i made my fist uA XPCD 2 years ago. since then , i made over 100 versions. all , XP PRO. yesterday , for first time , i made [for a friend] an uA DVD with xp HOME [i tried to..] simply , the user created during uA install [net user add method] is not created. so , i dont saw any user in logon screen . i dont change anything here. even i press ctrl+alt+del twice , with administrator and blank password i cant logon. today i made another uA DVD with XP Pro , and no problem with the user created. more than that , in the home installation i boot with an UBCD CD , and in documents and settings i dont see my user folder who suppose to be there ! i open the page on MSFN with uA installation / add users and i dont see there to be any difference betwwen XP HOME or PRO. any idea ?... why dont work for me in XP Home net user method ?