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Everything posted by FAT64

  1. Updating the BIOS cured this problem for me on computers which gave Error Code 5.
  2. 169.254.X.Y is an APIPA Address, your new PC is not finding your DHCP server, if you have one. I've had the same problem in the past. Never did fix it to my satisfaction, but moving my Wireless Router higher in the house helped.
  3. Yes it will slow down. Everytime you access a file it will need to be de-compressed and then re-compressed when you've finished with it.
  4. Maybe this is too obvious but ... Have you entered the DNS server IP address in the TCP/IP settings of the client PC? It seems a little extreme to demote your DC back to a server and reinstall DNS. Did you configure your server manually or just run DCPROMO? I would wait a while to see if anyone here has any other ideas first. What was the outcome of the NSLOOKUP?
  5. To check if DNS is working, I would use the NSLOOKUP function: C:\>NSLOOKUP hq.whatever.com You could try deleting the local DNS cache, it might be corrupt: C:\>IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS
  6. Internet Explorer, basically I can't be a*sed to install another browser!
  7. Try ... IF Reg.OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run',false) THEN IF Reg.ValueExists('Test') THEN Checkbox1.checked := true; ELSE CheckBox1.Checked := false; ... although it might be safer as an exception TRY IF Reg.OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run',false) THEN IF Reg.ValueExists('Test') THEN Checkbox1.checked := true; ELSE CheckBox1.Checked := false; EXCEPT/FINALLY END
  8. Thanks, fatalwoomera; that seems to have done the trick!
  9. Is it possible to print out a listing of the songs in the WMP database??
  10. You can certainly copy current profiles to a network share, plus when you redirect the My Documents folders I'm sure there is a setting to copy across any existing files when they first logon.
  11. One way would be to ... 1. Go to the Properties of the desired account within AD Users & Computers 2. Click on the Account Tab 3. Click on the Logon Hours button 4. Select all the cells and click in Logon Denied. A bit clumsy I know. However you can multi-select accounts. I don't think it can be done via Group Policy.
  12. Personally, I've never had a problem sharing a printer within a workgroup network. Provided "Everyone" has the Print Permission, which I think is the default, I can't see why you can't print. The following article might shed some light Shared Workgroup Printers
  13. To create a domain, you will need a "server" operating system installed on one of your computers.
  14. Better still, combine some of the lines ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var msg:string; begin msg := StringReplace(Edit1.Text, 'hai', 'hello', [rfReplaceAll]); showmessage(msg); end;
  15. Strictly speaking, StringReplace is a Function and should be called via a variable ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var msg:string; begin msg:=Edit1.text; msg := StringReplace(msg, 'hai', 'hello', [rfReplaceAll]); showmessage(msg); end; ... the above example works perfectly.
  16. Well, in XP it's ... Add/Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components Not sure if it's the same with Server 2003.
  17. Unfortunately, RTFM stands for Read The F*cking Manual. Are you using the Shutdown command properly? XP Shutdown
  18. Contact your System Administrator.
  19. The final version is much more stable, and I now like it.
  20. I prefer its twin brother (Security Administrator), but yes it's a fine product.
  21. Surely not if you use "Deny"
  22. Shooter486, I think you mean this ... http://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Lock...te-Folder.shtml When you right-click a file or folder, select Properties then click on the Security tab. This will show you the ACL (Access Control List). It says who can access the file/folder and what kind of access they have.
  23. You can use da NTFS Permissions.
  24. WMP for music files and PowerDVD for films.
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