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Everything posted by jcarle

  1. I think you're talking about the TripleHead2Go.
  2. You're getting an error at the Add UL button due to something with the default browser or something similar. After the UL is installed, just restart WUD or refresh the UL list.
  3. Cracked a brand new Asus P5WD2 in half while trying to install it in a customer's computer. I was tired and trying to do things too quickly... **** Sonata case, full size ATX fits to tightly in there.
  4. Yes, sorry, I'm ill... I'll get back to you.
  5. Scroll down, this explains it well : http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2725
  6. This should give you a good idea on what to expect with different video cards: http://www23.tomshardware.com/graphics_2007.html
  7. Oops... missed that. So the board with NOTHING connected other the CPU and memory still won't boot? I'm wondering if it's not a CPU parameter setting... something like an improper FSB. A CPU that's overclocked beyond it's capacity would cause a system to react in the same way (motherboard on, fans turning, no response).
  8. I tried working with nuhi, unfortunately, he was unwilling to work together to provide seemless integration with WUD. That why instead I added third party command-line options to allow others to write their own integration scripts. IIRC, he mentioned that there was already enough code to maintain in nLite.
  9. Not to mention that .NET is PART of Vista and the basis for the future of Windows programming. Unless you want to code for another platform, .NET is here to stay and will only become more and more widespread as more and more software is developed on it. Microsoft themselves is starting to develop their own software on .NET.
  10. well i am just afraid of the panel. there are so many now.. Who cares what panel you get? That whole panel controversy is just crap. In the end, it's all the same thing.
  11. Why would you create a poll for a question like that?
  12. I have the Samsung 226BW, doesn't get much better then that IMHO.
  13. Nice suggestions. I'll definately keep that in mind for WUD v3. Now that Visual Studio 2008 has been released I have to familiarize myself with WPF to build the next release. Considering WPF is a completely new approach to programming, it's going to take a little getting used to.
  14. I'd love to see if some people could get together and figure out exactly how updates could be detected. It's probably the most asked about feature request for WUD.
  15. Does your updater detect updates that are already installed?
  16. I think you mean physically, fiscally is another word for financially, but I get what you mean.
  17. By the way, my four SATA based Pioneer DVR-212Ds are all rip-unlocked and region free.
  18. I wonder every time I see this... What’s wrong with the computer shop around the corner? More expensive, always, unless the shop around the corner is the one with the website. This will be the third computer I buy completely from NCIX which is based in Vancouver, BC while I live in Montreal, QC. It is $150 - $250 cheaper to buy and ship a full computer from NCIX then to buy it locally here.
  19. You have to aware of one thing though!!! Not all SATA controllers support SATA ATAPI properly, this is especially true of chipsets such as older SiS, VIA and Promise controllers. Most modern motherboard on-board SATA controllers though usually have no issue. Nonetheless, there's a lot of advantages to running SATA optical drives. I would never be able to run four drives simultaneously without SATA.
  20. Any way to re-enable them? No as they are physically disabled on the chip at a microscopic level.
  21. You'll need to enter the proxy information in WUD other it won't be able to communicate properly with the download servers.
  22. I would like to diagnose the proxy with you because other people have had issues with the proxy authentication but no one has ever stepped forward to help me troubleshoot with them. PM me with your e-mail and we'll look at it together.
  23. It downloads the files directly from microsoft. Are you behind a proxy or gateway?
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