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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2023 in Posts

  1. @win32 It works for me finally! Thank you! And it's working on Windows 7 RTM too!
    3 points
  2. And yet, this is occurring regularly. If you want to annoy the person that wrote something, you can just use @ before their name. But no, let's repeat the long wall of text again just after it was posted. Seems some aren't even aware selective quote is a thing.
    3 points
  3. Firefox is my main browser. It was formerly Pale Moon, but the bloated web started to take its toll and some websites refused to work properly. In many respects, Google Chrome has become the new Internet Explorer and it isn't hard to come across a website that only properly works under Chrome. I refuse to be subjected to Google's spyware where possible, however, so I only use it when absolutely necessary (and specifically - Ungoogled Chromium, at that). Firefox is far from perfect. Their Quantum update and rebrand seemed to have been done in an attempt of attracting Chrome users while in reality only serving to alienate their existing user base. Firefox simply can't compete with Google's monopoly over the web. It will never be the fastest browser (many suspect non-Chrome browsers are purposefully throttled on sites such as YouTube), but it was at one point the clear winner in terms of features and customization. I could go on, but you probably get the idea. With that being said, my wishful hope is that Mozilla understands the importance of keeping Windows 7 & 8 support. I couldn't possibly know what their usage statistics on those operating systems say or what exactly their ultimatum will be for eventually ending support, but I hope it's pushed back as far as possible. For those of us left on Windows 7 & 8, likely disillusioned with Microsoft's current direction, it's only going to get more difficult. Undoubtedly, there will be unofficial browsers (as there have been already) but having official support is still quite important.
    3 points
  4. Yep! I've seen DOZENS (plural!) of conversations here at MSFN taken out of context and steered in the wrong direction. DOZENS! By dozens of different people, no real "common denominator" (some have a common denominator, but not "statistically significant"). Most of the time "by accident". A few times "on purpose". I try to just "write them off" as cultural differences and language barriers. This is a multinational web site. Points can not often be conveyed ACCURATELY in a tiny sentence or two. And nobody wants to read a "diatribe" when visiting MSFN. We all view the world differently and that view can effect just how a tiny sentence is interpreted. ALL forums are like that.
    2 points
  5. Supermium version 115.0.5760.0 does not work even with option --no-sandbox. Version 115.0.5760.0 R2 works fine. Win 7 OS with all updates through May 2023.
    2 points
  6. Did you update to the latest release of Supermium?
    2 points
  7. Good, selective quote. So also: never redundantly quote the previous post in its entirety. Be selective, or simply respond without quoting.
    2 points
  8. Kext: DIY KernelEx extensions A collection of tools for extending KernelEx Core.ini (in Post #144) Ktree9.7z iphlpapi4.7z Kstub822.zip Other recommended updates !Please post recommendations! Msvcrt.dll <- Msvcr70.dll / Msvcr71.dll Msvcr90.dll 9.00.21022.8 Msimg32.dll 5.00.2218.1 (Lab06_N(PRAVINSDEV).000328-1149) Winhttp.dll 5.1.2600.1557 (xpsp2_gdr.040517-1325) MsXML 4.0 SP2+fix / SP3 Ktree - KernelEx API viewer (Tree view control for core.ini and KernelEx\KnownDLLs) Ktree9.7z - (9Jan13): lists extension modules invoked by "contents=" of Core.ini lists DLLs supported via HKLM\Software\KernelEx\KnownDLLs lists all extensions by DLL lists all extensions by API Click below to see older updates: Iphlpapi.dll - Iphlpapi extension wrapper iphlpapi4.7z - (7Jan13): For use with or without KernelEx / Kexstubs see Post #116 for details and usage New in this version: Better GetAdaptersAddresses 10 new stubs Click below to see older updates: Kexstubs - better forwarding, better definitions Kstub822.zip - Kstub822.dll, Kstub822.ini Latest definitions for all stubbed functions! Fixes two bugs introduced in 816 related to comment processing New in 816: Forward definitions can now be abbreviated and commented Many new forward definitions providing full function support Stepload support removed Click below to see older updates: Source code available upon request:
    1 point
  9. Currently listening to music on YouTube while staying in my Windows XP x64 desktop environment. Just 5 steps. Instructions are included in the screenshot.
