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Everything posted by schwups

  1. i do still have search symbols in my mypal when using 0kb search.json as read only Maybe I hadn't investigated this thoroughly. No, the library window is empty. Portable version: History and the Bookmarks created on OS XP will be saved and remain usable on ME/98 - apart from that use extension PlainOldFavorites.
  2. OK, thanks for your specs. Firefox 52 also works with a "ati radeon 9250 pci". Which graphics driver do you use? 98SE on a SSD - Real Machine!? No not canvas - correct is gfx.content.azure.backends: skia,cairo The first one - here skia - is being used. The second or others are fallback backends, if the first fails. Of course only skia is needed and the others can be omitted. Firefox 52 is set to skia by default. gfx.canvas.azure.backends: Here it doesn't matter if it is set to cairo or skia. Backend Direct2D isn't supported and requires Direct3D 11 compositing. There is no workaround. Yes, you can do this. Probably you will not have the symbols of the search engines in the search field. If search.json is set to read only, Mypal / Firefox (28 - 44) create a second file "search.json.tmp" with every start.
  3. What glitches do you see with standard theme? And it would be nice, if you tell us about your system specifications (graphics/driver/CPU/RAM/VirtualM or RM....).
  4. Using without Kext: I want to add that the forwarding in the registry (SessionManager\KnownDLLs ) API-MS-Win-Core-RtlSupport-L1-1-0 => Ntdll.dll should be API-MS-Win-Core-RtlSupport-L1-1-0 => Kernel32.dll. Otherwise Mypal 28/29, Centaury, Cyberfox 52 and IceDragon don't run. Error: UCrtBase.dll is linked to missing Export-Ntdll.dll:RTLCaptureContext. I have the entry "[ntdll.dll] RtlCaptureContext=" in the stubs.ini file as an aid. RTLCaptureContext should be supported by Kernel32.dll (Kexbases) and I think this the cleaner solution.
  5. Since some things have changed after the last KernelEx update, I have revised the instructions on the first page. Due to the improved API support, apparently Kext is no longer necessary to run Firefox up to version 49 (SeaMonkey 2.46), Mypal 28/29, Centaury, Cyberfox 52, IceDragon 52 and K-Meleon 76. It is still needed for Firefox 50 - 52, SeaMonkey 2.48 - 2.49.5, IceCat 38/52 and IceWeasel 52.
  6. I don't know the KernelEX file versions you use. I think the core.ini is version 20.e. Edit Kstub824.ini and try RtlNtStatusToDosError=n1. If this doesn't work disable RtlNtStatusToDosError in Kstub824.ini ( ;RtlNtStatusToDosError= ), reboot and check the functionality. I just checked Ntdll.dll's of ME and 98SE and noted that RtlNtStatusToDosError is already supported. So it should be removed from Kstub824. So at some point and somehow it slipped into the ini by mistake.
  7. The Windows/ Task folder hasn't Wizard Add Scheduled Task. 1. Desktop.ini: [.ShellClassInfo] CLSID={d6277990-4c6a-11cf-8d87-00aa0060f5bf} 2. PCHealth Scheduler for Data Collection.job 3. SA.DAT The wizard is in folder Scheduled Tasks - Control Panel or Startmenu System Tools ( Properties Target: C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE ,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} )
  8. SumatraPDF 3.4.3 runs with KernelEX core update 25 (without Kext). It loads quite slowly here, but it seems to work. I tried compatibility modes Vista and Win7. A printer is not connected. Details: Versions 3.2 and higher: Installer works incorrectly, extremely slow and is not usable. Use zip or portable (launcher version 1.6.8. of SumatraPDF 2.2.1 instead of launcher 2.2) Old issue on 98/ME - tabs are not labelled. Toolbar is broken. Use XP versions 3.3.x provided in the XP forum here. 3.2 requires d2d1.dll and Kext: [GDI32.DLL] D3DKMTCreateDCFromMemory=n1 D3DKMTDestroyDCFromMemory=n1 I had set the value to n1, but there might be better definitions. kexbases has D3DKMT_CreateDCFromMemory and D3DKMT_DestroyDCFromMemory. This version crashes on exit. 3.3 crashes on start. 3.3.1 - 3.3.3 start and run fast. 3.4 untestet 3.4.1 - 3.4.3 start and load slow. Other requirements GDIPlus.dll, DBGHelp.dll, msvcrt.dll 6.1.9848.0, CPU with SSE2 ? - see KernelExWiki.
  9. REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent] "EnableTrayIcon"=dword:00000001 OK wrong - I probably need stronger reading glasses!
  10. Are you looking for that? REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "PCHealth"="C:\\WINDOWS\\PCHealth\\Support\\PCHSchd.exe -s"
  11. Hardware acceleration on Firefox versions 23 and lower leads to massive GUI problems with those black holes on all of my ME and 98SE machines. This can only be fixed by restarting the OS. I don't mean to say that you did it. It is therefore also important to ensure that a profile is not used by a lower browser version and a higher version. I almost only test with portable versions. IMO testing with versions 12 - 23 doesn't make much sense. I couldn't find any other requirements apart from the mentioned in my tests from scratch so far, the question still remains why Firefox does not work on some systems. Hardware, special system patches, specific VM's.... Best it is KernelEX update 24 or 25. Update 16 or 17 will not work or will work very poorly.
