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Everything posted by oneless

  1. n means that M$ ask to the europeans only to include MP10 in their uA kit with nLite .
  2. first , to save my mouse life and a part of my neurons , was necessary for me a way to do it unattended . my unattended WIN_XP_PRO CD is more completed now. from gui of course you can do anything you want .
  3. at http://www.btsunattended.net/wiki/doku.php...itchesdb:windvd the script start with version=6 , or something like that how work windvd7 here in my separate WPI_CD : i borrow 2 things from the first post . 1. install windvd7 normally and register with a proper s/n. export the key (first post) 2. before a fresh install of windvd7 , delete the key and than run the .reg file . when you will run windvd setup , the words "- trial version" on the title of installing window will vanish . ill do it with autoit the second thing from first post is DisableWinCinemaMgr=1 in default.ini . i dont use the .iss work fine here . setup_uAit_WinDVD7.au3
  4. i read this wroted above some time ago and i quit to make the taskbar to hide . but today i write an autoIT script who do this for me . i run it forced in my WPI_CD . work in english versions , easy to change for other languages if is needed. v1.0 do only - if is not autohided , autohide of taskbar, v1.1 do - if is not autohided , autohide of taskbar, - if are pinned , unpine to start menu IE6 and OutlookExpres6 - clear list of my most recently opened documents - clear list of programs listed in start menu for me is usefull . maybe for you too . tweak_AutohideTaskbar_v1.0_au3.au3 tweak_AutohideTaskbar_v1.1_au3.au3
  5. tnk for the tip ! nicer for me is on the glossy theme .
  6. i say same thing , other words , but i just pointed something else as 512MB DDR . i dont take the above question as a poll i think the guy JUST ask us for an advice for spending his money. hope dont offense with that .
  7. so , for now , from brands , dell is on the market first on the Worst Computer Company Support also first for the Best Computer Manufacturer !!?
  8. @eirogge probably you are right . i doesnt study the integrate method but the name said to me that this method alterate the original kit . installing the hotfixes during setup or before that , the kit remain different from original . am i right here ? because if not , i must reconsider this method . maybe just for a test . the problem is for me when you want to remove an out of date already integrated hotfix , because you must restart all work from original kit .
  9. KB 890830 install a small program who scan your computer for very known viruses threads , if found some , said to you , and after that make an auto uninstall . next month another version . KB for GDI+ try to download some form M$ site , for some office programs who regular you havent install yet on a fresh install . stupid thing . .reg for GDI+ tell windows that this thing is already done .
  10. for me /integrate has a huge disavantage : is used for change/add/remove/link the NEW files before installing , so we will have there a modified kit of XP. but next month , M$ remove/replace some hotfixes , so we will have a bad kit so we need to remake the kit from the original one . with svcpack.inf , the files are INSTALLING during the installation over the original kit , so is to easy to maintain the list into svcpack.inf by adding/removing hotfixes there . this is my way .
  11. probably want to mean something like security center was in sp2 . service pack ? i think this must replace SP2 ? with 100 MB ? probably is an Update Rollup over SP2 ? only a collection of hotfixes ? @boooggy ?
  12. i use in my separate WPI_CD this FileExists("%windir%\\Driver Cache\\i386\\sp2.cab") easy to translate for your batch script .
  13. my opinion is : any actual processor with 512MB DDR is better then any other actual processor with 256MB DDR . my choice is amd 64 with 512 MB DDR .
  14. interesting thing . this can be usefull for me too . i think you need to made a small program , who read the system date , and edit oeminfo.ini , inserting system date where you want , when windows is installed , as a last task . autoit , java ... who can help with this .. ?
  15. if you need more CD's for your apps , and dont want use a DVD , or maybe even one DVD is too small as capacity , i suggest you make all CD's/DVD's as separate WPI _CD(DVD) , like me , with different config.js files . this is the simply way for me to solve this. ...insert CD no.2 ... insert cd no.9 ..LOL CD no.1 is broken ! is so waste of time , when you can have a custom config.js for every CD/DVD , and just playing them with autorun .
  16. sorry for helping you countrylessman. i am not shame for being romanian still you seems to be shame for you unknown country ?! can you explain us what are you understand ? so what meaning you're coming from for you ? i was born in Romania , i live in Romania , i am 38 , i have a kid , i have a very good job . so i am proud . do you see me at your door begging for something ? do you want something from me ? is that a natzi site ? at least the title of this thread says another ... case close for me . 12 days on black sea beach from tomorrow . B)
  17. about yours problem , and other topics related to the WPI manual : an online version cant be good ? not easier to maintain ? not good looking ? what for an integrated manual ? can start someoane interested a poll about this ? i bet that over 90% will hide it . i dont care how will look this and i will hide it, but is just an opinion . there a lot of more important problems to solve here . dont waste your time , please.
  18. probably you use a separate WPI_CD . then edit with notepad in Wpiscripts folder the file generate.js and replace in 2 places win51 with wpi.ico , and be sure you have wpi.ico in the root of your cd .
  19. already tried ! i hoped that work but XP do not accept other PID's than included) so must be some who force a change of key-generator included in XP (some .dll's..........etc)
  20. at end of wpi.cmd taskkill /F /IM mshta.exe do that .
  21. not here . i use a separate WPI_CD , not included in uA_CD.at end of WPI , media player run till i press the button Close Media Player .
  22. i want a line command , for the end of wpi.cmd (or my cleaner.cmd , my last task of WPI) something like pskill or taskkill to vanish the second media player after WPI is closed . reason : i have no reson to play music after WPI is finishing . is not a request to include in the future version of WPI , just i need it , but i dont know do it . tnx !
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