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Everything posted by schwups
The ffdshow panels open with corrected shortcuts up to version 6.30.
Gomplayer and 24-bit/192 khz flac file: "Process uncompressed audio (PCM)" ( DirectShow audio decoding filters ) was introduced with k-lite codec Pack version 5.05. GOM 2.43 plays the file, if the filter is activated (set to ffdshow - AC3filter not tested) during installation. GOM 2.43 doesn't require Kext. K lite codec Pack 5.05 full installed with comp mode Win 2000. Another Test: GOM plays the file with K-lite codec Pack 6.10 Full and Standard, but not with the 6.10 Basic version.
@Drugwash Thank you for the quick reply and the work out. My first attempts with version 7.70 failed. I'll try to find a method to open the panels and see what's possible.
Just found. I need Kext to run GOM Player 2.1.47 and higher.
Of course, it isn't very important to play this specific flac file. Gomplayer: madFLAC isn't the key reason. The decisive factor is to set "Process uncompressed audio PCM" from disabled to ffdshow during the installation of the K-L codec Pack! I'll check again. Latest Test on 98SE, SB 128 PCI, Gomplayer 2.1.50, K-Lite codec Pack 7.70 full, P 640 Prescott. VLC Player: I never read that SSE2+ is mandatory required for vlc. I read in the changelog "Support for SSE3 and SSE4 capabilities in some codecs" (since version 1.1.0). K-lite codec Pack: Is it possible to open the config Panels (ffdshow, Haali...) of version 6 and higher on 98/ME? missing shortcut...? @Nomen Did you find a possibility to play the flac file?
K lite codec Pack 6.40 (14,6MB) works, too. There is no error message during installation (comp. mode Win2k). Changelog: * Updated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version 1.4.2543 * Updated ffdshow to revision 3574 * Updated madFLAC to version 1.9 <= key reason? * Updated Haali Media Splitter to version * Updated Codec Tweak Tool to version 4.5.0 * Updated Win7DSFilterTweaker to version 3.6 * Updated MediaInfo Lite to version 0.7.35 * Minor changes
It is rev 4464. Sicksalad had successfully tested the last but one (2013-06-12)SVN clsid generic build (Wiki).
I 've updated the k-lite codec Pack to version 8.95 (KernelEX comp mode XP - during installation I set all to ffdshow). It has installed with some errors, but in the end successfully. Now the file plays. And without stuttering. System: ME / Pentium 630 Prescott / Creative SB 128 PCI / Gomplayer 2.1.50 Log: ====== GomPlayer Log File ====== ***************************** TITLE : 2L50SACD_tr01_stereo_192kHz.flac Filter List : 1. Default DirectSound Device 2. Video Renderer 3. ACM Wrapper (0x0001) 4. ffdshow Audio Decoder 5. Gretech Audio 6. madFlac (2L50SACD_tr01_stereo_192kHz.flac) Vidio Info : - Audio Info : 1. FormatTag : 1 2. Channels : 2 3. AvgBytesPerSec : 176400 4. BlockAlign : 4 5. BitsPerSample : 16 6. cbSize : 0
filehorse http://www.filehorse.com/download-gom-player/ I already tried wave out. This setting didn't change anything. I guess, in the view of that Gomplayer immediately crashes, the log file remains empty, if I try to play the 24-bit/192 khz flac file. 16-bit/44,1 khz flac files are played without problems.
I 've successfully installed Gomplayer unicode versions 2.1.47, 2.1.49 and 2.1.50. All these versions are running here as good as 2.1.43 with the K-lite cdec Pack 5.83. For the installation I've to fake the OS in the registry. http://kernelex.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing_programs Also these newer versions don't play the 24-bit/192 khz flac file. I get an runtime error.
For whatever reason I also already noticed that float32 of this version is disabled by default for directX. You can use InCtrl5 to compare the installation of 2.1.0 with another version. We noticed that the specific 24-bit/192 khz flac file will only play on 98/ME with "audio output modul" "wave out". You have to set it manually for 2.1.0 and 2.1.1. The setting takes effect after restart of the player. It doesn't matter on my test system if float 32 is enabled or disabled. In your case, I think the problem has more to do with the sound card. Do you have the possibilty to check it with another soundcard or on another system?
