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Everything posted by jcarle

  1. Unfortunately we have to implement referrer restrictions on the website otherwise the bandwidth would fly through the roof with people hotlinking the files. Bandwidth is already around 100GB / month with WUD as small as it is.
  2. If someone knows how to get a hold of the lead developer of AutoPatcher, let him know that I'm trying to get a hold of him.
  3. Both of those things require advanced programming knowledge. Are you sure you're up to it?
  4. Asus P5B Deluxe with any Core2 Duo processor.
  5. .tga as TarGA files... http://organicbit.com/closecombat/formats/tga.html
  6. ID3 tags are not a obligatory component of legally purchased MP3s.
  7. I believe the current XP x64 includes only post-SP2 updates? And as for the Office 2007 UL, I believe someone is working on it, and for Vista x64, we need a volunteer to maintain it's UL.
  8. This one, hands down: http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.as...amp;language=en
  9. IntelliSeek, IntelliPark and IntelliPower is available on the newest line of desktop drives by Western Digital, the Caviar GP line. At the moment, three capacities are available, 1TB, 750GB and 500GB.
  10. Seagates are loud, whirring, clunky drives. Nothing really impressive about them. Seagate has very little innovation as well. Western Digital are ahead of the pack in a lot of respects. They were amongst the first to introduce NCQ, TLER. You'll also find StableTrac, IntelliSeek and IntelliPark on the new Western Digital hard drives. That alone, puts them ahead of the league.
  11. I could write a windows service which would verify with the domain server if the account is within allowed logon hours, if not, boot the account.
  12. Is a user allowed to logon to the local machine if he's outside his logon hours? Is the issue only booting him off the machine?
  13. Have you tried setting it as a local machine policy on the client machine?
  14. It's not the Event Tracker itself that he considers the easter egg, it's the default text that's embedded is msgina.
  15. I fixed the date. Thanks for pointing it out.
  16. Best thing to do is what I do at home. Choose your main computer that will receive all the ports, set a static IP to it, and use DMZ in the linksys router. Example, set your computer to in the Local Area Network connection under the TCP/IP settings, and as the gateway. Then, in the router, set DMZ to point to What that does is forward ALL ports to your computer essentially leaving you in a configuration identical to being without a router.
  17. Why the do people ask for recommendations if they're just going to buy whatever anyway?
  18. I'm wondering if it's an issue with the actual setup files are with your configuration...
  19. I figured as much, just didn't want to push it too much.
  20. Actually a simpler approach to the issue is simply this. PCI-E 2.0 graphics cards CANNOT be plugged into PCI-E 1.0/1.0a slots. That's it.
  21. Aren't dynamic disks necessary for terabyte volumes?
  22. Ha! Remind anyone of Windows Updates Downloader? Seems like a straight off copy of what I developed... mind you, it's a little hard to say anything considering WUD downloads THEIR updates. Heh. I guess it may spell the death of WUD.
  23. I think I just clued into what you may be doing. Remove Unlisted Files will remove ALL files. Not just updates. So if your download target folder is the WUD program folder, it's trying to delete the program files themselves, and since WUD's running, it can't, hence the error. I should fix that though so it doesn't outright crash the program though.
  24. Are you running this directly from a CD?
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