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Everything posted by sonu27

  1. I hate opera for some reason, even though its the best on resources and speed.
  2. Excellent list, most of these I bookmarked. So have stopped working though.
  3. I cannot remember using PS7 long time ago, but CS2 rocks. Waiting for CS3, cuz it gona be much better, with the help of Macromedia.
  4. HP, but I hate all that s*** they put on it. On the XP disk. I would rather custom build one.
  5. External HDD, I recomment WD My Book HDD, available in various sizes.
  6. A bit late I know, but it would be Brazil. Even thought Italy won.
  7. Moz Fx also IE7
  8. Less than 50. Im poor. LOL
  9. Half way between.
  10. 200 when using Firefox. But 130mb when not.
  11. I think about 5 times.
  12. Just use nLite, but not 3rd party updates.
  13. Buying a WinME computer, when WinXP just came out.
  14. WinRAR very good, but not free. 7zip has best compress I think, but not by much. And is free. TugZip another good one, free and many formats to create such as CAB files. 800th POST!
  15. Hardly, every since I upgraded to WinXP Home. WinME killed me nearly. I was so amazed with XP, loved it too bits. LOL
  16. Wordpress. Easy peasy!
  17. Crucial Technology (Micron), SDRAM, got it quite cheap.
  18. LOl, what a sellout!
  19. I chose WMV, doesn't really make a difference to me, as long it that or AVI/MPEG. I have all apple formats, and STUPID quicktime!
  20. The same polls keep coming up again. Once a year. Maybe less.
  21. You should have waiting until both these formats were available more widely. No vote, yet. LOL
  22. I chose foobar2000 for one reason only: very low CPU usage on my 850mhz P3. WMP11 kills it at everything else, except resources.
  23. Me being a Sikh, I don't celebrate christmas that much, cuz it don't apply to me. But living in the UK, I always enough the christmas stuff on TV, e.g. movies.
  24. With 20GB theres not much you can or want to do. WinXP Home good enough, with a 5 year old PC, reaching 6.
  25. I trust WD the most cuz I bought a new My Book ext. HDD, I haven't tried the others, but Maxtor I heard can be unreliable.
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