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Everything posted by schwups

  1. Hallo, it shouldn't happen with Firefox 31.8 from the first post. Try - rename the portable profile folder, start FirefoxPortable.exe and make the improvements step by step yourself. IceCat 38.8 crashes on exit. The replace of RaiseException solves this problem.
  2. IMO the entry RaiseException=v4 is OK for testing purposes. For testing only, because such entry may cause errors elsewhere, e.g. the first I found with v4 is MRU-Blaster hangs on close. As soon as we have the Kex update, RaiseException should then be removed from Kstub.ini at the latest.
  3. v4 works here, too. Note, that the Kstub.ini with RaiseException in core.ini must placed on the right to Kexbasen,Kexbases. It doesn't work, if it is on the left side.
  4. v4 seems to be the best for now. It even solves the crashes on browser checker sites, if WebRTC is enabled.
  5. Jumper, thanks for taking on the problem. I also can start Serpent with following Kstub entries without replacing RaiseException in xul or mozjs: [Kernel32.dll] RaiseException=v4 or RaiseException=>Kernel32.dll:GetLastError However, I haven't tested this method in depth to see, if it causes any problems. GetFileTime doesn't work for Serpent. What makes you think, that it's a good choice in this case of RaiseException? Supplement: RaiseException=>api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll:GetLastError (Wine 5 APISetDLL) works, too, but you usually don't have wine 5 APISetDlls on your machine. The ReactOS file realisation also may work, but I haven't a good experience with ROS APISetDlls, because some have produced errors. API SetLastError produces an Error on Serpent close.
  6. A crash doesn't occur on MSFN, , whether with or without WebRTC here. Other than most, which ones don't work for you?
  7. Does the crash also occur on pages other than browser checkers? My impression is that only a few pages are affected. WebRTC has always been inconspicuous with Firefox until now and and has not led to such crashes, but of course there is no replaced RaiseException. The replace in xul also works with NewMoon 27, but not before version 27.10.0.win32-git-20230513. Now NewMoon 27 works, too, but not before version 27.10.0.win32-git-20230513. It runs with AzureContentBackend Cairo only, so a lot of icons are "very abstract" or unrecognizable and buttons have randomly coloured borders (compilation switch - skia disabled). There are PM Themes, like PMOpera 2.1.0 or Aeromoon 2.2.0, which at least improve the appearance. The palemoon process can continue to run in the background for a while after closing. And note to be expected issues like input in address bar doesn't work on second browser start anymore / Search Engine List is empty or browser window is not completely displayed (Remedy: Hardware acceleration "layers.acceleration.force-enabled -> true"). Disable OMTC (offmainthreadcomposition) without Hardware acceleration. If necessary disable peerconnection (WebRTC), too.
  8. Workaround: Set WebRTC for those pages to disabled or permanently switched off (media.peerconnection.enabled -> false). The extension QuickJava 2.1.2 is a nice helper here. You can disable WebRTC with one click only. NewMoon has no WebRTC implementation. The crash also doesn't occur with Javascript disabled.
  9. It is RaiseException in Xul. Affected Serpent 52/55. I tried to replace it, but Serpent still crashes on this page.
  10. Yes, it happened here, too, on Serpent 55, but not on NewMoon (latest) and Iceape (round about one year old). Others not testet on the fast. Exception 406D1388 could still indicate the same problem. I'll check the address. Requirements: The KexVista module isn't required as I expected. RoyTam already has removed APISet Stub dll entries in dependentlibs.list. Otherwise, the same requirements as with FF52 should apply. .
  11. I've Mypal68 still not running (I'm able to run it in background without GUI). The problem with RaiseException exists here, too. Faultlog: "MYPAL caused an exception 406d1388H in module XUL.DLL at 0177:0b0715b0." (corresponding API RaiseException) Noticeable is that this exception occurs twice in a row on start. The replace by GetLastError (or ResumeThread) doesn't work. Then the browser also can't start on XP. NewMoon: It has a quite high consumption of GDI resources on ME like Mypal 28/29. I recommend the extension FreeMemoryButton-1.1.2. Serpent 55 isn't or is affected comparatively little..
  12. Running RT'S uxp based browsers like NewMoon 28 or Serpent 55 on ME or 98: I think I already mentioned "Second chance exception 0x406D1388 (Thread was named) occurred in "MOZJS.DLL" at address ..." somewhere here in this forum. Older versions couldn't have this module, so it happened in Xul.dll here. The corresponding API is RaiseException. Raise Exception is supported by Kernel32, but it fails in this case somehow. The best workaround I found is to replace this API by GetLastError with a hex-editor. There is also no consequential error when closing the program. Note that Serpent 55 requires ordinal 327 [Oleaut32], too, otherwise you get the known xpcom message on start. You can start Serpent 55 with the help of "APIlog". On Kex prompt the message appears "Xul is linked to missing Oleaut32.dll:327". Confirm with yes. On my main machine I've the ordinal functioning in the Kstub.ini, so there is no need to use Apilog here. I set the exe to XPSP3 and maked them portable using RT'S portable-loader. I'm not quite sure about the exact requirements yet. My KernelEx is expanded by jumpers Kexvista module, too. I recommend the program settings mentioned on the first page, like AzureContentBackend Skia. Have fun!
