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Everything posted by oioldman

  1. good luck with it all and thanks for what you have done
  2. WGA does not need to be installed, but a legit version does. i have tested on a non wga installation with switches /quiet /update-no /norestart with no issues [edit] i lied, sorry. just finishd the build and it didn't install. As couldn't validate the version as it probably hasn't been activated yet and as it doesn't have a net connection, this should prove rather interesting........ [/edit]
  3. the switches i got were not those neo_matrix.rs - i got the same as TheInstaller - so guessing at 2:1 ours are correct and no integration is not possible
  4. think you would benefit greatly from a little trip here: http://unattended.msfn.org and yes you do create it
  5. looking at the truecrypt forum, it just expands the files to your chosen folder. so created a silent WinRAR sfx that works a treat puts the required icons on start menu total size is 1mb and can e-mail if wanted
  6. i would download and install ad-aware personal, apply latets defs and run that install a good AV and see what that does in regsitry you good check your "run" key and delete what you don't know and/or trust (make a backup first incase you delete what you shouldn't) see how it goes
  7. that file is no longer hosted due to inactive time period any body else got this please?
  8. thanks for your help and patience guys, have now got working
  9. thinks it's your screen as no changes here to notice
  10. same link i found the other week, just by accident. works ok, but i think some 3rd party are better
  11. i do mazin, but; under Bitmap i only have 1 & 2 to change So, do you mean Icon 1,3 & 6 to change?
  12. D***, why am i finding this so hard under Bitmap i only have 1 & 2 to change So, do you mean Icon 1,3 & 6 to change? the dialog text is fine and works all ok [edit] apologies, didn't realise a large puddle of water held up by a large wall with 'n' on the end was bad. [/edit]
  13. you need a reg tweak and that will do this, look around the reg tweaks topics of which there are at least 3 and very useful they are to
  14. try this tweak; [code]; Disable Start Menu Popping Up on First Boot [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] "StartMenuInit"=dword:00000002 "StartButtonBalloonTip"=dword:00000002[/code] grabbed this from the UARegistryTweakageDOTNET0.4.1.exe program
  15. i also remember there being a limit on the number of characters that this line can have and looking at ref.chm, there is; but somehow i don't think that is the problem here
  16. i know that the screen you have set is available twice from within AD, not sure of both locations, but 1 is under domain controllers (server) and the other is under the domain name at top of tree sorry if little vague am at work and don't have access to double check.
  17. thanks for cheering us up and then smacking us down again with the activation news. will look after weekend as too much drinking will be done for concentration to happen:)
  18. erolbaser, i would highly recommend you edit your post and remove your serial key.
  19. just installed this and am liking it alot. well done and thanks for all the effort you have put into this
  20. did you update HOSTS or Hosts.SAM as they are very different files? so having edited it correctly, what makes you think it doesn't work? if you put in a dummy line like www.cisco.com does it still get there or not? if not i'd say it works. i also thought that xp checked the hosts file first and then dns internal then external
  21. Thank you Ctrl-X that seems to be working. Will test a bit more later and update with result. [edit] Ctrl-X - thank you mate, that works an absolute treat. [/edit]
  22. hello again folks. Work as developed a reason for this to be used and i appreciate the original erffot made by those in previous posts especially topic starter for giving his thoughts and code away. I've written one up but can't get one reg query to work as i need and would appreciate any thoughts on how to correct it below is code in use that doesn't work ECHO MS Windows XP Service Pack 2 REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CSDVersion > nul 2>&1 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( ECHO is already installed ) ELSE ( ECHO Installing... %CDROM%\KB835935SP2.exe /quiet /forcerestart /n /f ECHO Installation complete. ) ECHO. ECHO. The CSDVersion works if only used against clean xp (NO serveice pack) as no CSDVersion key in none SP. How can I modify it so that if a pc has ServicePack 1 installed as the CSDVersion key exists it will install ServicePack2??????? Thanks all for any help
  23. ditto as thunderbolt 2864
  24. your quotes all look a bit misplaced. try using this: ""MP10Setup.exe /q:A /c:""setup_wm.exe /Q /R:N /DisallowSystemRestore"" notice that the end 2 quotes have been remved and they now surround whole instruction. this has been mentioned lots of times in teh forum, a quick search should find a known good command, in fact i posted mine up there and it is good.
  25. why rename the .sif file, and i didn't think you could use ( or ) in a file name. Try just modifying the name within the .sif at the end under the description area, can't remember exact details.
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