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Everything posted by oneless

  1. thanks @Yzöwl i love PowerDVD6 for playing DVD's. but it registers all extension files when i install it, including here audio and video extensions. i love bsplayer for divx files and winamp for audio files . for bsplayer i found in first post , thanks @SiMoNsAyS the moves. for the winamp has anybody a more complete registry setting for register audio files unattended ?
  2. first download DriverPack BASE and read Readme.htm => How to use => Installation Instructions
  3. ref. first post , what is doing ? i get an error from command prompt ('M' is not recognized as an internal or external command ...blabla) it suppose to be a 'REM' there ?
  4. first : you can try to install from another XP_CD , preferablly not with SP2 included/SS , only SP1 or none. if work , you need an update to BIOS . second : be sure you have separate cables for optical drive(s) and HDD(s). third : if you have PCI cards there , you can try when you install XP with them unplugged.
  5. what about run a WPI_CD from shared CD_Drive ? like , i am on a workstation named WKS1 , the server is SVR1 the share name for CDDRIVE on SVR1 is CDSVR1 for example . if run local on the server all is ok . if i want to run from WKS1 i get error because of path !? normal path is \\SVR1\CDSVR1\installdir\setup.exe from network normal local path is \%cdrom%\installdir\setup.exe can anyone to change wpi.cmd for work well dinamically as local path and also as network path ? i cant , i try but unsuccesfully .
  6. KB883939 Cumulative Security Update For IE For WIn XP+SP2 KB890046 Security Update for Windows XP KB893066 Security Update for Windows XP KB896358 Security Update for Windows XP KB896422 Security Update for Windows XP KB896428 Security Update for Windows XP +KB890830 malicious June 2005 for now
  7. multumim @boooggy . who know why the MSFN Frontpage vanished the Latest Drivers News ?
  8. included in my WPI_disk . i just planning to buy a 17" . samsung probably . SyncMaster 713N . ? .
  9. by mistake i put my system dat with a month in advance (5 july 2005) and microsoft antispyware beta said me that it is expired !?
  10. delete it ! all programs who need .NET framework 1.1 support will work fine with this account deleted .
  11. just i said i only copy/paste , sorry i try again and i still dont found the original thread i dont know >nul is for i dont look before in the program files directory to see the name of place where is bsplayer installed i realize now that the install directory is really BSplayer nul i delete the > nul from the second parameter i use only /D=C:\\Progra~1\\BSPlayer but the name of program_group for bsplayer was and is now after last change Webteh , a thing who can easily changed with a batch command.
  12. most of programs was analized here in Application Installs
  13. also work fine for me i use the same example , of course.
  14. first : the command line must be in command1 place , not in registry_before second : is good for you to use absolute path ? e:\ instead of %cdrom%
  15. i cant remember where . also i search now and i cant find again. anyway , thanks to the poster . what i remember is : the second parameter /D=C:\\Progra~1\\BSPlayer >nul must to install BSPlayer in %ProgramFiles%\BSPlayer as directory instead the default %ProgramFiles%\Webteh directory . for me this doesnt work , but the install is so silent and so fast then i dont change it. *edit* maybe work in uA_XP_CD, like was explain there , i try after XP installation with WPI .
  16. welcome ! this work for me : readed in other thread .
  17. another related question. can i sort silent in some way the APPlications folder ? start Menu --> --> All Programs --> --> APPlications --> --> .. i keep here all links to my applications silently installed with WPI . --> --> see photo
  18. i looking with interest this , i need a solution too at first sight you have an error there , or is just typing rush :
  19. just an ideea ! u can use short names there (8.3)like
  20. first , unlock the taskbar . if now the drag and drop dont work , open the taskbar folder (click right on the vertical_dots_double_line on left and choose <open the folder> . you can copy there anything you want , inclusive links . is just a folder.
  21. i see this movie too . XP PRO as OS . works with an older version . i do not remember what version , but works .
  22. just one year before XP-64bit Service Pack 1 ?maybe its the time to begin the XP-64bit-updates show !
  23. are there in the first post . probably , Messenger 7 has no need for it (Messenger in my uA CD is off)
  24. very nice and very silent install. but i dont know if this method install exactly my custom choices . there are very few links there in <<All Programs\ACE Mega CoDecS Pack\>> menu . when , first, i create the .inf file , exist a lot more links there ?
  25. i use "AND" , "OR" . is not my text there . ok . for no more confusion , just one question what is the difference between A. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.31 <- version above B. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.03 <- k-litecodecpack.com
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