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Everything posted by Flasche

  1. Thanks for sharing your information with me. You suggesting will most definitely help with making my decision.
  2. I was thinking more along the lines of the Political machine, but that works too. I'm pretty shore that global warming counts as a religion too now. (or most 'science' movements)
  3. Thanks. I now have a good dos backup, when the time comes (much in the future still). Glad to see that DOS still lives.
  4. Don't give idea to the M$ people. Actually they probably will/are doing this behind are backs to prove XP is 'unsafe'.
  5. that's because they stiff thousands of little china men into ships and make them work there while they sail toward mainland by the time they come, all the crap with ultra cheap force is done while any other normal nation uses normal factories with normal material I wouldn't be surprised if soon I buy coffee and little chinaman jumps out and offers me their sugar cube disgusting It's called business. The same thing happened in America during the late 1800s and early 1900s. It never really ended but just moved to a place out of regulation (US).
  6. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.bmpMalwarebytes Anti-Malware2.bmp Here EDIT: just updated to an even newer definition, but I wont post an other pic.
  7. Does anyone here know of any dos based os (similar to Win 9x). I'm looking for a backup OS's when Me becomes unusable.
  8. There is a Malwarebytes 2.0 ?!? I just updated my malwarebytes 1.75 to the latest version with no issue. I dont get the 2.0 workup. If you dont like it, just go back. EDIT: just noticed the little link on the program.
  9. If that was the case we can have a never ending cycle of support for malwarebytes!!!
  10. hmmm rabbit, a bone apatite.. They are bred for food. There was a whole north Korean scandal with them too.
  11. That is XP's dirty little secret.
  12. You contradict your self man. Talk about Irony
  13. I see... I am going to look carefully. I plan to be number 49. Did I make you angry?!? If so I apologize.
  14. That is why I consider Windows Me a modern OS. It's shear functionality today nearly 14 years later is dumbfound. What baffles me more is that programs still come out for it. I also see the windows 9x community similar to the Linux community ... That quote is a reply from me on the crunchbang forums when I replied to them that I use windows Me. Someday I hope for an OS to come out based off of Win 9x that will be compatible with modern windows apps. Till then I'm a refugee with Win Me and Vista as my OS's of choice.
  15. :blink: The minimum equipment to go rabbit hunting in Germany: I think you might of underestimated the tools needed for this hunt.
  16. I feel your pain. I wish there was an app that would remove in game adds like adblock, but sadly there is not.
  17. The plus side is that Malwarebytes pledged life support for us Win XP users Thanks CharlotteTheHarlot http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/155290-windows-8-deeper-impressions/?p=1073069
  18. Hmm grr. I would really like to try and get a machine from the 2005-8 era. (I know I'm pushing it) If you don't mind, but post your description of your machine please. It would be very helpful.
  19. speaking of 9x 2016 will mark the 10th anniversary of EOL. I will . The updated mini list, and the old list will be very helpful.
  20. Love the final hours track from Majora's Mask! MM was such a great game. It was by far Nintendo's most darkest game
  21. With all due respect: what's in there to guess? Both loblo and I told you so as a (well) known fact. Then again, that's 97.4% of the installed (viz. 2 GiB) RAM: ain't it good enough? OK! Then go ahead and use XMSDSK to create a working 53 MiB ramdisk, which can be accessed from inside Win ME (or you can make it somewhat bigger, but then Win ME will see a little less memory available). Possible it is, but I really don't think it's worth the trouble. Just making sure since I really dont want to modify system files. I'm not doubting the fact.
  22. Yeah but eComstation isn't an xNix based OS. Its roots bear a closer relationship with Windows NT. So there would either need to be a native OS/2 build of Seamonkey, or else Odin (think of Odin as Wine for OS/2) needs to work well enough to allow running the Win32 version. Wow I did not even know that warp still existed till this day!! How much is this OS Jody?
  23. I know, its going to be like windows 9x. It took them for ever, and another great OS (XP of course) to finally kill 9x. Even then it took a couple years for software support to drop.
  24. I think the new desktop I'm going to buy is the Compaq Presario SR2006NX Desktop PC. Does anyone know what cpu this computer has. Specifications: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00714521&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&product=3262012
  25. I'm going to do some serious research on this. I'm gonna look at all of your suggestions and see which machince, with those specs would be the best.
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