Hallo Joe, I already unsuccessfully tried different versions of the dbghelp.dll some month ago. Since then, I haven't inspected the problem anymore. Newer file versions prevent the message (something like: "The DBGHELP.dll is too old"). But Foxit still crashes in order to print. I don't know enough to understand the crashlog. Are you able to interpret this log file?
VLC only play the file with waveout here and not with DSound, even though I set vlc to 2K and the output module to directX. It always switches to wave out. Tested with 2.0.5, 2.0.6 and 2.0.8.
Yes it works. Test system: ME / Creative SB 128 PCI / Celeron 440 Conroe-L (SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3) Modules Tree (Tools > Messages): First image: ModulesTree ME 2.1.1 directX on the right: ModulesTree ME 2.1.1 Wave out and below: ModulesTree XP 2.1.1 direktX
The default setting for the audio output modul is automatic. VLC 2.1.1 try to play the (24-bit/192 khz) flac file with DirectX audio output, whereas 2.0.8 switches to the waveout audio output. 2.1.1 plays the file, if I manually select the waveout audio output. This explains why 2.1.1 loads the DSound.dll and 2.0.8 don't.
Procedure: I used the ProcessViewer. Saved the modules list as txt file and sorted the modules with Word alphabetically. DSound.dll is loaded by version 2.1.1 and it isn't loaded by version 2.0.8. And there are a lot of differences with loaded Lib....Plugin.dll's between these versions. Loaded modules 2.0.8: Loaded modules 2.1.1:
VLC 2.1.1 Tools > Messages: directsound error: cannot open directx audio device main error: module not functional main error: failed to create audio output
Hallo Nomen, I tried to play a (24-bit/192 khz) flac file of 2L.no with different versions. I only tested on one machine yet (Creative SB 128 PCI). Vlc versions 2.0 - 2.0.8 play the file on ME and XPSP2. Versions 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 don't play it on ME. confirmed But they play it on XP SP2. So the problem seems related on 98/ME. All tests performed with default settings. All versions are available on http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/.
Probably the bug will be fixed with version 2.1.2. https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=115231
I've done two more tests with version 2.1.1. The first configuration: Vista SP1 / soundchip is the integrated Via VT1708 High Definition Audio controller. The second configuration: XP SP2 / onboard chip is the Realtek ALC 888s. The result is I get the same poor audio quality again when playing flac. The same here. It doesn't matter on my systems. Of course it runs without installation. Accidentally my flac test files are Acoustic Alchemy, too.
VLC 2.1.1 on another machine (VIA VT1612A @ VIA AC'97 Enhanced Audio Controller PCI onboard): Flac is rendered with that nasty sound, too. The other formats I tested seem to be ok, also mp3. There's no problem with Flac using version 2.1.0. I performed the tests with default settings.
VLC 2.1.1 released: http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/2.1.1/win32/ There are a lot of changes and fixes. Now flac is rendered ugly for me. I get the same poor audio quality when playing flac on XP SP2 on the same machine. So I guess the reason is the old soundcard (Creative SB PCI128 (Ensoniq ES1371) PCI) or a new bug.
Yesterday I tried some nightly builds 2.1.1 and 2.2.0, unfortunately without success to run them. http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/win32/?C=M;O=D Error: Vlc causes an error in Libvlccore.dll I haven't examined the problem more closely yet.
No, it doesn't. But K Meleon Twin+ still runs with Gecko engine 1.9.2 http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/forum/read.php?1,123763,page=1 (last K-Meleon Twin+ build with some little additions| Updated 11.11.2013!) MSFN Topic: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/158952-newer-version-of-k-meleon-just-released/
Need help with firefox 3.6.28: icons, jpg not showing
schwups replied to farfigs11's topic in Windows 9x/ME
After three or four repetitions and reboots the problem seem to be gone.