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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. Circular Reasoning Fallacy Please provide a link where either one of these authors has accused the other of Intellectual Property Theft.
  2. I fail to see the point of this. OPEN SOURCE software is a "team effort". Period. If you want a good reveal on that, feel free to dive into Tobin vs Moonchild, roytam vs basilisk-dev, Chrome vs Chromium, et cetera.
  3. It is not fixed. The left edge of several GUI fonts are not displayed for me in XP. I have this issue in Chromium ESR 92, Chromium ESR 108, CatsXP 115, most recent Supermium, and most-recent Thorium. Both inside a VM and on real hardware. Both on five-monitor PC and single-monitor laptop.
  4. 64-bit OS. Even my XP is 64-bit. I thougth the PAE patch was only for those trying to get XP x86 to see more then 4 GB RAM ???
  5. The startup delay is a separate issue, all browsers, INCLUDING ROYTAM'S, have that delay on my system. I run *ALL* browsers using "portable launchers" but I've done that for TWENTY YEARS. It's only caused startup delays within the last three years - on *ALL* browsers. I have to force the PC off only with Supermium because it PEGS my CPU at 100% and the *ONLY* way out is to force the PC to shutdown. I suppose waiting 10 minutes is another option, but I can reboot in 90 seconds so I'll opt for 90 seconds over 10 minutes.
  6. Dell XPS 8700. i7-4770. 16GB RAM. Five monitors, do not know all GPUs from memory. Supermium is the only browser that does this! Both on host Win10, host XP x64, and on guest XP x86 in VirtualBox 4.3.40. I have to hold the power button for 10 seconds and force a power-off !!! Each and every time I trial-run Supermium. No offense, fingers crossed on future versions, but I downright refuse to put my host OS through another one of these forced-power-off's.
  7. Jeer as in "I want to jeer at the word beer"
  8. That is in VMware. I am using VirtualBox. I've also confirmed that I ran 4.3.28 when my host is XP, but I run 4.3.40 in Win10 so my Supermium tests is with a FULLY-UPDATED non-hacked XP SP3 (no POSReady) in VirtualBox 4.3.40 running from a Win10 host.
  9. I am running version 4.3 but forget offhand which "Y" version of 4.3.Y Granted, I was on 4.3.Y intentionally not updating when I was running XP. Now that I'm on Win10, maybe, just MAYBE, it might be time to upgrade, lol.
  10. XP SP3 with *all* of the "real" updates. I do NOT use POSReady "hacks".
  11. You misunderstood. Or I should have written a descriptive paragraph instead of a KISS Principle. My comment on the portable not working was NOT the Portable Supermium. It was in regards to a the Process Tamer app discussed just prior to my post.
  12. Process Tamer helps but Supermium is still a NIGHTMARE on my system! An absolute and utter NIGHTMARE! I open a web page and have to wait 24 to 43 seconds before the scroll wheel will scroll the page. Then when it does scroll, I have to wait 7 to 18 seconds for the scrolled-into portion of the page to be displayed. An absolute and utter NIGHTMARE. Yes!!! This test was in a VirtualBox VM of XP SP3 with 3GB RAM - I refuse to attempt Supermium on my host until the next release!
  13. Installer version is working. Seems to only be the "portable" version that does not work.
  14. There are several polyfills for Mozilla's lacking link preload. I've not tried any of them. Just a few - https://github.com/jonathantneal/preloadfill/blob/master/package.json https://github.com/digitalkaoz/preload-polyfill https://github.com/aFarkas/link-preload
  15. Definitely not just you. I used to see that problem all over the place when I was on NM28. Too many folks tend to think that javascript is the problem that makes modern sites no longer "work" on older browsers. But that problem has nothing to do with javascript, it's a css issue and it happens a LOT with NM28 on web sites that have a "navigation banner" with dropdown menus.
  16. Lucky you! I get that shift in EVERYTING newer than v86 that works in XP. Chromium ESR, CatsXP, Supermium, Thorium. They ALL do that shift on my system. So at least I guess they're all "consistent". Maybe they're all CLONING each other? waka waka waka
  17. Speaking of Chase and always feeling like a dog "chasing" its own tail, I was recently "forced" to upgrade from XP to Win10 because my checking account could no longer be polyfilled or Proxomitron'd to "working" in XP. That was some time over a month but less than two months ago. I'm wondering if there was enough "backlash" because I just noticed today that my checking account is once again accessible in XP using 360Chrome! While that is good news, I admit that I am now a bit reluctant to return to XP - because that forced upgrade WILL happen again. Two months from now, two years from now, who knows when.
  18. Why? Unless their server serves .webp, then why would they care if your browser has that "so-called" security hole fixed or not. WepP is over-exaggerated, doesn't really "effect" folks anywhere near as much as the HYPE AND PROPAGANDA suggests.
  19. Oh, I pretty much guarantee that the answer to that, worded that way, is "nothing". Rather, v114 *plus* v115 brought a SO-CALLED "security fix" that Chase just "has to have".
  20. Not in the slightest. I do everything on a desktop PC, I've never owned anything Android-driven.
  21. As far as that goes, Tampermonkey could also blanket-replace any-and-all libre franklin font-family as it seems this is what is disliked at Digital Spy.
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