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Everything posted by Sergiaws

  1. I posted about some Retrozilla problems related with the accessibility, but as I could see, the problem is on the screen reader. A person suggested me to use a text to speech application, but I can't use a text to speech system because I can't browse and select text with JAWS 6.20 and Retrozilla. Only think that I can do is saving the page as an html document and open it with Internet Explorer 6. The best screen reader for Windows 9x is JAWS (usually the version 6.20). That version of JAWS haven't any help documentation related with Firefox And JAWS isn't opensource. Consequently, I would know if could be possible port the NVDA screen reader to Windows 9x or create a special screen reader (bassed on NVDA) only for Retrozilla. NVDA is writen in Python. And NVDA 0.6P3 (released around 2009) has some scripts for Firefox. Other remarkable thin is that there are a JAWS 6.20 for Windows 95/98/ME and JAWS 6.20 for Windows NT4/2000/XP. The same happens with JAWS 7.10, but the version for Windows NT systems dropped Windows NT4 and the version for Windows 9x systems dropped Windows 95. I don't know why happens that. If anyone want to help with that, you can download one of the first nvda versions and tell what could be done. Thanks!
  2. Anyone recopiled or created a special Updatepack/Rollup/Hotfix for XP on Spanish? I also expect Microsoft will know that a lot of people upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 due to a necessity and they probably hate Windows 10. Moreover, there are a lot of people who use old PCs or simply like Windows XP. Because of that, I want a short life for Windows 10 despite it's not a very bad OS! I think there could be a Windows 10's update server exploit because that Os uses a lot of Internet on searching updates.
  3. I discovered an option which would be more efficient, save websites as an html document compatible with IE6 and as it would be possible read pages with that browser. IE6 would work with any screenreader.
  4. I recommend upload all those files (KernelEX, runtimes and drivers) to mega or mediafire in order to prevent files deleting. I noticed that some antiviruses detect KernelEX as a malware.
  5. The page where are the lincks of the drivers don't work.
  6. If you want Kernel EX on dutch Windows 2000 I recomend you to install Windows 2000 in English. Before this you can add Multi language pack. If you search in google you will find an internet archive linck.
  7. I installed Windows 10 in VMware 15 without any issues apparently. I wanted to try insider versions but when the installation starts the setup says that the adapter LSI LSAS serie 3000 isn't compatible. How can I solve it?
  8. I want to know all Retrozilla extensions related with the accessibility because apparently it don't work very well with ScreenReaders.
  9. The download lincks apparently don't work. If it's possible, I want the functions which allowed KernelEX to run NVDA 2017.3. I posted a topic about that. Thanks!
  10. @Tommy, thank you. I thought that I needed to put the linck of the iso file because I thought that the problems were in the iso file. If you search in google Toshiba Satellite C855 xp drivers, you will find a linck of driverscape. For me are very important the audio, network, bluetooth and related drivers.
  11. On June, I would install Windows 2000 and Windows 10 in a dual boot in my Toshiba C855 (computer which I bought in 2013). That computer has 8gb RAM and an I5 processor. I know that there are drivers for Windows XP. I don't know if I could install some drivers after KernelEX installation. Also, I am using on that computer Windows 10 and I don't know if I could have problems with drivers if I format it directly and install Windows 2000. I probably will use this iso image <link removed> because has functions like autologon and you can shut down it with cmd. I try it in a Virtual Machine and installed KernelEX V29I but it's not very stable. In addition, explorer and other programs crash. What updates and what I would need if I want to install Win2000+KernelEX in that computer.
  12. If there are, where can I find?
  13. Where can I download those Kernel Extensions? Have it support for all languages?
  14. Work fine Windows 9x Themes on Windows 2000 and newer?
  15. I will have dual boot between Windows 2000 and Windows 10 in my Toshiba C855! BlackWingCat, thanks for your work! I'll be discusing in this forum about drivers which I need. I also will install screen readers, for my daily use and also for testing purposes.
  16. I could run a similar screen reader (JAWS 14.0). It crashes but it work. I think that this accesibility treats of old Windows NT are very interesting. I would a ReactOS and similar to be accessible because it is easy and simple to use from my point of view. If I knew something about modifying the kernel, I would to create a special patch for old Windows versions and ReactOS
  17. I install Windows 2000 with updates and KernelEX and I also install all VCRuntime dessigned for this operating system. I can't install NVDA 2017.3 (the last release for Windows XP SP2 or later). This Screen Reader is compiled with Python and it's free. Thanks!
  18. There are some computers in my school which use Windows XP. Computer which I use in the school also had XP but a person upgrade it to Windows 10 and it work so slow. That computer has got 956mb of ram
  19. I find that it is posible to run it on Windows 7 or 8.1.
  20. I would run Microsoft edge on Windows xp, it could be interesting. Are there any method? I also want to make a joke with that.
  21. I've got other problem. I tried to install Longhorn 4074 but the installer asked me the location of some drivers which include audio and I can specify it because I use an OCR system. I couldn't work without sound because of my blindness. I found in an post of betaarchives that it is posible upgrade Windows xp to Longhorn 4001, upgrade it to Longhorn 4029 and finally upgrade Longhorn 4029 to 4093. I haven't any problems installing Windows xp but when I finished to upgrade xp to Longhorn, I haven't sound and this is a problem for me. I don't know if during the upgrade Windows Longhorn delete all XP drivers. If Longhorn doesn't delete any xp files, I prefer to upgrade. If this upgrade is possible we could create a common VMware drivers for XP and Longhorn because in modern versions of VMware have problems with sound in old windows VM. Other solution could be create a blog with Longhorn Virtual Box/VMware virtual machines with the drivers installed. It could be difficult to create an unattended Windows Longhorn but thanks if any can create some unattended Windows Longhorn builds (with VMware/Virtual Box drivers). I prefer VMware. For people who thinks that the Longhorn themes are a good idea I dissapoint it because it doesn't change the start menu and doesn't put Windows XP sounds which all pre-reset Longhorn build uses. I want to test some Longhorn builds (specially 4074) because Windows Vista introduces a lot of changes and is interesting to see its evolution.
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