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Everything posted by jcarle

  1. Software RAID is not recommended, but yes, with an additional RAID card, you could.
  2. Il you help me understand how the proxy works, I'll gladly implement it for you.
  3. That doesn't solve anything. *sigh* Marztabator, first off, honestly, get a better nickname. Second, what you can do is look around eBay, local classified ads and computer stores for used IBM keyboards. You can find plenty of the older PS/2 keyboards that have the fat enter key.
  4. You never mentioned if you finished the Windows 2000 installation. Because if you did, get some kleenex and start crying.
  5. MSFN does not send spam, nor do they distribute e-mail addresses. Sorry, MSFN is not responsible.
  6. The reason I never commented is that I've chosen to reserve my advice for people who will actually use it.
  7. How can you expect your parts to survive if you're going to lay them on carpet?
  8. As hard as ActionScript 3.0 can be to use, yes, it is a language.
  9. The SPD tab will never change. That is the information that is programmed into the SPD chip on the memory module.
  10. SATA DVD booting is dependant on the BIOS of the SATA interface and the firmware of the drive. Either one of the two could be responsible.
  11. Just get something like this: http://www.computerplug.com/show_product.p...t_id=A-SATA-IDE
  12. Looks good. Not an overkill of clutter like some designs.
  13. By the way, most WGA protected downloads, such as WMP11 and IE7 have internal protections that require validation before they will install. WUD does NOT remove those. WUD operates in a completely compliant manner, in the same way as Windows Updates and WSUS.
  14. I posted your updated version on WUD's homepage. Keep in mind by the way, that you need to update the lastupdate="" attribute in the top most tag of the UL file for WUD to display the correct UL date.
  15. Guys, do keep in mind... I may not have commented much... but I've been reading and following along. I'm brewing up some ideas. And no, WUD's not going anywhere for the near future, as WUD does not violate the EULA for either the operating systems or the updates since WUD only acquires them like a normal webbrowser would or a download manager. I'm thinking of adding digital signatures or something of the like to the ULs. And I'm keeping in mind all your ideas thrown around here so far.
  16. That's going to create a lot of disc activity... what is your goal with this?
  17. The number of slots filled with memory has nothing to do with their clock speed. I think you may have another issue.
  18. I think people like you waste our time. You ask for our advice then couldn't care what we suggest. WHY ASK IN THE FIRST PLACE?
  19. JMicron supports UDMA6 on their IDE controllers. Freaking PATA... it should PITA instead.
  20. So WUD is not infringing on the EULA since it doesn't redistribute the updates but instead downloads them directly from Microsoft onto the user's computer. WUD acts in the same way as a non-microsoft browser would, like Firefox. No?
  21. ICH5R/ICH6R/ICH7R/ICH8R/ICH9R all support UDMA7.
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