    1 point
  10. Do you guys also have festival of mental health or something like that in your countries?
    1 point
  11. did you add the tls 1.2 registry keys and verified they are visible and checked in internet options after a reboot? https://www.windowspage.de/tipps/010303.html https://www.retrospace.net/infoseiten/readm.php?id=98 this should automatically enable tls 1.2 in all apps using winhttp keeping ie7 is impossible, 8 on xp and 9 on vista is required
    1 point
  12. It's also human nature to kind of think that the world revolves around "you". We are all the CENTER of our own world, our frame of reference is always through our own eyes and ears, not somebody else's eyes and ears. Somebody can wave to somebody BEHIND you, and it is kind of human nature to want to wave back, but some of us can divert that reaction to looking to the side so that our peripheral sees behind us. That's actually one of my funniest observations in life, I drive with one hand at the steering wheel "at noon" (my vehicles are manual transmission, dislike automatic transmission). It is HILLARIOUS the number of people that WAVE to me because they see one hand at the top of the steering wheel and they are so self-centric that they think I was WAVING at them.
    1 point
  13. It doesn't matter to me either. I'm just citing that this is bad marketing. HOW did you ever FIND this firewall? You didn't find it from a search engine with a search query like "windows xp firewall", did you? That's how I find most of my can't-live-without software programs. But agreed, it doesn't matter. Their market will probably TRIPLE now that users can find out about it here at MSFN versus a search engine query.
    1 point
  14. No, but I looked at Supermium's Github page, and noticed there's a new release available; 115.0.5760.0 R2. I will test that, and then report the results.
    1 point
  15. uBlock Origin can now be updated to the version 1.49.2! I changed the minversion in the file manifest.json of uBlock Origin 1.49.2 from 79.0 to 68.0. Doing so it can be installed in the new pre-release of Mypal 68.13.0. Here are two screenshots: As you can see, I already tested uBlock Origin 1.49.2, and it seems to be working properly in the new pre-release of Mypal 68.13.0. The filter lists have been updated flawlessly, and I can't notice any problems. Cheers, AstroSkipper
    1 point
  16. Finally a good explanation. A bitmap cache, perhaps?. I'm transitioning in the different direction. I want a linux with openbsd for non-smb home networking, and want to run XP (as I like it, all stripped down of tricks and in shinny leather, so to speak), for non-internet related stuff and apps. But thank you very much for sharing this.
    1 point
  17. since you're on newer windows, you may try on official build to see if problem persists.
    1 point
  18. you may need to give few more weeks for him as he is away-ish in these weeks as stated in https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/2229
    1 point
  19. I found a discussion of Office 2013, keeping it, here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/reinstall-windows-10-but-keep-microsoft-office/d73df984-ef71-4bf2-8ee8-46941eb5db2f It says basically the same thing, you need the original media and key and without that, you can't keep it once it's wiped. The only other option I can think of it to get a hack for the key, but that's not really a good option in my experience as often such hacks either don't work, or they might open you up to other problems. What I recommend is use Open Office instead. It's a very capable program and if you need to, you can open the files in Microsoft Office and save them there a second time in Microsoft's format. Do understand though that MS Office will not keep any fancy features you might use in OO in the transition. It's good enough to get started though, and sometimes that is all you need.
    1 point
  20. discord uses "calc()" css rules, which is done by fedor in mypal and ported to my tree in https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commit/8a0897d23f5b51526f8a2c6ef63cb26968e6b985
    1 point
  21. New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20230513-73569c73-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod.7z BNavigator Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20230513-73569c73-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod.7z source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom Changes: - [Mail] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1451 - Follow-up: Only copy hunspell shared library if we're not building against system Hunspell. (b359e7ad) - [Navigator] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1451 - Follow-up: Only copy hunspell shared library if we're not building against system Hunspell. (73569c73) * Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15. -- New build of HBL-UXP for XP! Test binary: IceDove-UXP(mail) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/icedove.win32-20230513-id-656ea98-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod.7z IceApe-UXP(suite) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/iceape.win32-20230513-id-656ea98-ia-93af9a0-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod.7z source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/icedove-uxp/tree/winbuild https://github.com/roytam1/iceape-uxp/tree/winbuild Changes: - [IceDove] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1451 - Follow-up: Only copy hunspell shared library if we're not building against system Hunspell. (d5e08d7) - [IceApe] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1451 - Follow-up: Only copy hunspell shared library if we're not building against system Hunspell. (360d9b0) for UXP changes please see above.
