entrada diálogo No se encuentra el punto de entrada del procedimiento GetActiveProcessorCount en la biblioteca de vínculos dinámicos KERNEL32.dll. If we translate it to english, it tells that can't find the entry point of the procedure GetActiveProcessorCount in the dinamic library Kernel32.dll. Was this included in the KernelEX? I answered in the topic about latest software for Vista exkernel how to use it without installation, just local redirection so you have all the dlls inside the folder of the applications and .exe.local files. I somewhere read that it's necessary a modification on the registry, but don't know what to modify.
  3. Maybe a dual boot would be possible if you try it with XP x64 instead of X86 because you can add UEFI support to it. The problem is how will react the secure boot to Windows XP.
  4. As I told, I managed to run Windows 10 x64 on Windows XP x86. The thing is that you should use a lts version of Windows 10. And unless you have PAE enabled and 8gb ram, you should use a ramdisk if you have more than 4gb, and if you use the ramdisk you may not give to the virtual machine more than 2gb of ram. Another option would be to setup a Windows Server 2016/2019 without graphics, only the command line. That should boot even with 512mb of ram and do bassic tasks. I also managed to have only command line experience with the normal Windows 10, here is a tutorial. https://superuser.com/questions/291687/is-it-possible-to-run-windows-without-gui/291705 but for doing that, you must have a 64 bit capable processor.
  5. Windows NT 6.x brought a lot of accessibility and other improvements, so I'm wondering if is it possible to create a wim image of XP x64 and put it on the sources folder of a Windows Vista/7/8/10 iso, so it would have the NT 6.x installation, but it would really installing XP.
  6. What about Linx browser and similar text browsers?
  7. I managed to do the same thing but with XP x86 as a host and Windows 10 x64 as a guest in vmware 10!
  8. As far as I remember, Win32 posted on a comment somewhere that it's possible to use this kernel extension without installing it, just with local redirection, and I think he told something about modify the registry. I'm trying to run Brave browser (chromium bassed) but it give me an error related with kernel32.dll. I put the dlls of the kernel extensions and created a blank file called brave.exe.local, but the error still persists. What I need to modify in the registry? The last question. Here you usually use the CF explorer for editing dlls, due to the lack of accessibility of that CF explorer I can't use it. How can I edit exe files or dll files the same way with Resource Hacker? I can't find there information about major or minor OS. If it's not possible, what alternatives can I find to CF explorer and?
  9. Managed to install the utility, but I can't use it. I need to use a screen reading software. While some software like browsers, Office and a lot of programs use standard Windows controls and buttons are named correctly, some software can't be readed by the screen reader. In the case of the utility, the screen reader just show me a three with two elements: one called "My Computer" and the other element (inside the first element) called with the name of my network device. When I press tab or alt nothing happend. In conclusion, can't use that utility due to the lack of accessibility. Maybe I'll try to install XP on a VM and see how are configured some protocols/services. Then I'll try to port some of the configuration to my real XP.
  10. I preffer a text tutorial. I'll research it later
  11. I applied the reg on Windows vista. It downloaded me the Windows Update client and it apparently don't download nothing more. Are required another updates like IE9? I applied the reg on a fresh Vista SP2 installation. I did that because I'm planning to try the KernelEX.
  12. This is only the driver, it don't install any kind of network utility. However, the installer seems to be an original Realtec installer. When I installed the networking driver for Windows 7 x64, I downloaded it from a dell archive, and the setups of both drivers is identical, but the driver for XP which I downloaded now is 32 bits, and Windows 7 driver is 64 bits. The device manager don't show me any problem with networking driver. I tried again to connect to Wi Fy using Windows XP Wi fy client, but it still don't work! But thank you very much for the help @RainyShadow!
  13. Ah, I discovered what happened with that linc. It give an error related with the date. Can you upload it to another drive? Pd. My date is correctly configured, so it should be an error of the page.
  14. I'll try later to download again the file, but I remember that two pages offered me a driver updater. I don't have the exact page where I found the post, but here is the download linc. It's not provided by Toshiba, that original linc is dead. I downloaded it from here. http://server15.driveridentifier.com/mirrors/download_driver.php?file=server15.driveridentifier.com\www\data\support1.toshiba-tro.de\37\46\82\72\wlesslan-20150507114053.zip
  15. The tool which you provided didn't worked because it offer a driver updater. PE Network don't give errors, I tried also with an open phone network, but not work again. It don't provide an error. However, the phone open network is very weak.
  16. I didn't typed the password, I pasted it from a document. And I'm prety sure that the document has the wrong password because I used it with the same computer to conect Windows 7 and XP! It's a pity that I didn't created a restoration point, it probably would be useful. I'll do it before touching serious configuration, specially in XP.
  17. I found a similar driver, but provided by Toshiba so I installed it. My computer is Toshiba Satellite C855-2kP. I tried the PE network. It shows all wi fy conections, I even introduce the password, but don't conect.
  18. The driver don't has any utility. I'll try PE Network. The service is runing.
  19. The Wi-fy service is enabled. The wi-fy adapter is Realtek RTL8723AE Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E NIC. The computer has a Windows 7 installation. In Windows 7 the Wi Fy works fine.
  20. I tried to add it manually, but it gives an error too.
  21. The wi-fi don't work. I even reinstalled the driver, but it didn't helped. When I checked the list of Wi-Fi connections, it is completely empty even when I press the button to update the list so it should check the available conections. If I try to repair it, it tell that the reparation can't be completed because it can't connect to the network. I tried with another program called wi-fy manager. The ressult is that it shows me the wi-fi conections, but when I try to connect it don't allow me to introduce any kind of password. As a fact I don't have a restoration point in my system. My question is, what could happen with the Wi-Fi? How can I reparate it or delete all the networking configuration of the system?
  22. I finally found the password and could access the system. However, my Wi-fy network is not working! I'll post about that on another topic so anyone searching in google about some networking problems in XP could find it.
  23. Are there really browsers based on the Netscape code? If yes, I want to try it. I tried the 84mb version of MiniBrowser, but it crashes trying to view some pages and closes when I connect any usb device. 360 works fine, but it's interface is in Chinese/Russian.
  24. Yesterday, I needed to create a new user in Windows xp. The thing is that the system put a password on all user accounts, and I don't know exactly how can I recover it. Maybe is it possible to recover it using safe mode, but that's so difficult for me. The computer has dual boot with Windows XP and Windows 7, so my question is, is it possible to see or remove the XP password using that Windows 7? If the answer is yes, how can I achieve it?
  25. I needed to use a computer with Win10 20h2. I wanted to open a word document and I have portable versions of Office 2003 and 2007. I tried with both versions, but both Offices give me an error and none opened the document. Someone know how to use old versions of Office again? I remember that these portables worked in Windows 10 19h2, but in 20h2 even Windows Deffender detects Office 2007 portable as a virus.
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