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Everything posted by Flasche

  1. Issue found. Av heuristic scanning was quarantining the file.
  2. pebcak is a user error, not a failure of the software. (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair) That still doesn't deny the fact that flash is integrated. It leaves a huge gaping hole in the security. You can apply as many bandaides as you want to an open wound, but eventually, it will all ooze out.
  3. That simply isn't true, and never will be. pebcak is user error, and has nothing to do with how insecure the software they are using is. Since flash is integrated into Windows 8 it would make it more vulnerable to flash vulnerabilities then XP even with EPM. (Its like a handicap)
  4. But pebcak is the most important part of security. I can be on a supported system like windows 8, and still get malware. While another user can be on windows 95 and never get malware. And a quote from the article EDIT: Another thing to note, is that XP is the second most common OS. So with theoretically then it should have more vulnerabilities than windows 8 lets say right. Every vulnerability to flash is one for windows 8. In fact Flash makes windows 8 less secure http://www.neowin.net/news/windows-8-is-the-most-vulnerable-windows-os-you-can-thank-flash-for-that . (this coming from neowin yuck) http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2012/09/24/microsoft-flash-ie-10-windows-8/ a quote that I liked It doesn't matter if IE sandboxes it, since it can still attack the user if the have MS office. (The most commonly used office suite)
  5. Windows 8 and 8.1 have flash built into them https://forums.adobe.com/message/4814662 so I dont see why you are trying to avoid installation on them.
  6. I know your making a joke, but this cat thing was cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6FvHif8l0w This cat must know that human = Food.
  7. The thing is you cant really help someone, because security goes down to pebcak and people dont like to change. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/171799-your-windows-7-pc-is-more-likely-to-have-malware-than-your-xp-one/?p=1077597 Botnets can be removed with an AV/AS. Also a botnet IMO is not hacking since it gain access to your computer through Malware and not someone physically attacking your computer [unless you count the spam that is sent to another computer (AV can prevent this, and it's generally not controlled by a person, which is why they are called bots) or the DDoS attacks on servers (which isn't hacking either)]. And who has this authority you... I think not. Honestly how dare you say something so rude. This is a forum, and anyone has the right to post and give their OPINIONS on the matter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An other thing to note about XP is that since it so old, and been patched for years most of its if not all (a stretch) comes from software, and not the OS its self. PS if you really want security for windows you should get off of 8 since it has Flash rebuilt into it making it more vulnerable to attacks than XP. PSS if someone wanted true security then they would not use Windows (at least as a physical machine) and instead use these wonderful OS's http://www.openbsd.org/ , https://www.whonix.org/ (if anonymity = secure in your book which it does in mine)
  8. Thats is very neat indeed, but I still don't think they would make an adapter for my net-book anyway, I mean the only way to enter inside of it is to pop out the keyboard then remove the mouse pad, then remove a metal protective sheet, and so forth http://www.dalekeller.net/Other/Computers/AspireOne/Disassembly.pdf
  9. Also if your using a notebook like mine they don't make adapters.
  10. Curious to know about what version of Firefox is Palemoon 3.6.32 based off of. Is it Firefox 3.6.28, Firefox 3.6.29pre, or one I never even heard of .
  11. What does that make of this cat then
  12. I really see no difference in Pale Moon, and Firefox other than the UI. (Yes I downloaded Pale moon to compare it to the version of Firefox I have which is Firefox 7.0.1) EDIT this is also on my Vista pc comparing the latest Pale Moon vs an old Firefox
  13. It Looks like some freaky dance move that Amanda Bynes would do at a party.
  14. Actually that was the first result to come up when I searched Demolition Man the first time. And this is an eye awakener for many people, because people are starting to get fed up with the Obama care (and many other things I wont talk about ) scandal
  15. You mean like this fine gentle man http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=demolition+man+tf2&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=4N-pdMsX_Mx_cM&tbnid=0ddYnErX8J0yAM:&ved=0CAIQjBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.steampowered.com%2Fsteam%2Fnews%2F9825%2FDemo2_RGB.jpg&ei=YAF1U9OIFZWLqAbZ8oDwCA&bvm=bv.66699033,d.b2k&psig=AFQjCNF5Felg1XfEZNUxR12254SC_rtZ4A&ust=1400263237571915
  16. I wounder how much you will be charged for removing one of those in the what if scenario of if this were to happen.
  17. Astronomy is my reading hobby :-) I collect books on the subject. Yes. You have also defined what makes a planet a planet, and NOT, say, a moon, asteroid or other object .A planet is a body that orbits the Sun, is massive enough for its own gravity to make it round, and has "cleared its neighbourhood" of smaller objects around its orbit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definition_of_planet#IAU_definition Would you happen to also know (can you tell me) what is the exact difference between a Planet and a Dwaf planet. The only difference I can think of besides the size difference is the orbit path. Planet circular dwarf elliptical (oval). Am I correct on that. (there probably a lot more differences,)
  18. Yes. However, I wasn't thinking of integration of APIs into it. It may end up as an extension to KernelEx on 98/ME. I am also integrating New DLLS/APIs into NT 4 currently, and also assisting junior600 in this, yet I don't know how to get most applications to run on NT 4.0, as they don't always start, so this potential project could also link with those. Great cant wait for the 9x and the NT 4.0 one. Especially the NT 4.0 one. I cant wait to get back to setting my Netbook for it. About time a little recongiztion to this wounderful little os (at-least to my finding so far ) EDIT: I'll be willing to help you some time with in a couple of years, if your still thinking about it. My c++ lesson begin in 4 months, but I'm currently learning 3d modeling and wont be able to shift focus onto two big projects.
  19. Interesting indeed, and yet another lesson about astronomy learned from Lostinspace (curious is astronomy your hobby, or profession) . Anyway though then that makes Hudler's statement partially true, since even though it is a moon, and not a planet. If, the moon were by its self, and not orbiting earth, but instead the sun. Then that would make the moon its own planet
  20. Interesting about Saturn. Its rings are made of little rocks called Moonlets http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonlet
  21. Kind of like a wine for windows http://www.winehq.org/about/
  22. Are you sure that there are IE6 patches for POSReady? It comes preloaded with ie7. (Never tried to revert back to ie6 since I hate it)
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