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Everything posted by jcarle

  1. I believe the custom tree view is causing the error. I need to do more investigation.
  2. It's amazing how old fashion people's thinking is. Sorry folks, floppy's dead. Don't believe me? Try to find floppy headers on new motherboards... they're becoming very rare. Speaking which, Intel's pushing for legacy free. I just built a system today using a new Intel motherboard. Guess what? No floppy headers, no serial ports, no PS/2 ports. 100% legacy free.
  3. You can't hide the window during Form_Load using Me.Hide(), try moving all the code to Form_Shown instead. If it's because you never want the form to be shown at all, then try setting the form's visible property to false during design-time.
  4. Probably either include the full original files modified with the fixes or patches for every version ever released.
  5. That'll do the folders in a folder, but it won't do the subfolders of those folders...
  6. Maybe it's time you got off the sinking ship. AMD's like an injured dog with a bad leg being sold at giveaway prices to get someone to take him home.
  7. You need a recursive function. First, add an Imports System.IO statement. Then create the following function: Private Function Recursive(ByVal strPath As String) Dim oDir As New DirectoryInfo(strPath) Dim oSubDir() As DirectoryInfo Dim i As Int32 oSubDir = oDir.GetDirectories() For i = 0 To oSubDir.Length - 1 'Do something with the directory, in this case spit it out to the Debug Output window. Debug.WriteLine(oSubDir(i).Name.ToString) Call Recursive(oSubDir(i)) Next End Function Start it by calling recursive the first time on the root folder to begin at... Call Recursive("C:\Folder\")
  8. My organisation currently using Squid 2.6 STABLE 16. Squid 2.6 has two modules which ship with it, mswin_check_lm_group and mswin_ntlm_auth. The former is used to confirm the received user is in a specified group, be it domain or local, while the later allows for authentication using NTLM/NTLMv2. When a user attempts to connect to a page the credentials of the logged on account are requested by Squid and then authenticated using NTLM via the modules listed above, checking both password and group membership. From what I can see, WUD doesn't have any support for NTLM, so Squid rejects the connection as the authentication attempt fails. So is it the same kind of authentication you would normally be prompted with when connecting to network shares?
  9. http://www.directron.com/matxps.html Google.
  10. Anything by Antec or Coolermaster. Hands down. Accept no alternative.
  11. Actually, no I don't... No, I don't know what you mean. I only know what you say. If that's what you mean, then you need to be specific and clear about what you're trying to say. I'm not in your head and the only thing I have to go on is what you say. If you state the facts wrong, damned straight I'm going to correct you. Most of the time, if you'd take the extra effort to compose a little more content into your sentences and actually take the time to explain yourself properly, you'd never get corrected like this.
  12. Typing shift + f10 then net user administrator password, then exit, is a lot of work? Sometimes you don't have internet access and just have a windows cd, it's good to know how to reset any windows password with just an xp cd. I've done it myself many times when i hosed my system and only had an xp cd. -gosh I must have misread the post... I was understanding that you needed to do a repair install to run that.
  13. ASCII 255 is not ASCII 32.
  14. Yes, the slower Core 2 does outperform the Pentium D in several areas. However, that wasn't the point I was trying to make. I was simply trying to illustrate that clock speed DOES have an influence and that it is NOT irrelevant. The reason the Core 2 outperforms the Pentium D in most benchmarks is because of the optimizations brough to the new architecture, as well as the new instructions that were'nt available for the Pentium D. It's somewhat similar to the Pentium vs Pentium MMX debates back in the day. Core 2's contrast is somewhat similar. The optimizations provide a lot more punch per Hz however if you speed a Pentium D fast enough and slow a Core 2 down enough, the Core 2 optimizations won't be enough to supercede the Pentium D. All this just to make the simple point that clock speed is not the only factor to consider, but clock speed DOES matter!
  15. Why so much work? Just remove the admin passwords. Use the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor which is also available as a bootable CD on the UBCD. Freeware.
  16. Do you have any more details regarding the IOException?
  17. MSFN does not send spam, nor do they distribute e-mail addresses. Sorry, MSFN is not responsible. i did not accuse anybody of anything, but spam is coming to that address which i disabled now i no longer recive spam i think you need to get proper information before you make any comments I think it's rather obvious that you posted within the Site & Forum Issues subforum because you felt that MSFN was responsible.
  18. IT IS still relevant. It's simply not the only factor. Clock always has been and always will be relevant! EVEN when comparing different infrastructures.And proof that you have no idea what the f*** you're talking about, as usual, the 3.2GHz Pentium D whacks the slower 1.8GHz Core 2 Duo... by your argument, the clock speed shouldn't matter. Just because it's a Core 2, by magic, it's supposed to be faster: http://www23.tomshardware.com/cpu_2007.htm...2&chart=434
  19. You couldn't be more wrong. Clock speed is VERY important. It's simply that the Core 2 infrastructure has been redesigned therefore increasing the effective data throughput for a same clock speed comparison. Clock speed is still very important and plays a vital role in performance. If you don't want people running around calling YOU an id***, I'd suggest you put more thought into your statements before you post them.
  20. Pentium D, old generation. Core 2 Duo, new generation. Core 2 > Pentium. 'nuff said.
  21. Say what you will, but Megabytes is universally accepted to mean 1024 Kilobytes, which equals 1024 Bytes. Which means there's 1,048,576 Bytes in a Megabyte. You can keep you Mebibytes, and shove it. Agreed. It's not because marketing really cocked everything up that binary bases should be changed to decimal. 1024 bytes in a Kilobyte, 1024 Kilobytes in a Megabyte, 1024 Megabytes in a Gigabyte and 1024 Gigabytes in a Terabyte.
  22. I suspect you're infected with spyware/malware or a virus which is altering your TCP/IP or DNS communications.
  23. My suggestions... Intel, forget AMD, they're dead. Don't buy a 7xxx series video card, buy an 8xxx series. You can buy very reasonably priced 8xxx series such as the 8500 or 8600 GT. And get OCZ memory instead of Kingston, same price, same warranty, better performance.
  24. My suggestion is to re-install Windows on each one and then lock the workstation so that the users can no longer modify them.
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