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Everything posted by oioldman

  1. jcarle et al, I've had a go at trying to create my .ul file and I believe all is ok, but for some reason WUD will not see the file, no matter which location I place the file. The code I have used is: (a simple x3 o2k3 updates) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <updatelist product="MS Office 2003" platform="x86" language="ENU" lastupdate="2008-11-10" xmlns="http://wud.jcarle.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://wud.jcarle.com http://wud.jcarle.com/wud.xsd"> <!-- Created by oioldman --> <categories> <category id="1">Office 2003 x86 Critical Updates</category> <category id="2">Office 2003 x86 Important Updates</category> <category id="3">Office 2003 x86 Recommended Updates</category> <category id="4">Office 2003 x86 Service Packs</category> </categories> <updates> <update id="KB943973" category="3" article="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-011.mspx" publishdate="2008-02-12"> <title>Security Update for Microsoft Works Suite 2005 (KB943973)</title> <description>Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Works File Converter Could Allow Remote Code Execution (947081)</description> <filename>office2003-KB943973-FullFile-ENU.exe</filename> <url>http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/3/3/23383749-c05a-4148-94f7-e1951095f429/office2003-KB943973-FullFile-ENU.exe</url> </update> <update id="KB947650" category="2" article="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-019.mspx" publishdate="2008-04-08"> <title>Security Update for Microsoft Office Visio 2003 (KB947650)</title> <description>Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Visio Could Allow Remote Code Execution (949032)</description> <filename>visio2003-KB947650-FullFile-ENU.exe</filename> <url>http://download.microsoft.com/download/b/a/e/bae0ca69-363a-4b8d-8df8-649fac2e7d6f/visio2003-KB947650-FullFile-ENU.exe</url> </update> <update id="KB950241" category="1" article="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-026.mspx" publishdate="2008-05-13"> <title>Security Update for Microsoft Office Word 2003 (KB950241)</title> <description>Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word Could Allow Remote Code Execution (951207)</description> <filename>office2003-KB950241-FullFile-ENU.exe</filename> <url>http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/7/3/573b9119-b136-44a4-99d1-dabf7c576904/office2003-KB950241-FullFile-ENU.exe</url> </update> </updates> </updatelist>saved as a .ul file, but it will not be seen when i open the application. Any pointers appreciated as would like to understand this. Want to update a couple to help others as they have me in creating this app. Cheers, NeilW aka oioldman attached for preview to make easier to highlight my mistakes etc etc office_2003_x86_enu_20081110.ulz
  2. go to microsoft and look for robocopygui put in what you want it to do. place tick in save script bingo all done and no code knowledge needed
  3. me is a plonka thanks for pointing out the obvious Geej will now try to understand why it doesn't install at GUIRunOnce, as have an app i like that needs it (Outlook on the Desktop) time to test me thinks and see what happens.
  4. thanks geej, however i would like to have mine installed via svcpack.inf do you think the dnf_full.exe will work like that?
  5. i found that dnf11 & 20 installed ok in vmware but not dnf30 & 35 so do via runonce.cmd after 1st login and still no joy. i can see it open the 7zip file to extract but then nothing, zip, nadda if i run after all finished and back at desktop all is ok - weird and starting to do my head in so may risk and rebuild lappy and see whatgives.
  6. nope, no ie7 specific reg tweaks, but do have a fair few for ie6 which i hadn't thought could be causing an issue - will play more tonight however when i run from dos area of install after 1st login, (forget proper stage name) it install all fine as expected with no issues at all - even tabbed browsing
  7. cool, adding REG ADD %KEY% /V Flags /T REG_DWORD /D 128 /F made teh dialog boxes dappear & ie7 installs all ok, but for some reason, i don't get the tabbed version. my looks like ie6 when i run it. any thoughts as too what i'm doing wrong? I use: REG ADD %KEY%\020 /VE /D "Internet Explorer 7" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Apps\IE7\IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe /quiet /update-no /no-default /norestart" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\Apps\IE7\IE7-WindowsXP-KB947864-x86-ENU.exe /quiet /norestart" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 3 /D "%CDROM%\Apps\IE7\IE7-WindowsXP-KB950759-x86-ENU.exe /quiet /norestart" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 4 /D "%CDROM%\Apps\IE7\IE7-WindowsXP-KB953838-x86-ENU.exe /quiet /norestart" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 5 /D "%CDROM%\Apps\IE7\IE7-WindowsXP-KB956390-x86-ENU.exe /quiet /norestart" /f
  8. i'd also like to add that the guide on page1 was great and easy to follow - i'm confused how some people managed to find rather difficult but hay ho. clair, same as yourself, OCT says you can add exchange info, but i can;t see where you can do this. it does mention a prf can be imported to add this stiff, but need to understand how to create that prf file from existing install before all wiped off...
  9. Mr.Shady, Was hoping you wouldn't mind re-hosting somewhere as liked the two you have done. simple / clean and updates xp a little [edit] tried again & all ok so ignore me [/edit]
  10. removed as seem to duplicate post - sorry
  11. Coldknife, you could probably make it an .ISO file and then load into vmware and test.
  12. Just thought this may help somebody out -> http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_...indows-AIK.html had a look through and quite liked it. will try when can justify the stupid price of vista
  13. cheers guys, will have a look at imgburn
  14. @geek, cheers for those options as i currently use nero6 and was wondering about upgrading to 7 or 8 but understand that they are now so full of bloatware. Do recommend any program specifically over another for a reason or to?? thank you
  15. yes i know this is 3yrs old, but at least i used the search function. Does anybody know if the above method still works? though i would do it as a self extracting winrar file. Thanks
  16. it was noted that doing the slipstream on a vista pc would break the product entry. do the slipstream on an xp machine
  17. Hello All, Found this new icon in my system tray when i turned on the PC and seems it is a autoupdater for shockwave. Quick search and seems you can remove this "option" byy following adobe instructions. By following this link, you'll also notice that it collects "anonymous" user info and sends it back/. Nice one Adobe, thanks for being open and honest about this during install process, NOT!!!!!! Another reason to not install there other products at least as you need the flash/shockwave plugin for most internet sitrs. NeilW http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewConten...3&sliceId=1
  18. cheers glen, that be a no then really as nothing specific about x64 other than the quote you took from it.
  19. seems to be jcarle. nice program by the way.
  20. to follow on from this. We all know that 32bit SP3 is now available. However, is SP3 64bit available as yet?
  21. spot on Arie, just thinking of that palce myself is a real world test one to show that av s/w can find them
  22. i run mine from runonceex.cmd and not a normal .bat. So I would hazard a guess that; ECHO installing IrfanView ECHO Please wait... start /wait %CDROM%\Apps\IrfanView\iview400_setup.exe /silent /desktop=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1 start /wait %CDROM%\Apps\IrfanView\irfanview_plugins_400_setup.exe /silent Now, i'm assuming you have something at the top of .bat that investigates what the cdrom is. apps\irfanview is the location of the files to install on the cd for example and you should be good to go. Now, are you sure that no other apps are installing the google toolbar, as i believe adobe acrobat reader does or did
  23. That has to be the best regtweak ever found - i really really hate the ctfmon.exe with a passion. The amount of times it makes zonealarm pop up is unbelievable. Cheers Digi
  24. yep that is right, it is in the $OEM$ Folder you could do no worse than than go through this for a double check: http://unattended.msfn.org
  25. is the 98PC added to the domain, (so you can see domain name at logon)? if not, can you install the ad bi so that it attaches to domain? been a while, but i thought it asked for username & password for authentication?
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