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Everything posted by schwups

  1. I haven't a RTM installation (I've SP1, 2 and 3), but yes firefox38-tls13-xprtm-vc10hack also runs on XPSP1.
  2. I am not aware, that versions 12-23 work usable at all with KernelEx. Those are freezing after a few seconds. With later versions, it depends on the hardware (i.e. CPU) whether Firefox is slow. With a Intel Prescott it runs noticeably slower than with a Core2Duo Wolfsdale. With the last mentioned it does not run slower than on XP or maybe minimally. There is no need to measure the loading times for comparison. That's not worth it. Yes I've XP, Vista and Win7, too.
  3. First I tried this FF38/TLS1.,3 on my main machine Win ME - KernelEx 25/26 - Kext. Yes, indeed it starts and runs (compat. mode XP). Besides Icecat 38 I have one more FF38 fork working on ME, but of course basically with the same issues as with version 35 I documented. I am curious, because I had tried to start versions 36 - 41 myself for a long time without success. Other tests could follow on a bit different systems. The plugin container can run in the background after close. So I switched it off. It makes sense to disable Javascript (I installed QuickJava), due to its age-related infirmities. It will freeze on many sites, also on this msfn board. FF38 OT.
  4. The DependencyWalker could help. It should work on Win95.
  5. got a crash here. need to debug whats going wrong here. EDIT: the last rev cause the crash, need to decompose it and test each change later. EDIT2: the last change in the combined commit causes the issue, while merging new changes fixed the problem so no revert is done. The new version starts and runs again.
  6. Latest PM 27 doesn't start anymore - also with a new profile. However, I haven't tested on a clean XPSP3 system. It works with the previous Xul.dll.
  7. ... same for Icedove and Iceape.
  8. I've taken a look at your screenshot. I have hardly tested all the dll's inside the program folder (it is a different approach), but Ucrtbase must in the system folder. Such files ATL and certcli aren't required and used here - therefore superfluous. And pdh and userenv are superfluous. too. These are part of KernelEx. "Mypal engine trick": I probably never tested 4.8.2 with 4.6.0. To clarify, it's basically Mypal with the look of Newmoon. Mypal 29.3 will soon be three years old and now it has significantly more infirmities than Newmoon or Serpent.
  9. There are no official i965 chipset drivers for 98. This may help or not: https://msfn.org/board/topic/163405-slipstreamable-intel-chipset-inf-drivers/ Graphics and sound may probably be difficult, impossible or unsatisfactory. https://bearwindows.zcm.com.au/vbe9x.htm
  10. You can also try [Kernel32.dll] RaiseException=v4 in your Kstub824/825.ini instead of the "GetLastError method", but it's system-wide and it may cause errors in other programs. But most should work. Reboot required. https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1251646
  11. Then you meet the requirements. (- Kext ( Kstub824.dll + ini file Kstub824.7z ) - usage see Kext topic - reg file: APISets Stub dll's Knowndlls.txt ... - Remove all entries "api-ms-win-......dll" from dependentlibs.list - The UCRTBASE.DLL ...) Then something may have gone wrong with the replace of RaiseEception. You also can try manually the replace. Changed area marked: Don't forget to save the change to GetLastError. Make sure that Xul.dll doesn't run with compatibility mode Windows2000SP4 => Xul.dll -> XPSP3 or higher Forgotten entries "api-ms-win-......dll" in dependentlibs.list also leads to "Couldn't load XPCOM" error. Unless you have a set of APISet Stub DLL's, that is loadable on ME/98 like the one of OneCoreApi. And some time ago I found a Wine5 set out there.
  12. Does Firefox 52.9 run on your system? Newmoon has the requirements of 52.9, too. And make sure, that you have set KernelEx compatibility mode XPSP3 or Win7 on palemoon.exe.
