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Everything posted by Sergiaws

  1. Hmmm, I understand, it's so difficult. Windows NT 4 isn't very good for some things like multimedia, it would require a complete modification (something like Windows NT 4 SE). That's my opinion!
  2. And what about people who didn't boot up the pcs when Microsoft solved the issues? Microsoft must release a good OS like Windows XP or 7, non a alpha/beta os!
  3. I don't know exactly where can I get the certificates. Outlook 2003 with gmail still don't work, so I am thinking on importing my gmail account to another service. Moreover, it even don't work in Windows 8.1 which must have good tls support. In Windows XP, I installed IE 8 and the update which you provided me, but it still don't work. My office 2003 in both OSes has the SP3 but not more updates because I really don't know where can I get it. The language of my Office version is Spanish. Thanks for replying!
  4. The equalizer appeared again with previous sound effects so I made a txt with the pressets and I can use it if sound effects would be updated again.
  5. I use Office 2003 on my machine, and I want to know if can we still use outlook 2003 for seeing and receibing emails, and if not, with what email providers can we use outlook 2003 such as gmail, hotmail, protonmail. I tried with a gmail account and it don't work.
  6. I created a Windows XP X86 Spanish repository with all critical updates for Windows XP. I included also IE8 and WMP11, but I didn't include updates for those products. It just has the unofficial Spanish SP4 and the updates released after 31 mar 2012. I also included the txt where I found the links, I think all the files are archived on Waibac Machine. Here are the links to the repository. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ymsgagqz120zj9k/XP+UpdatesESN.zip/file http://web.archive.org/save/https://download1350.mediafire.com/ub9uev0co7dg/ymsgagqz120zj9k/XP+UpdatesESN.zip
  7. In my case, I spoofed Basilisk as Microsoft edge but I maintained the OS (Windows NT 5.1 instead of Windows NT 10.0)
  8. I just use Win98 on an VM due to it's limitations. But it for example has very good sound, or just I like it. I can't use it as my main os due to it's limitations. But it's beautiful!
  9. It happends on both OSes (Windows 8.1 and 10).
  10. I wanted to restore an equalizer preset, but I discovered that the effect disappeared completely from the sound enhancements tab. It also happened on a Windows 10 20h2 vm. Those efects such as equalizer and environments disappeared from the configuration and I don't know how can I use again the effects mentioned above. Anyone has this situation? How can the effects be recovered again?
  11. I didn't had a very good experience with Windows 7. My first computer was an Azer (I don't know the spex) and it has Windows 7. It worked fine, but I don't remember how but I broke it, maybe a program or maybe the computer. Before that, I had Windows 7 in my today's daily computer (a Toshiba Satellite C855 with an I5 processor and 8GB of RAM). I didn't has a good experience using Windows 7, I remember it so slow and again, I accidentally broke it. Before that, I had Win7 on an Airish computer with 1GB of RAM and it also was verrrrrrrrrrry slow. So, I hate Windows 7 and newer Windows versions, but Win8.1 is quite faster.
  12. But there are some "old" localized versions. I downloaded it from this site: https://www.lucianoaibar.com/?q=windows-xp-service-pack-4 Another option would be a list of all post-SP3 updates and see if are installed and download updates which wasn't installed.
  13. The file apparently don't have any documentation because is an exe file. As I told, it has the updates released before 31 mar. 2012, so I want a list of the updates released after that date including also the posready updates which you search and install.
  14. I downloaded Windows XP Pro x86 in Spanish and installed an unofficial SP4 which has all te updates released after 31 mar. 2012. Remembering that WU don't work, maybe could I find the updates on Microsoft Update Catalog. But, what updates exactly I need to download?
  15. Did anyone tried to download something from the page
  16. Oh, that's not a lot of time. Windows 10 is too similar to Windows 8.1 (Specially LTSB), so it would be beautiful if we could get working LTSB updates on 8.1 but that's probably not possible.
  17. There were ported Posready updates to XP, Server 2008 updates for Windows Vista. Will be something for Windows 8.1?
  18. I tried to install Windows Server 2019 on VMware and the installation was successfully completed. VMware created me a virtual floppy disk and a .flp floppy image. I mounted that floppy image on my physical PC with Win10 and OSFMount. I added to the floppy disk iimage a batch file which just initialize audio service and a shortcust which you can run easily pressing a combination of keys. The thing is that the stuff don't work as I wanted. I'm not sure if it's because audio drivers are missing. What could be added to the batch file in order to make possible that the audio would work? autoinst.7z
  19. I was born some months before XP was released. My mother bought a computer with XP around 2003 (I don't know the spex). When I was 7, I started to go to a school with another blind people like me. I started to learn how to write on a computer and another things with their XP computer. My first computer had Windows 7, and I was surprised by the changes between both OSes. When I came back to my home, my mother bought me a computer with Windows 8. That's the computer which I'm using currently and it works fine. It's a Toshiba Satellite C855 with 4 cores and an I5. A year before that, the school gave me a computer with Windows XP. It had 1gb of ram and it became unstable some months before I installed the SP3 (it had SP2 apparently). In 2018, something happened with the computer and I couldn't start it up. Consequently, they upgraded it to Windows 7 and it started to be more unstable and buggy. That Windows 7 had some problem with Windows Update. I won't forget the day when the computer shutted down during an exam! Before that, I started to investigate and try old OSes. I tried all Windows 9x, Windows 2000, NT4 and Vista and this would be my rankin of my preferred Windows versions: 1. Windows XP/2000 because I love that interface and in my opinion is very easy to use. 2. Windows Vista. It could be customised to be like XP because it has the classic start menu and other things. It would run on all modern PCS and the performance would be good if you install all updates. 3. Windows 10. I really don't like it, but it has this place because I need to live with it because it support correctly todays programs. 4. Windows 8.x. I don't remember that Windows but it's like 10. 5. Windows 7. If you read all my post, you could understand why it has the last place. I don't include Windows 9x because you would need a lot of tweaks to run it and can't offer the necessary accessibility features for me.
  20. It's a pity that it only works on Linux.
  21. I managed to stream the radio which I wanted, if anyone need to know the structure, this is the linc. http://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/livestream-redirect/Los40.mp3 Is important not to use services that reduce the length of the url such as adf.ly and be sure that the page don't require credentials such as username and password.
  22. bBut in the vm, I have I5E5, not IE6. I'll try to upgrade it
  23. I tried with Winamp 5.35. I tried to put an URL. It don't play nothing and it's like is permanently connecting. ¿Is it due to the version of IE or I need to install old Firefox or another browser? Retrozilla can't play radios, it's a vm and I don't want to install KernelEX.
  24. I think that it's possible to avoid installing KernelEX for that. You only won't be able to download songs with copyright, for example, songs uploaded by artists. So where is the old Youtube DL?
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