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Everything posted by oneless

  1. very nice post . i will try . anyway . know somebody who is the difference between K-Lite Codec Pack 2.47 (full,standard,basic) <- free-codecs.com and K-Lite Codec Pack 2.27 (full,standard,basic) <- k-litecodecpack.com or K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.31 <- version above K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.03 <- k-litecodecpack.com
  2. ACEMCP603PRO.exe /SAVEINF="c:\AceMegaCP_603_ini.inf"work for me , give the inf file , after a custom install . i choose <<professional install>> (all components selected) w/o BSPlayer (usually i install separatelly BSPlayer Pro) without Media Player Classic (i do not like it) after that i run ACEMCP603PRO.exe /LOADINF="c:\AceMegaCP_603_ini.inf" /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXESwas a very silent install . but , not a similarity between my previous custom installation and the one after the silent install+.inf the original install had ~28 submenu lines , the "silent" install can make only 5..6 submenu lines . so , you there , who know the right way , can be so hard to share ? i expect to see after that at least three post who say something about "search button" . nothing there , just things you can read above .
  3. sorry , now i see , the original post , was last year . anyway , today , may 18 , 2005 new ATI Catalyst drivers 5.5
  4. something like that do Symantec Norton Ghost . this is very usefull , but is limited to the date of backup. all updates/installed_programs after this date are wasted . so an uA_windows with a WPI_DVD_up_to_date can be more appropriate for you . about ALL settings .. here you are hard work to do...
  5. Windows_installer_3.1 , KB893803_v2 for XP_PRO_32bit too in Windows_UpDate .
  6. you can start here very nice post .
  7. i think this is normally . there , the update is making in the backgroung , and use just a small portion of your bandwidth of internet . so it take more time for that . after downloading all , WU ask you for installing the updates. if you want more speed , make it manually with Windows Update link . is just an opinion , can be anything else there .
  8. Windows_installer_3.1 , KB893803_v2 in Windows_UpDate for windows_2000_SP4 (server here) list .
  9. ping between them ? My Network Places , right click , search for computers ?
  10. just an idea ! i have problems , in same network, same IP range , with computers with XP_PRO_SP2 and others with XP_PRO_SP1 . SP2's computers view each other , SP1's also , but nothing between SP1's and SP2's . solve with SP2 everywhere . also problems i have with computers with XP_PRO_SP1 registered in a W2kserver_domain after an update with SP2 . that i solve with re_registration on the domain.
  11. @astalavista , I follow your way (NIS2005) for NIS 2004 (I post that in your thread of NIS2005) , and work all well. Just like you said (only a name of a file was changed in NIS2004 from NIS2005).But , i extract in <<VirusDef>> folder , the content of <<VIRSCAN.ZIP>> , not the content of the <<file (20050516-022-i32.exe)>> and all works ok for me with NIS2004 , and also NAV2003. Nothing tampered there ! All work fine including LiveUpdate . So , I suppose NIS2005 particulary has this problem. BTW , if in the SFX archive , I make : <<Path=%programfiles%\>> instead of <<PAth=c:\windows\Program File>> can work ? I found a customer with XP in G: drive ! also today I make PowedDVD 6 trial silent . very nice post , I make it from first hand . thanks for that.
  12. so(rry) : replace the mainboard . you need a mainboard with 166MHz FSB for your sempron . normally the place where you buy the sempron might to advice you for that ! if you buy a new mobo , you can try to change the sempron with a 939pins version with PCI x16 express on video .
  13. doesn’t (yet) ! the previous method with .iss file don’t work . I look for that too ! anyone do that ?
  14. I use XP_PRO_SP2 . for a fresh install uA or not , if you have a radeon card , xp_SP2 have a driver for you (microsoft signed) . that works well and can be ok for an office computer . but if you want install a new driver you can do this but cannot works. because after a new reboot is not all rights there , and you have to (as only solution) roll back to microsoft driver . if use before that CATALYST Uninstaller is very very ok no problems with any catalyst version you want to install. but this delete all the traces of any drivers . so i believe (i am not sure) , without drivers (after catalyist uninstaller) we cannot have <<MMC and Remote Wonder>> because all that are related to the calalyst drivers . sure we can have Control Panel/Control Center>> if they are included in the catalyst package, after install of the package . am am very happy with the new 5.4 version. anyone , test the omega drivers ???!
  15. God ! before SP2 i have problems with MSI 8606. excellent tvtunner, my opinion . but in some configs , especially intels P4 , moving between channels => complete FREEZE of the computer . only one solution : hardware reset . money back some customers .... will help me this patch ?
  16. maybe help you , maybe some other people i need once , and i found this somewhere in the net . sorry for the author , i save the article then and not the link.
  17. Sempron work with 166MHz mainboard FSB . Duron with 100 , Athlon 133, barton 166 . your mainboard know about 166 MHz FSB ????! if yes , anyway you must make an update of BIOS because sempron is a new processor , a light version of Athlon MP . mainboards with BIOS date 6 month ago do not know about sempron processor and need be up to date . check the manufacturer site for update . if you do not find there a new update for your processor , replace the mainboard. if no , replace the mainboard .
  18. will be soon . probably they have no trust enough yet in this new package.
  19. only three times in the last year . after SP2 included in my XP CD , after my first cable connection , after my first uA_XP_CD. Am I too old ?
  20. I dont know how can you creat a link with a batch file , but when I need once that I created the link manually , I save it (is a file) and then I copy the link in the right location on another computer . if the destination file is also in the right place (where point the link) , is ok !
  21. alcohol 120% it knows 2 things but very well : - create from CD images and burn all kind of images - 1..31 virtual drives , where you can load any image i like them . (edit) sorry for skiping "free" when reading
  22. what is a difference between warez and "Apple is the worst company on the face of the planet" ? where is going now IBM ? do you asked about microsoft in <www.applefn.org> ?
  23. Intel 865 is now an old chipset , 2 year now, but is the single from old series who migrate to LGA775 new socket . your processor work well . no problem with ddr400 . you need only ddr333 . but is the same price . my and other opinion is : this processor ( i sell few) is a full prescott who cannot pass the 800mhz tests . so intel sell them as 533mhz w/o HT , because in 2.4ghz generation intel do not have 1MB cache L2. this appear with prescott at 2.8GHz (1+ year ago) anyway is so cheap and work good. buy DDR400 , maybe you can find a double set , if you mobo had dual channel. with DDR333 (i think) you cannot find a double set .
  24. @Meiapaul if single one file is bad on the CD , if this file is critical, you cannot install XP . same thing, if the file is not bad, but the optical can read it correct . @boooggy sorry , but maybe I do not name it so correct. if on one PC XP+SP1 pass all , and XP+SP2 cannot install w/o an appropriate update of bios ? I specify in fact A)a XP+SP1 CD pass the errors B)mobo saw correct the processor but probably in back the support for the processor (sempron , celeron D...) was not so correct (I think) C)same mainboards with bios from 6..12 month , with newest processors where believe or not I cannot install XP+SP2 without an update of bios (I cannot install with a Sempron but I can install with a Barton on same mainboard) D) of course SP2 is not the guilty one but is E) not a singular case with my customers in 2004..2005
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