  13. I usually use Hex-Editor MX (NEXT-Soft) on ME and XP. Of course, there are others. The trick with the "Mypal engine" https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1210661 is no longer necessary and I don't recommend it either. Better replace RaiseException with GetLastError in MOZJS.DLL, what is described here https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1251487. Run the Editor -> open mozjs.dll -> Menu -> Search -> Search and Replace -> Text -> paste RaiseException ...
  14. Impressive benchmarks, very interesting, I haven't dealt with RamDisk or RamDriver so far and unfortunately I don't have a suitable test system yet. My systems have 2 or 4 GB Ram (RLoews Ram Patches), but not more. If I buy two 4 GB bars or four 2 GB bars, I could expand the memory to 8 GB on two boards. Does it affect dual channel operation, especially with only two 4 GB bars?
  15. Latest RZ version of RoyTam has the nss files updated: http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/rzbrowser-tls12-20221208.7z nss files version 3.21.4 Older RZ versions throw out the message.
  16. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
  17. A separate topic is probably more appropriate. But yes, we have tested BCW files of Extended Kernel or KDW. Our results are in several topics. Not all files are suitable on ME/98 with KernelEx! Jumper recommends msvcrt.dll (v7.0.9981.0 or v6.1.9848.0) with KernelEx. I usually use 7.0.9981.0. Goodmaneuver also has version v8.0.40607.52, which he had successfully tested on his system. Later versions of 8.0 or 7.1 are not usable or cause special errors on ME/98/KernelEx. https://web.archive.org/web/20230602195245/https://kernelex.sourceforge.net/wiki/VLC_Media_Player https://web.archive.org/web/20230506001046/https://kernelex.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Category:Compatible_applications&redirect=no
  18. Do you mean the following with "(18/19/25a)"? "Requirements: KernelEx: KernelEx.dll 4.5.2016.25, Kexbasen.dll 4.5.2016.25, Kexbases.dll 25, Core.ini 25h with Kexcom.dll 18, Sheet.dll 19, verify.exe 18 and VKrnlEx.vxd of 18" Do you have a specific error message that refers to a dll, for example? I generally recommend to follow jumpers instructions and not to use any (third-party) installers out there. These can be wildly packed/mixed packages.
  19. - Don't merge LZDLL_ME.reg or LZDLL.reg for Win98 of KernelEx update18 into the registry! Firefox will crash immediately on start . - Firefox 48 could run without GUI - see issues FF 24-51 first page. Check it with a ProcessManager or TaskManager. Solution: Install DirectX 9c and set "layers.acceleration.force-enabled" => true (prefs.js) Alternatively the boolean "layers.offmainthreadcomposition.force-basic" = true (prefs.js) makes v48 usable. Start and run it with a slightly reduced window size. - Use Kstub824 or 825 - not both. Example contents line in Core.ini: [BASE] contents=std,Kexbasen,Kexbases,Kstub825 desc=Base enhancements (api fixes + extensions) You can check with jumpers Ktree whether it is loaded.
  20. To narrow down the problem - Can you start Firefox 31 or 48? And you didn't mention Kext (Kstub 824 or 825 + ini file). This is required to start v52, too.
  21. IceDove runs again - thanks.
  22. Don't use msvcr71.dll (v7.10.xxxx) as msvcrt.dll. It can cause errors. Use version 6.10.9848.0 or 7.00.9981.0 as msvcrt.dll. And don't use K452stub. Further I recommend to omit iphlpapi4 for now, too. I believe it isn't needed anymore with later KernelEx versions. I never used it, because it caused some problems on ME here. As far as I remember it was Ok on 98SE. Booting DOS for update is a matter of taste. I've dual-boot systems. The update is also possible in safe mode or with a (linux) live CD. Further jumper wrote a bat installer years ago. Basically, follow jumpers instructions.
  23. New Icedove 20240106 doesn't work. Folder Pane / Message Pane are blank and the menu works incorrectly. I also tried it with a new clean profile.
  24. Happy New Year to you all.
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