    1 point
  22. New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230513-3219d2d-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win64-git-20230513-3219d2d-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230513-3219d2d-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod-ia32.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32 NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230513-d849524bd-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod.7z Win32 IA32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230513-d849524bd-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod-ia32.7z Win32 SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230513-d849524bd-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod-sse.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win64-git-20230513-d849524bd-uxp-1e37e713c-xpmod.7z Official UXP changes picked since my last build: - Issue #2232 - Parse exported async functions. (9693552c5) - Issue #2234 - Part 1: Create async function wrapper when instantiating module functions (ab1c0a384) - Issue #2234 - Part 2: Ensure that the created async function wrapper is valid (e52da4707) - Issue #2234 - Part 3: Update tests (2d6c41966) - Issue #2236 - Fix import.meta module error in lambdas by moving parseGoal() into SharedContext. Based on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1604792 Also remove ParseGoal being passed through Parser introduced in #1691 Part 2. (1c70f64e7) - No Issue - Updates to Mac packaging for notarization. Add Mac entitlements. Switch to using "create" instead of "makehybrid" when creating the disk image. This fixes bogus extended attributes which interfere with the code signature. Finally add any -bin or dylibs in the Resources folder since --deep skips that folder. (fae36a95e) - No issue - Limit JPEG decoder memory allocation to surface cache size. (cc6ef1f3b) - [widget] Rewrite data-read loop in OnDataAvailable. (500af2fe5) - No issue - Disable ms-cxh and ms-cxh-full protocol handling. (ea32d13dc) - No issue - block a few problematic DLLs. (e39dc9d9b) Official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build: - [Pale-Moon] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1451 - Follow-up: Only copy hunspell shared library if we're not building against system Hunspell. (aadd6244c) - [Pale-Moon] No issue - Silence tab closing animation assert if the tabbrowser is not visible (4a9e6100e) - [Pale-Moon] No issue - Ensure window.location exists before checking against the browser URL (a39686b91) - [Pale-Moon] No issue - Remove invalid key attribute on Permissions menu item (1ae0d6ff7) No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build. My changes since my last build: - [Basilisk] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1451 - Follow-up: Only copy hunspell shared library if we're not building against system Hunspell. (6b13231b9)
    1 point
  23. Russia just got technologies from China. China's Great Firewall (GFW) do side-channel monitoring and attacks by DNS posioning, TCP RST attacks, plaintext TLS SNI filterings, and more.
    1 point
  24. because this is not MITM, this is kind of side-channel attack. MITM DPI requires decryption and re-encryption IN TIME.
    1 point
  25. And depending the country you are in, it is not uncommon to find "secure", even oficial sites with badly-made certificates, or with outdated ones. To accept them is either fruit of desperation, oblivion, or of well-informed browsing practices. Roytam1's subforum, and the three+ 360Chome subfora in the parent forum referenced above provide plenty of tips on how to do the later, particularly (but not only) in XP and Vista -very much like Mathwiz said, before. For some problems there is no cure, though, but to trust Android, Windows8+ (forbidden in Germany, for instance, for official use due to its spyware nature), they'll take care of you :P, or go the way of Linux (i.e., Linkedin).
    1 point
  26. for DPI, you still need installing a Root Cert in browser's Cert Store in order to make it "look-like" transparent. without doing this, users end-up getting "Unknown Issuer" security warning page instead.
    1 point
  27. I promise to be polite, educated, and generally normal, like yerself. I stand corrected and in penance: you obviously don't know your own s***. Also your cybersecurity knowledge is not up to date, as you are alerting us about 6 year old problems you later tell us have not been an issue since. I'm wery sowy for not having stated that with much more clarity before. In the meanwhile, and back on topic: very please, and with sugar on top, take notice of where are you writing and for what purpose.
    1 point
  28. Add to the list : screaming in CAPSLOCK, "jokes" from non-English users, enormous amount of smileys, patronising language, cheap sarcasm, adding links to "funny" sources, junk/crap in someone's "signature". Saying "me too", "I agree" , making up and then writing absolute crap just to fill out space on the forum.