  13. Open "view page source" and search for e.g. expanded_assets -> https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/releases/expanded_assets/68.13.2b
  14. https://web.archive.org/web/20230602195245/https://kernelex.sourceforge.net/wiki/VLC_Media_Player KernelEx home/wiki page is blank! Yesterday SourceForge upgraded the PHP version.
  15. No offence! Basically I use yours on all machines.
  16. I don't see a problem with uxtheme of XP, BWC or React OS here. "Remaining in memory"is verified with Process-Managers. But indeed there is a prob with the ones of Vista and 7. ImportPatcher gives [Export forward replacements] SHUNIMPL. ordinals. Shunimpl doesn't even load with procwin.
  17. Thanks for the update. I'll let you know, if I run into trouble. My first impression is good and all my requested API's are now supported.
  18. Named api needed after the colon. KernelEx\KnownDLLs can't be extended yet. Yes. Add dummy names. Workaround confirmed now. Verified based on some modules with a few missing ordinals. Because of the Kext size and a high number of ordinals, it has become quite confusing here. I had to correct some mistakes in the ini files. In order to distinguish, each dummy name really has to be different. Yes, in Ktree I need "#" for all needed ordinals. The additional ones can then have the zero in front of the number.
  19. Goal is that BWC wrappers, windowsXP+ and React OS modules load for forwarding. Xompie modules are mostly unproblematic, but e.g. kernelxp.dll doesn't have widespread API support. I've good progress e.g. with: Gdi32 - even the win7 file loads Shell32 - BWC or ReactOS Urlmon - BWC Uxtheme - XP or BWC or ReactOS Netapi32 - BWC Ntdll - up to win7 Shlwapi - BWC Advapi - ReactOS Iphlpapi - ReactOS, but it doesn't support any of the associated API's in my Kext.ini. Kernel32 - Xompie only User32 - Xompie only In the case user32 (ReactOS/BWC/XP) I get prompt message when loading it with Procwin: Kext Prompt Kstub825 Gdi32.dll:GdiDllInitialize=>xxxxx.DLL: It doesn't matter which file I use for xxxxx (win7, ROS, Xompie...). Any Ideas? I can't add more API packages anymore. I reached Kext limit - I've round about 1500 API defs spread over six ini files now. Kex doesn't load anymore, if I add further eighty defs. Other Question. Does anyone know why most of the ApiSet Stub DLL files don't load on ME/98? OK are only api-ms-win-core-appcompat-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16384 api-ms-win-core-winrt-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16384 api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0.dll. 6.2.9200.16384 Oh yes, I've a set of wine5 modules and Procwin does load them all. Unfortunately, many other construction sites are dormant or have still not brought any progress yet.
  20. A little story. Projekt Update Internet Explorer 6SP1 to v7/8: Sure, it's not worth it for browsing with old browsers. Is it a gimmick? The installer has not been examined! Unfortunately, I can't get the ordinal problems under control so far. Required BWC extended Kernel, Xompie, later windows and ReactOS files - also for forwarding, then KernelEx 25, Kext. In the following I have created a list of which modules are loaded and which are not. The list may not be complete - it is experimental. Some files need KernelEx enabled or even XP (particularly browseui and wininet / OS version check). I'm not able to update mshtml.dll, SHDocvw, shlwapi. These load with KernelEx enabled, but I get Explorer errors on update/replace. Probably one or more problem API's (set to none) in core.ini/Base section. Possible is BWC's Shlwapi. I'm able to use Urlmon v8, but in particular important functions Copy, Cut and Paste fail. So the best solution I found is BWC's Urlmon at the moment. With BWC's BrowseUI I'm able to run IE6SP3 of XPSP3, but not with Browseui v7 or v8. A few required modules are not loaded. Module Update List:
  21. These are in my Kext ini, too: BeginPanningFeedback BufferedPaintRenderAnimation BufferedPaintSetAlpha BufferedPaintStopAllAnimations EndPanningFeedback GetThemeTransitionDuration UpdatePanningFeedback
  22. Iertutil of IE 8 gives no trouble here so far I can see. There are other modules of IE 7 or 8 that are causing problems, e.g. browseui, wininet, Urlmon and shlwapi and more. Running IE 7 and 8 isn't very interesting, because they are hardly usable anymore on the internet. The modules that use more modern programs like shlwapi or urlmon are quite interesting. I'm aware BWC's Uxtheme, but I don't see any benefit at the moment and I just wanted to point out a possible bug. Supplement: Wininet IE7 seems OK , but gives a message on OS start "wininet expects a newer windows version" and KernelEx doesn't work. After I set Kex mode of wininet from disabled to XP the message is gone and KernelEx works. I think Wininet IE 8 has the urlmon (dependent module) ordinal problem.