  12. Firefox 45 on 98FirstEdition isn't or is hardly testet. I've Firefox 45.9 and 48.0.2 (AzureContentBackend set to "skia" to avoid graphical and icon glitches) running on 98SE. Also DirectX 9c is highly recommended to activate Hardware acceleration. The specs are chip VIA P4M800, CPU Intel Northwood (SSE2), NV6600GT (AGP)/driver 82.16 and 1GB Ram. Unfortunately RoyTam's Firefox 45 doesn't work with skia. RoyTam disabled the compilation switch, so that's not possible. Versions 12 - 23 freeze on start and 36 - 41 crash. This is also all to find in my topic as well as the requirements. To make it easier first try to run a pre-configured, 98/ME optimised, portable version Firefox 35 or 31 I provide here.
  13. IMO besides the nostalgia, a low-performing computer can be a reason to stick with browsers such Firefox 3.6. You know KernelEX offers the possibility to run Firefox 35 and even 52 and forks. For me, browsers like Firefox 3.6 hasn't been a solution for three or four years anymore. As is well known, albeit a little later Opera 12.02 browser also displayed the pages increasingly poorly. You are free to switch. I am currently using almost only Mypal/Palemoon29 on WinME and this works fine for my needs Yes, occasionally I press the "MinimiseMemory" addon button. For SSE only machines you can run e.g. RT's Firefox 45.
  14. It's also possible to make the characters readable and I recommend to change the browser default fonts (Preferences/Content). You have vertical lines in the tabs and menus. TimesNewRoman isn't a good choice. The Kexstubs.ini is now modified.
  15. A suggestion from me: Download Firefox 3.6.28 portable, install it somewhere, delete the firefox files in the Firefox subfolder (...\3.6 RoyTam\App\Firefox) of that installation and insert the (test) program files of e.g. fx36vc71-20171108_newnss.7z into it. In my opinion Portables are much better for testing. Then you get a fresh profile here. Of course you also can swap whole profiles or single files. https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/Mozilla Firefox%2C Portable Ed./Mozilla Firefox%2C Portable Edition 3.6.28/FirefoxPortableLegacy36_3.6.28_EnglishGB.paf.exe/download I see these nss files here: FREEBL3.CHK FREEBL3.DLL NSS3.DLL NSSCKBI.DLL NSSDBM3.CHK has an old date 2012 NSSDBM3.DLL NSSUTIL3.DLL SMIME3.DLL SOFTOKN3.CHK SOFTOKN3.DLL SSL3.DLL
  16. Instead of disabling something and maybe too much, try a reboot and check again. Typically in this case the calls shouldn't occur again after reboot.
  17. I will remove the five entries and re-upload the file to avoid possible problems here. The "ConditionVariables" are supported by KexVista.dll. FF52.9 don't need them!
  18. Yes, you said K-Meleon freezes on Tuesday. You can replace files. I rename the original file mostly with an "o" as Backup and then I paste the ones of the other version. nss files are also free...dll and soft...dll.
  19. It should not be called. Disable ConditionVariables with ";": ;SleepConditionVariables= or delete this entry in your Kstub824.ini. You don't need ConditionVariables for Version 52.9.
  20. RT'sFirefox3.6/ Win98SE: I still can't reproduce freezing on Trendmicro. The versions without newnss 20171014/20171025/20171108 give known message "Secure connection failed...", due to the "old" nss files. Did you try to run without extensions and with plugins disabled?
  21. I was inquisitive and did some tests with RT'S Firefox 3.6newnss. Probably the crashes on download are Win ME/js3250.dll specific and are independent of the KernelEX version or Kext. A Workaround, but not checked further: I took JS3250.DLL and MOZCRT19.DLL from original Firefox 3.6.28 (2012) and inserted them into RT'S Firefox 3.6newnss with the result that I was able to download files without crash. Interestingly the older version of 2017 10 25 gives no crashes on download, but bookmark and history functions don't work here (Win ME). I also ran Firefox 3.6 newnss on Win98SE and it didn't freeze on this trendmicro page or crashed on download. I think RoyTam has never tested this program on WinME.
  22. Set XP mode, if it is better on your system. And set Msvcr80.dll (Program Folder) to Base (Kexbases,Kexbasen). It should avoid runtime errors. Windows 2000 SP4 mode is the normal and envisaged setting on the firefox 3 exe. Does the fresh profile make a difference? I can hardly contribute to this at the moment, because I have not dealt with this further.
  23. Backup the profile folder and keep it. The trend micro page loads here, but I get an error / crash (firefox caused an error in JS3250.DLL ) on download. Maybe I could fix that with special KernelEx settings. I use neither Firefox 3.6 nor K_meleon 74 on ME. The page doesn't freeze on K-M74 here. I set Msvcr80.dll in the K-Meleon program folder to Base (Kexbases,Kexbasen). Latest http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/KM74-g22-20210814.win2000.7z
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