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Everything posted by oioldman

  1. Do I assume that the "IEAccess=Off" line goes withn the [Components} section "For example, Windows XP supports an "IEAccess=off" switch in the Unattend.txt file," Though if wrong, where does it go please. Thanks
  2. Wendy, If you can access your original hdd you should be able through windows explorer see, <Original drive letter>\WINDOWS\system32\config\ and you should see the files; default system software you may also ntuser.dat and usrclass.dat (these are USER specific) These files may be possibly be opened in wordpad or notepad and viewed. Looking on http://www.micrsoft.com/technet and searching for registry files xp brings up quite a few useful guides that mauy assist NeilW
  3. Admittedly, they do take a long time load, but you could always do this Open your browser Enter the address of => http://www.jsiinc.com/ Click on => Tips & Tricks => in middle of screen Enter the tip number 2726 and click GO works fine. repeat for tip number 3259 again, works fine.
  4. If you click Start | Run and type winver and press return it will produce a dialog box on the screen containing the versionof windows you have installed. Admit I may be wrong on this, but it normally shows someting akin to => Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp.........................) This may show what Release Candidtae of XP you have currently installed. If it doesn't help, sorry, just thought it might.
  5. Beat me to it radimus. I will say though, that V3 is supposed to incorporate this and i do remember reading about an msi for V2.x being available from the site, but isn't very easy to find. Good remote admin prog though, used all time here at work, never fails and V2.1 fits onto a floppy disk, (if you can remember that far back)
  6. sykocus, your right about the inf file part. I kinda did it differently to the unattended way, put it still worked. Hope it works, either way though.
  7. If you do decide it is OfficeXP, (Office 2002), whihch I suspect it is, I performed the below and it worked perfectly fine Browse to directory where the file is saved and run "E:\Stuff\OriginalCD\OfficeXP_Updates\OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-fullfile-enu.exe /C /T:E:\Stuff\OriginalCD\OfficeXP_Updates" <Change E:\Stuff\OriginalCD\OfficeXP_Updates\ as required to your drive and folder> This will extract the files into that specific directory. Then modify the file "ohotfix.ini" with the following chnages ONLY ; IsNormalUpdate=1 => default setting IsNormalUpdate=0 ; AdminPath= => Deafault Setting AdminPath=E:\MSOfficeXP\PROPLUS.MSI <This again applies to your personal settings, and indicates where Office is stored> ; UpgradeMsi=1 => Default Setting UpgradeMsi=0 then run "E:\Stuff\OriginalCD\OfficeXP_Updates\ohotfix.exe" Hope that helps a bit, and is probably also noted on the unattended site...........which has this pefectly readable step by step guide
  8. Hello Tim, with ref to the above quote, I found this on M$, only url needed as is long doc => http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;310516 but essentially, "Deleting Registry Keys and Values To delete a registry key with a .reg file, put a hyphen (-) in front of the RegistryPath in the .reg file. For example, to delete the Test subkey from the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software put a hyphen in front of the following registry key in the .reg file: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Test The following example has a .reg file that can perform this task. [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Test] To delete a registry value with a .reg file, put a hyphen (-) after the equals sign following the DataItemName in the .reg file. For example, to delete the TestValue registry value from the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Test" As for how you can add this to a VBScript, i wouldn't know that answer sorry.
  9. Afternoon turbomcp, If your after stopping it from loading, you can do no worse than doing the below, this will actually UN-INSTALL it completely. Make sure your Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Windows Messenger and other programs are closed before doing this. 1) Click on Start, Run 2) Type the following (or cut and paste it) into the Run line RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove 3) Click on OK More ways of doing it can be found here => http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_messenger.htm This includes, uninstalling, disabling service, stopping from autloading at startup and a few other Hope that helps
  10. Hello, On the MSFN.org homepage it has a link on the left side column, that says "IE6 SP1 Full Download" under Misc. Downloads. Following those intructions you should be able to downlaod the IE6SP1 cab files for the OS your using, e.g Xp in this case which believe when i did it was only about 15Mb in size. It doesn't contain any of the NT / W2K or W9x stuff. You will when done need to pull down all the updates to IE, which can be garnered from this url at M$ => http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downlo...cal/default.asp hope that helps.....
  11. I have just been to http://support.microsoft.com and entered the patch number of Q323183 and it found the following details => Availability of Windows XP Service Pack 1 Support for Bluetooth Wireless Devices try this url and you should be ok => http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;323183 It does state the following within it "If you are not a system or device manufacturer, contact the manufacturer of your Bluetooth wireless technology device to obtain this update." so it may mean you as a user are not able to get hold of this update. Hope that helps a little.
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