  23. 1. Forwarding problem: Example Uxtheme Here [UXTHEME.DLL]DrawThemeTextEx=>uvtheme.dll: No forwarding to uvtheme, if original Kex Uxtheme in KernelEx folder is used (message - missing DrawThemeTextEx). Uvtheme.dll = Uxtheme.dll Vista It works, if I use Uxtheme XPSP3 (sys folder). Then I'm able to run Notepad++ 8.3.3 (with GUI), but not yet really usable. 2. Ordinal support -> possible bug: It occurs with a large number of ordinals in the same section (here Urlmon). Got message about missing API even though it exists. Ktree gives on first places # and later 0 (see png). With few entries I have only # and these defs seem to work. KtreeUrlmon [Urlmon.dll] 0101=>URLMXP.DLL: 0102=>URLMXP.DLL: 0103=>URLMXP.DLL: 0104=>URLMXP.DLL: ; IE7 8 0105=>URLMXP.DLL: 0106=>URLMXP.DLL: 0108=>URLMXP.DLL: 0111=>URLMXP.DLL: 0112=>URLMXP.DLL: 0113=>URLMXP.DLL: 0115=>URLMXP.DLL: 0304=>URLMXP.DLL: 0305=>URLMXP.DLL: 0308=>URLMXP.DLL: 0309=>URLMXP.DLL: 0310=>URLMXP.DLL: 0311=>URLMXP.DLL: 0314=>URLMXP.DLL: 0315=>URLMXP.DLL: 0316=>URLMXP.DLL: 0317=>URLMXP.DLL: 0318=>URLMXP.DLL: 0319=>URLMXP.DLL: 0320=>URLMXP.DLL: 0321=>URLMXP.DLL: 0322=>URLMXP.DLL: 0323=>URLMXP.DLL: 0324=>URLMXP.DLL: 0325=>URLMXP.DLL: 0326=>URLMXP.DLL: 0327=>URLMXP.DLL: 0329=>URLMXP.DLL: 0330=>URLMXP.DLL: 0331=>URLMXP.DLL: 0333=>URLMXP.DLL: 0335=>URLMXP.DLL: 0337=>URLMXP.DLL: 0349=>URLMXP.DLL: 0351=>URLMXP.DLL: 0353=>URLMXP.DLL: 0360=>URLMXP.DLL: 0362=>URLMXP.DLL: 0364=>URLMXP.DLL: 0365=>URLMXP.DLL: 0370=>URLMXP.DLL: 0390=>URLMXP.DLL: 0395=>URLMXP.DLL: 0396=>URLMXP.DLL: 0410=>URLMXP.DLL: CreateUri=>Urlmxp.dll: ; n4 CreateIUriBuilder=>URLMXP.DLL: CreateUriWithFragment=>URLMXP.DLL: CreateURLMonikerEx2=>URLMXP.DLL: CoInternetCanonicalizeIUri=>URLMXP.DLL: CoInternetCombineIUri=>URLMXP.DLL: CoInternetCombineUrlEx=>URLMXP.DLL: CoInternetIsFeatureEnabled=>URLMXP.DLL: CoInternetIsFeatureEnabledForUrl=>URLMXP.DLL: CoInternetIsFeatureZoneElevationEnabled=>URLMXP.DLL: CoInternetParseIUri=>URLMXP.DLL: CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled=>Urlmxp.dll: ;upgrade to ie6+ z3 CompatFlagsFromClsid=>Urlmxp.dll: ; IE9 GetIDNFlagsForUri=>URLMXP.DLL: GetPortFromUrlScheme=>URLMXP.DLL: GetIUriPriv=>URLMXP.DLL: GetUrlmonThreadNotificationHwnd=>URLMXP.DLL: IntlPercentEncodeNormalize=>URLMXP.DLL: IsIntranetAvailable=>URLMXP.DLL: QueryAssociations=>URLMXP.DLL: QueryClsidAssociation=>URLMXP.DLL: ResetUrlmonLanguageData=>URLMXP.DLL: ShouldDisplayPunycodeForUri=>URLMXP.DLL: ShouldShowIntranetWarningSecband=>URLMXP.DLL: Explanation: URLMXP.DLL = Urlmon.dll IE8 It loads, but got hang by replacing Urlmon IE6. Manual Update (replacing): Possible seems to change Menu>FolderOptions>General>WebView to "Use Windows classic folders". Required is dependent module iertutil.dll (IE8). IE8 -> still no GUI
  24. Yes, ClamWin slowed down with growing Definition files. Really slow to load the defs and understandably unusable with a P3 machine. My last def update is from April, sizes 166 & 60 MB.
  25. I have Xompie 0.6a here. @Chris46, I installed Avast 4.8.1368, but I couldn't reproduce this issue. Have you tried to reinstall Avast? https://www.avast.com/registration-free-antivirus#pc Maybe Avast logged something specific - see Menu>Log Viewer. Changing the logging level might also reveal more.
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