    1 point
  29. you have gotten followed for this
    1 point
  30. I also use it to get rid of some functions I don't use, or that I want to cripple, for instance rdclip and Internet Explorer Version Update. I've long wanted to uncheck a few more in the attached image, but I've been lazy to test
    1 point
  31. I found the link to this update. http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/2/0/120BCFA4-DF31-4E0F-8739-935A4C69AF82/NDP1.1sp1-KB2604044-X86.exe
    1 point
  32. A search for "NetUseEnum function msdn" yields: NetUseEnum function - MSDN - Microsoft Seven parameters. So return something other than zero. For Netapi32 functions, error code 1 works well. No reference to SetLastError. New definition should be: [Netapi32.dll] NetUseEnum=o7
    1 point
  33. Good testing guys. I've added a warning to post #10. These definitions are intended to help the MSVC2010 CRT's so I'm surprised that they affect the 2008 CRT's. Can someone confirm with a process viewer what version of the CRT's are loaded in OO3.2.1 or other apps when the failure occurs? loblo had mentioned that "HeapQueryInformation -> SetLastError also seems to work but only when the function HeapSetInformation isn't also required". Try using the updates and commenting out just the "HeapQueryInformation" definition. It that isn't the culprit, a binary search will be needed--comment out half the remaining new definitions on each try. Unlike core.ini, stubs.ini supports both line and section comments. A semicolon (';') in front of a section name comments out the whole section. In front of a line, it comments out the whole line. Comments can also be place at the end of any line. For C/C++ programmers, a double-slash ("//") should also work. And for batch file programmers, a double-colon ("::"). (Okay, actually it's any character <= ';') In core.ini, there are no line or end-of-line comments. Whole sections can be commented out by inserting a semicolon (';') before the section name. To comment out a line, I move it to the bottom of the section, then insert a new line with the section header "[;]" above it.
    1 point
  34. I didn't like the idea of needing to restart, either, but trying to avoid it delayed the release by weeks. I was unable to avoid the fact that KernelEx only loads support DLL's at startup. Even if it were possible to unload and then reload KernelEx like a USB device driver, unloading it would require the termination of all clients and that would pretty much shut down Windows anyway. The next version of Kexstubs, however, will allow for the redefinition of stubs with just the restart of any app that needs the new definition. This will allow for experimentation with various return values and LastError codes without a system restart.
    1 point
  35. Excellent testing and reporting, schwups. During development, I searched the web for references to "missing export" to find needed API's and then added stub definitions. Naturally, I missed some that were right under my nose. Here is an update based largely upon loblo's work that can be manually added to stubs.ini to complete MSVC2010 (non-.NET) support. Definitions will take effect after next Windows restart: [edit] * Warning: Read posts #15-17 before applying these definitions. Insert definitions one at a time and only as needed. * [/edit] [Kernel32.dll] ActivateActCtx=f2e CreateActCtxA=t1e CreateActCtxW=t1e DeactivateActCtx=f2e FindActCtxSectionStringA=f5e FindActCtxSectionStringW=f5e GetGeoInfoA=z5e GetGeoInfoW=z5e GetUserGeoID=t1 GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA=z3e GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW=z3e HeapQueryInformation=f5e InitializeSListHead=f1 InterlockedFlushSList=f1 InterlockedPopEntrySList=f1 InterlockedPushEntrySList=f2 QueryDepthSList=f1 ReleaseActCtx=f1 By the way, sections don't need to be in alphabetical order but there should be no duplicates. Function definitions should be sorted, but Kexstubs will bubble-sort them (then reorder the strings) if they are not.
    1 point
  36. @jds >Does this now supersede the previous 'NetApiEx' stuff? Temporarily, yes. At the moment, Kexstubs has stub support for more Netapi32 functions than NetApiEx. And additional stubs can easily be added as needs arise. But stubs are only a first step--they allow a program to load, but not to fully function. The next step is to write code that actually does what the calling program expects of it. That will be the role of NetApiEx in the future: to provide working API's rather than simple stubs. If we keep things open source with the right licensing, we should be able to borrow code from Wine and ReactOS as well as from the excellent work of our own WildBill and blackwingcat.
    1 point
  37. Excellent question, PROBLEMCHYLD. Previously, when users trying out new software were confronted with a "missing export" load failure, they had only two options: 1. Wait for someone else to update KernelEx, 2. Update KernelEx themselves. With Kexstubs installed, now there is is third option: 3. Edit a configuration file and reboot! And once I get the kinks worked out of the Kext examples, there will be a fourth option: 4. Add or upgrade specific API's by developing a custom module, without needing to rebuild the entire KernelEx core. Option 3 is the best for normal users (and great for developers as well), and is here right now. Option 4 will be the best for developers, and I expect will be the avenue for most new KernelEx development. Contributed results from options 3 and 4 can be rolled into the core KernelEx package if and when it is next updated.
    1 point
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