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Everything posted by jcarle

  1. From the looks of the picture, the white plastic at the front of your case should be a holder for an 80mm case fan.
  2. That's why I didn't suggest it to the OP and only mentioned that it's what I prefer to buy.
  3. There's a couple of things. 1) That processor is a mobile processor and does NOT go with that desktop board. 2) The price for the memory is outrageous. 3) There's no significant reason at this time to go with DDR3 instead of DDR2. If you want something that's going to last a long time and you won't need to upgrade for a long time and you have the budget, go with a QX9650 processor, 8GB of DDR2 (4 x 2GB), and the 8800GTX. Obviously, you'll need to verify that your power supply meets the requirements and you'll need to pick another motherboard which is DDR2 based and supports the QX9650. And before anyone whines that you don't NEED 8GB for graphic's design, no, you don't, but if you want fast(er), you do. Photoshop itself is a pig when working will large high resolution multi-layer images.
  4. ASUS is also priced higher than most brands Depends on what's more important to you, quality or price. Personally, I buy only BFG video cards even though they tend to be amongst the most expensive ones on the market.
  5. I think the basics are being overlooked, it's obvious you're having a hardware generate problem. Wasting your time with drivers isn't going to solve hardware issues. There's somethings which you've obviously eliminated due to some of the simple testing you've done. In my opinion, the problem is NOT your motherboard, processor or memory. I find it unlikely that it would be your power supply due to the fact that your computer will not consistently BSOD during situations where your power draw would be at it's maximum and will when power draw is low. This leaves possible areas. Video Card, Hard Drive or Optical Drive. And before anyone says it's impossible that the optical drive and/or it's cable could be responsible, it IS possible if the data gets corrupted as it's copied/read from the optical drive. Although, again, due to the fact that you're able to install windows without any issues, I'm also thinking it's unlikely. I did notice that you're running your system drive in RAID 0. Unless you have a dedicated hardware RAID card, you would have no way of knowning if one of your drives was failing since software RAID (yes, chipset RAID is still software based RAID) do not habitually read SMART data. If this was my system, what I would do to diagnose the situation, I would try the following in the following order: 1) Delete the RAID array and install a fresh copy of Windows on a single drive. 2) If still unstable, I'd try either running with on-board video or another video card. And go from there...
  6. ATI / AMD also makes their own cards which is something worth considering. ASUS as well makes high quality cards.
  7. Vista is crap. That computer is sick.
  8. Links have been updated. Sorry about the downtime.
  9. Links have been updated. Sorry about the downtime.
  10. Does it happen with only a specific update or all of them?
  11. Can you upload or pm me with the latest version of you UL and I'll update it on the server to avoid this issue?
  12. Just thought I'd mention that a ulz file is simply .zip with the extension renamed to .ulz, so you could always rename your upload to .ulz to allow people to install directly to the program folder.
  13. We experienced some time at the datacenter, sorry about that. Everything is fully operational now.
  14. This will be fixed in the future with hash checks or something similar.
  15. Rj66 is responsible for the Server 2003 ULs, he'll be more able to answer you with that. Thanks for the support.
  16. Wow... I made Softopedia with that? Amazing!
  17. Sorry about that folks. I'll update the links tommorow. I migrated to a new server, some of the URLs didn't follow.
  18. Sorry about that folks. I'll update the links tommorow. I migrated to a new server, some of the URLs didn't follow.
  19. Are very much a factor. How "old" it is has nothing to do with it. If you have crap parts in a new computer it's going to be slower then very high performance parts in an old computer... and yes, the parts you have can limit your ability to upload.
  20. Why so complicated? Use OpenDNS. It supports filtering and blocking and all that jazz. And it's free.
  21. That's not really the solution. All that really needs to be done is better use of the DIVs. Using fixed is just asking for trouble. You need to nest the divs and set relative spacing for everything to work the way you want.
  22. You may want to consider the Acer AL2216W, I just bought one for a client. Beautiful monitor and it's at a great price at the moment.
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